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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. I wonder if there's another sidequest that can give 8th stamp, so that could give access to 9F of department of dreams, in Shopping District.
  2. Have fun, both of you! I'm going to restart Pokemon Rejuvenation after V13 release.
  3. I only concentrated on catching every legendaries after defeating the champion, catching Dielebi and registering every pokemons.
  4. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. The scene occurs if Huey was petrified instead of Venam. So here's one of the scenarios : After the unfortunate event about Huey's petrification, we find the player witnessing a petrified Huey alone in same room as the original scenario where Venam was used to be while Isha is busy at his work. After, Isha tells :

    Isha : I'm sorry you have to see that Huey's terrible condition.

    I'm trying to do the most possible way. But I have bad news.


    Isha approaches.


    Isha Huey's state is a very tricky one. Something I've never dealt before.

    How does one reform someone from stone back into organic human flesh?

    On paper, it's an impossible task.

    However, I've overcome tasks deemed impossible many times.

    We'll do our best to try and revive Huey, but as for now, there's not much that can be done.

    And thus is the fate of all who are turned to stone.


    That word made the player frustrated as the player punches the wall in rage.


    Isha : Uh. Excuse me. I know you're very upset. That's why we should pray for recovery.


    Receptionist : Hello ma'am, do you have an appointment or are you a visitor?

    ??? : Screw that! I don't need to tell you anything!


    Someone appears, revealing to be Amber. But her reaction is much different.


    Amber : "Player"? What happened? Are you OK?


    But the player doesn't respond.


    Amber : Can you he- HUH?


    Amber looks shocked about a petrified Huey.


    Amber : Isn't that Huey?

    Isha : How do you know?

    Amber : When I came to hotel after managing to enter Grand Dream City, I witnessed the disscusion between Venam and the others.

    But "Player" wasn't here. So I asked everyone where they went and they told me that "Player" was here in Hospital of Hope.

    I-I was surprised but upset about Venam. She looked very sad as she lost her will to fight.

    But when they told me that "Player" went absolutely mad, I was very shocked as I should hurry to find them.

    Why should I be upset about Venam instead of being happy?

    Before I went, Venam gave me the pokeball conaining Charizard she stole it and apologized to me as she was a complete different person.

    Now you know the rest.

    I can't believe to see a furious "Player" just like that. I pity them for that.

    You know what they say. Losing is frustrating.


    "Player". We have to go. I know you're worried about him. But there's nothing we can do.

    Isha : I believe she has a good point. This is how reality should be.

    But don't worry. I'm working as hard as I can to try and create a miracle, but you only get so many.

    Amber : I know, right? Don't say that. This is annoying.

    What could possibly accomplish a miracle like that?!

    What kind of nonsense! If we do nothing but wait, that's the problem!


    Answer :

    - SHUT UP

    - ...


    Choosing "SHUT UP" will scare Amber :

    Amber : Oh, sorry. I talked too much. I shouldn't disturb you like that.


    Choosing "..." will make the player grinding their teeth :

    Amber : "Player"?


    I shouldn't try to be rash. Please, forgive me.


    Resuming the same scenario as the original (alternative as there's only Amber, the player and Isha in the scenario) when Amber sees the other petrified person (including the arrival of Damien and his reason) until Damien leaves as the hypothetical dialogue appears :

    Isha : Ahem, I'm sure both of you you are overjoyed, and I hate to cut you off, but visiting hours are over.

    You'll have to leave this room for the time being.

    Amber : Understood...

    That being said, I was told there were two victims in this attack?

    We should know what we're dealing with.


    After they left the room, Amber is trying to say :

    Amber : That was suspicious. Even so, I'm not in the mood to think right now.

    By the way, "Player". I didn't tell you why I came here.

    The Festival of Dreams is my reason for coming!

    I come here every year, but this year's special because I was specifically asked by Cassandra to be a commentor and a referee!

    Sure that's a lot of responsibility. But to be honest, I'm saying how stupid is she for picking me??

    I took the job anyway and came here as fast as I could.

    After that, I witnessed many friends that you know and followed them to the hotel.

    And that's what I told you earlier.

    I practically left my mom behind. Don't worry, though. I'll make it up to her later.

    Still working on the spoiled brat thing, but it's a process.

    Speaking of which, I gotta go look for my mom now though. I'm sure she's wondering where I am.

    See you all at the tournament!


    Um, "Player"? There's something I want to give-


    Actually, I'll give it to you later...

    Well. We should get going. That long conversation calmed you.

    Wanna walk with me to the hotel?


    Answer :

    - Of course. (Amber +1)

    - I'll pass.


    Choosing "Of course." :

    Amber : Well. Then let's go.


    Amber will accompagny the player to the hotel.


    Choosing "I'll pass" :

    Amber : OK. Suit yourself. Bye.


    Amber left.


    Regardless, the alternate dialogue resumes.


    Note : I don't know how long I did that to write. But that's OK. See you next time.

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      damn thats a lot. ive actually never gotten here to this point in reju i still am tryna fight Venam

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      For me, I’m gonna wait for V13.

    3. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      im not tat interested in reju thats why

  5. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. The scene occurs if the player saved Ame from her death by Lin's Hydreigon. Ame will appear inside the Grand Hall and when the player interacts with Ame, there's the dialogue :


    Ame : Hey, "Player". I wanted to thank you again for saving me from this trap.

    It's my fault that Arclight had taken quite the injury. But I'm glad both Victoria and Adrienn are totally alright.


    Answer :

    - It's my fault as well.

    - It's not your fault.

    - Don't blame yourself.


    Choosing "It's my fault as well." :

    Ame : No. No. Don't be like that.


    Choosing "It's not your fault." :

    Ame : But what's done is done.


    Choosing "Don't blame yourself." :

    Ame : Yeah. I know. That's unlike a Champion would say such a thing.


    Resuming :

    Ame : You know. Do you believe in karma?

    For example, where if you do something good, something good happens to you.

    And if you do something bad, something bad happens to you.

    Remember this. This is the one of the most important lesson you need to learn.

    I'm hoping you'll have the moment to battle me with your pokemons. I'm sure that will satisfy me.

    There's something I lack. I should have better trained harder in order to match Lin's pokemons.

    That's why I'm going to do now. I have to leave for the moment.

    See you later. And you have the permission to enter the area where only employees are allowed.



    That ends the dialogue.


    Note : Basically, I wanted to have a peaceful life. But it's more complicated. Well, see you tomorrow. Bye.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Yeah kinda sad that Ame died

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      Seeing Ame die in a horrible way makes me feel like I’m a worthless person. 😣

    4. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      ye same but remember its not real. Ame is still alive, irl

  6. Hey everybody, this is the time about review of Pokemon Xenoverse because. I decided to tell you what I did. I played with my favourite starter Trishout. First I bought many Poke Balls and I really tried to catch every Pokemons in this region, including X Pokemons. So I did the journey on fighting many trainers. First, I got used to Trishout's Earth form. That was short time because after defeating X Gengar, I made on journey to obtain Xenoverse form for Trishout and I have to admit. This form is really good for Trishout because of this appearance but sucks because of the ability Solar Power and having Sp. Attack stat lower than Attack stat. After I defeated every gym leaders, I fought Team Dimension and their leader. And went on adventure in Xenoverse Dimension, in every hopes of defeating Dragalisk. That was worrisome until Luxflon appeared and defeated without being hurt and with one hit. The third round was quite endeavor for me against Dragalisk and I defeated it. After, I fought : I fought it with my Trishout in his true form. Well after that, I really saw Trey's determination to risk his life in order to defeat Dragalisk. Next, I fought the Cardinals and defeated the champion only with my Trishout. After, I tried to complete the Pokedex and Xenodex by catching many remaining pokemons. And I completed them both. And now, I'm trying to register many pokemons in Vintagedex. But it looks like it will take for long time. Just my luck... That game was really impresive with many features that are exclusive. Overall, the story sounds more realistic for the experience. That's it. I hope you enjoyed reading.
  7. I decided to change my mind about a pure Instinct type Legendary/Mythical Pokemon. I will write a week later. My thinking about Ultra Instinct gave me another idea. So basically, I decided for another psychological power. It's for Pokemons who lacks potential for willpower and enhancements and also for Ultra Instinct. I can call it :

    "Omen Burst"

    Omen Burst is a one of the another best enhancements without requiring an held item. But at drawbacks, unlike Ultra Instinct (In Lv1, Ultra Instinct Pokemon will have restrictions), Omen Burst can also be one of the worst due to having a negative effect. There will be Omen Burst Gauge form Bad Omen to Good Omen by order :


    Bad Omen <-> Cursed Omen <-> Neutral Omen <-> Light Omen <-> Good Omen


    Here's the effect :

    Bad Omen : Halves the lowest base stats. (Including HP if the lowest) Disobeys trainer's orders, sometimes.

    Cursed Omen : Decreases the lowest base stats by 25%. (x0.75 multiply)

    Neutral Omen : Gains the highest base stats by 50% and decreases the lowest base stats by 25%.

    Light Omen : Gains the highest base stats by 50%. (x1.5 multiply)

    Good Omen : Doubles the highest base stats. (Including HP if the highest) Deals critical damage, sometimes.


    Here's the example :

    Kantonian Raticate (Bad Omen) base stats :

    HP : 55

    Attack : 81

    Defense : 60

    Sp. Attack : 50 -> 25

    Sp. Defense : 70

    Speed : 97


    Hattrem (Cursed Omen) base stats :

    HP : 57

    Attack : 40 -> 30

    Defense : 65

    Sp. Attack : 86

    Sp. Defense : 73

    Speed : 49


    Dreepy (Neutral Omen) base stats :

    HP : 28 -> 21

    Attack : 60

    Defense : 30

    Sp. Attack : 40

    Sp. Defense : 30

    Speed : 82 -> 123


    Skarmory (Light Omen) base stats :

    HP : 65

    Attack : 80

    Defense : 140 -> 210

    Sp. Attack : 40

    Sp. Defense : 70

    Speed : 70


    Infernape (Good Omen) base stats :

    HP : 76

    Attack : 104

    Defense : 71

    Sp. Attack : 104

    Sp. Defense : 71

    Speed : 108 -> 216


    Plus, if many stats are the highest :

    Cacturne (Good Omen) base stats :

    HP : 70

    Attack : 115 -> 230

    Defense : 60

    Sp. Attack : 115 -> 230

    Sp. Defense : 60

    Speed : 55

    That goes the same for decreasing many lower stats.


    If every stats are the same while being in Neutral Omen, they gain by x1.125 multiplier.


    By activating it for the first time, have a Pokemon with 6IV with number of 31 and defeat 6 pokemons in a row during the battle. Measuring Omen Burst Gauge depends on happiness.


    That's all for that. It's simple to compare any stats.

  8. Happy Birthday. Enjoy the moment in your entire life. 😁

  9. Happy birthday, Q-Jei. Have a nice day. I hope you're satisfied. 🙂

    1. Q-Jei


      Thank you, RoyChaos! Yes, I'm doing fine and hope I'll still do as long as I can! I have my family with me so I'm not totally alone either!

      Be surrounded by nice people is my force and it helps me to get over the bleakness of these days! Thank you again for the kind words 😊 ❤️

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      You're very welcome.

  10. It’s Aevis, of course. And I choose him as always for V13.
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