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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. The scenario after Huey has been petrified continues. Back to the scene after the events of Hospital of Hope. When the player arrives to hotel, their friends are surprised to see them :

    Melia : "Player"?


    Melia runs to the player, hugging them.


    Melia : I was so worried about you. I thought you would never come.


    About Venam, she told me to shut herself into her room, atoning her for her uselessness.

    That hurt me a lot at the moment I saw her. I pity her.

    Yet I'm glad she's unharmed, but all she said that this is her punishment for acting too naive.

    If she had been petrified, I would feel guilty for not being able to protect her.

    Except for that, if you want to know about Lavender, we sent her to Hospital of Hope for her recovery, too.

    I'm glad she's OK but we don't know for sure if she's gonna be alright.


    Oh, I forgot. Chasity's here. You know? Venam's mother.


    Chasity : I'm coming.


    Chasity comes to Melia and the player.


    Chasity : Hello, "Player". Long time no see.

    I'm glad you're here. Melia told me about everything she knows.

    I wanted you to know that I tried to comfort my daughter by giving permission to do what she wants but she rejected everything and didn't want to go out.

    I never thought she got her spirit broken. She was energetic before.

    Melia : I know. She was my best friend. And I couldn't do anything for her.


    Kanon arrives.


    Kanon : Oh, hello. Are you fine?

    Melia : Of course they're fine.

    Oh. "Player"? Can you explain what happened?


    The player explains everything what they remember. The alternate dialogue continues.


    Note : I decided to take parts of scenario after Huey's petrification. So that's it for now. See you next time.

  2. Happy birthday, Azzie. Take your time of happiness.

  3. If only many TMs will be added to any locations in V13. There's something I can wish for.
  4. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. Back to Glass Workstation, after the player broke free from Pulse Hypno's Hypnosis, the scenario is already altered as Cain no longer being hypnotized as he falls unconscious :

    Bennett : Dammit! You got to be kidding. What's the meaning of this?

    Luna : "Player". You're back. But I thought-

    Randomus : They remembered something and then, hypnosis was broken.

    Serra : That's what's like "indirectly inversing our situation". I'm proud of them.

    Bennett : Zel, what's going on?


    Zel : "Player"...broke...hypnosis..."Player"...broke...hypnosis...that...nothing...what...hell...no...hypnosis...broken...dammit...he...what...god...no...fair...no...fair...

    No fair! No fair! No fair! No fair! No fair! No fair! No fair! No fair! No fair! NO FAIR!



    An unstable furious Zel uses Umbreon.



    Bennett : Zel?

    Oh, goddammit.

    Luna : "Player". Concentrate on battling Zel and Pulse Hypno.

    Gardevoir : We'll take care of Bennett. We won't let him get away with Sapphire Bracelets.


    Gardevoir uses Psychic on the player to reach Zel.


    Bennett : I never thought our plan will be easily backfired. That's the case after "Player" escaped from hypnosis.

    We have to do by ourselves. Zel?





    The battle starts and ends with Zel, Pulse Hypno and Bennett losing the battle. As a result, Pulse Hypno starts to lose control.


    Zel : No. Hypno! It's starting to go out of control.

    Bennett : Tsk! Now we're doomed. Why didn't you put them all to sleep if hypnosis won't work anymore?

    Zel : If hypnosis doesn't work, so the ability to make them sleep won't.

    Bennett : Great. Now what choice do we have?

    Luna : What's happening?

    Randomus : The defeat of Hypno has caused its psychic powers to go wild. I don't know how to stop this carnage.


    Gardevoir moves foward.


    Luna : Gardevoir?

    You're already tired from that fight; there's no need to push yourself further.

    Gardevoir : You have a point.

    But the energy is unstable. That would cause destruction and take our lifes.

    I won't let my Master die here...

    I won't never let anyone suffer, anymore. And you should know it.

    I'll never, ever let that happen!

    Serra : What is she doing...

    Luna : As you may know, Gardevoir are fiercely loyal to their Trainers.

    It is said that they will do anything in their power to protect their Trainer, even if it costs them their own life.

    Randomus : Gardevoir--

    Gardevoir : It's OK. Don't worry about me. Take care of your friends and yourself.

    This is what I need to do.

    For you.

    Randomus : Rather than doing something dramatic-- though I know you are such a fan of that--

    Let us have faith in the world and our other companions.

    Gardevoir : Who is left?!

    Who can stop this madness?

    Who will survive the disaster that was created?!

    Luna : Gardevoir, please...

    Gardevoir : No, this is the only way!

    I'll destroy that machine altogether!

    This is my purpose!

    Randomus : This is not your--

    Gardevoir : Yes! It is!

    To make sure you lived on--

    All those years ago...

    This is what she asked me to do.

    Randomus : She--

    Bennett : ...What am I watching?

    Zel : I don't know, but I hate it.

    Bennett : Well, hopefully Gardevoir doesn't try and screw this one.

    Zel : Ha! Who cares?

    But I wanted to know before we die, I won't let you dare to touch Hypno like that.

    Gardevoir Oh, after all what you did, and what Team Meteor intends to do after this...

    You want to make allowances now!? Or maybe you're getting in our way!?

    What are you gonna do, now? Now that you're out of pokemons, you won't be able to stop me.

    Bennett : GARDEVOIR? YOU...


    Gardevoir is charging its energy.


    Serra : This energy...

    Luna : In the most dire of circumstances, it is said that Gardevoir can use all of its power to go so far as even creating a small black hole.

    Gardevoir : That's right!

    No matter how strong that PULSE may be, I can erase it altogether!

    Bennett : Get away!


    But the player jumps in and distracts Pulse Hypno.


    Luna : "Player". No!

    Gardevoir : "Player"? Our sacrifice won't be in vain. Please, I hope you forgive me! (Gardevoir +1)

    Zel : What are you doing?

    Bennett : Zel, it's not worth it. Don't you want to meet the same fate?

    Zel : ...

    Gardevoir : I can set this right...

    And I will!

    Luna, take care of Cain.

    Luna : OK.


    Luna appoaches Cain and takes him to their side behind Gardevoir.


    Gardevoir Master--

    Whatever happens, please remember, I will always love you more than she, or anyone else, ever could.


    Gardevoir unleashes her energy as she mega evolves, creating a more effective black hole.


    Bennett : Her energy is spiraling out of control...

    Yet Gardevoir mega evolved at her own will in order to amplify the power she really stored.

    Watch out!

    Serra : I know "Player" is risking their life, but what about the others?!

    Bennett Forget about it!

    Volcarona! Get out!


    Mega Gardevoir unleashes the black hole as the others are trying to avoid, except the player who's still imobilizes Hypno, ending up being stuck in the void along with Pulse Hypno and Mega Gardevoir and the alternate scene continues until the end of Glass Workstation arc.


    Note : Thanks for reading the dialogue. That was very long but I'm glad I finished it for now. See you next time.

  5. Happy birthday, DemICE. Enjoy your life without any regrets.

  6. It's OK. I'm not hungry. You can have it with the others. I hope Q-Jei's here.
  7. After my thoughts, I decided. It will be "What if" music for Pokemon Rejuvenation. I have my thoughts in any theme :


    Showdown between Interceptor and Madame X :



    Gym Leader battle (Floria Island (Except Marianette)) :



    Gym Leader (Terajuma Island (Except Angie)) :



    Gym Leader (10th to 18th) :



    Note : Well, I suppose that's all for today. Enjoy the music. Bye.

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