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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Like this : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqcyJHf-zpQ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YaaFr0H4s0k
  2. If you want to breed Type: Null with Ditto, I have to say "That's absolutely impossible". Type: Null is a legendary pokemon and you need to see the list of undiscovered egg group.
  3. Did you forget that the crests aren’t guaranteed to be in V13? Well, you have to wait for the future versions. But I don’t know if rests of Eeveelutions crests will be available.
  4. Sorry to disappoint you, Dark Champion. But I agree with Evi Crystal. The reason why Blake locked Heather up because that might prevent her from giving people any foods so they’re going to starve again. In other words, that’s the order from Team Meteor. It’s not that I don’t like him but I don’t trust him.
  5. Mine is Lin. She's an unforgiving merciless psychopath serial killer.
  6. Glad that team helped you. Now, you need to go help Karrina. You'll find her in Junction Bridge.
  7. I'm really a bit stressed. I don't know for sure if any towns and routes have a different designs in E19 than in E18. I wonder what happens if Byxbysion Wasteland is purified so Bysbysion Ward would be reborn. I need to know also what it became to Orre Region. That's why I'm waiting also for E19 of Pokemon Reborn.
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