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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. You must evolve Pichu into Pikachu by having its frienship into max. You must use EV reducing berries in order to gain friendship. That's the fastest way.
  2. Correction. You need to do "Battle Me" sidequest so you can battle Novae and finish it in order to obtain Pichu as a reward when you return to East Gearen Help Plaza.
  3. Pass thorugh Beryl Cave and you need rock climb and 16 badges in order to pass the route. After, when you reach the dead end at the cave you must transform Crystal Cave into Dark Crystal Cave by using Dark type move (like Dark Pulse). You must have also the move Rock Smash. After smashing the wall, when you enter, you'll find Larvesta's nest. But you must defeat Volcarona before trying to interact with Larvesta's cocoon. That's all.
  4. Those artworks of Reborn Elite Four are very great (That includes the artwork of Anna. She looks super adorable).
  5. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. After the end of Narcissa’s sidequest concerning with Dufaux, Spector would appear and say to the player (occurs if the player battled Spector before) :

    Spector : Hi! How are you doing?

    So, Narcissa left. It’s difficult for her to bear the burden of someone she loved.

    But all it ends well, right?


    The player agreed.


    Spector Anyway, Narcissa gave you respect. If that’s the case, so do I.

    Here. Take it.


    The player obtained Mimikium Z.


    Spector : Even if I’m not a Fairy type specialist, for Mimikyu, that should be enough.

    So I hope it will be useful for you in the future.

    I have to go. I must do the gym leader’s duty, whatever it takes. Bye.


    Spector left and that ends the additional dialogue.


    Plus, for Ultra Instinct, 3 more Pokemons who are good at support :

    Ultra Instinct Froslass


    Type : Ice/Instinct

    Base stats :

    HP : 140

    Attack : 160

    Defense : 140

    Sp. Attack : 160

    Sp. Defense : 140

    Speed : 220

    Total : 960

    Instinct type move : Negative Truth



    Ultra Instinct Togekiss


    Type : Fairy/Instinct

    Base stats :

    HP : 170

    Attack : 100

    Defense : 190

    Sp. Attack : 240

    Sp. Defense : 230

    Speed : 160

    Total : 1090

    Instinct type move : Primordial Blast



    Ultra Instinct Xatu


    Type : Psychic/Instinct

    Base stats :

    HP : 130

    Attack : 150

    Defense : 140

    Sp. Attack : 190

    Sp. Defense : 140

    Speed : 190

    Total : 940

    Instinct type move : Mental Burst


    Note : That’s it. 3 pokemons left for Ultra Instinct. The last ones will be The Top 3. Regardless, I played Pokemon Xenoverse and that was extreme. Whatever. See you next time.

  6. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. Pretty sure that depends in the situation after the hypothetical dialogue on Pokemon Rejuvenation about ghost story told by Venam. But this time, this has nothing to about that ghost story but legend. After beating Hardy for gym badge, if player has 10 relationship points or more with Noel, in Calcenon City, when the player talks to Noel, the additional dialogue with him appears. Here's the dialogue :

    Noel : Speaking of that, nevermind. I have something to tell you.

    It's a legend about the great Slaking.

    Here's the story.

    "It all started with the boy who had high knowledge. That day, he didn't receive any starter pokemon.

    But all changed when he met Slakoth, who was weak at fighting and no good at defending. So the boy became trainer after Slakoth became the first pokemon to be caught. The boy and Slakoth became inseparated friends for eternity.

    Many months later, the boy caught many pokemons and made Slakoth evolve into Vigoroth after the progress of the journey they went. Vigoroth became quite motivated after the evolution.

    Later, the boy joined the Pokemon League in one of the most popular region. Even if the boy was defeated by one of the Elite Four, he accepts his defeat because of the time he passed about losing the battle with Slakoth sometimes but Slakoth became quite intelligent before evolution as that made the battle easy for the boy.

    The next day, many trainings Vigoroth received had made quite the change. So the boy challenged once again and at a second, after defeating Elite Four, Vigoroth evolved into Slaking.

    But the boy thought about Slaking has a fatal weakness due to its ability.

    However, Slaking encouraged the boy to never give up. So the battle between the boy and the champion began. At the moment when Slaking fought against the champion's last pokemon, something changed about Slaking who's showing the sign of awakening.

    As a result, Slaking received such an extraordinary power. But Slaking acted like a wild pokemon. Yet, Slaking remains loyal to many people including the boy and successfully defeated the last pokemon.

    Therfore, the boy became the next successor.

    Many years later, when the evildoer appeared, the boy decided to defeat him.

    But the evildoer was strong. The only pokemon who standing is Slaking who was no match for evildoer's pokemon team.

    But the power Slaking gained through many years has reached to its final level. After that, Slaking received an intense transformation that made Slaking a sleepy fighter like Komala.

    Thanks to that, Slaking defeated the evildoer and found every people's peace. The boy became undefeated and remembered the journey he went through.

    Many moments later, the boy became the savior of the region. Everyone will remember the day the boy saved everyone from evildoer."

    That's all that tells the legend.

    Anyway, it's a nice thing to have freetime with you.


    That ends the additional dialogue with Noel.


    Note : Can you find what kind of power I refer to? Well, except for that, enjoy the weekend. See you tomorrow.

  7. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day. 😁

    1. Angelkitsune


      haha thank you :) and i will, hope you will have a good day as well o/

  8. "What if" Ultra Instinct. Here’s 3 more Pokémons :

    Ultra Instinct Zoroark


    Type : Dark/Instinct

    Base stats :

    HP : 120

    Attack : 210

    Defense : 120

    Sp. Attack : 240

    Sp. Defense : 120

    Speed : 210

    Total : 1020

    Instinct type move : Spirit Daze



    Ultra Instinct Raichu (Kantonian)


    Type : Thunder/Instinct

    Base stats :

    HP : 120

    Attack : 180

    Defense : 110

    Sp. Attack : 180

    Sp. Defense : 160

    Speed : 200

    Total : 950

    Instinct type move : Electro Mash



    Ultra Instinct Mimikyu


    Type : Ghost/Instinct

    Base stats :

    HP : 110

    Attack : 180

    Defense : 160

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 210

    Speed : 192

    Total : 952

    Instinct type move : Envy Rush


    Note : That’s all of it for today. See you tomorrow.

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      This sounds very cool. That's creative for such concepts😁👍🏽

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      6 Pokemon left for Ultra Instinct because of their type.

  9. One day, golden jetpack will be usable in the future versions, I suppose.
  10. That’s wrong for the first part. You can obtain by yourself. Have you even tried that? I played for the first time, and ignored the chance to fight Kyogre. But that doesn’t mean I missed having Railnet Key.
  11. Good point. But all that matters also, is to gain AP by completing one of many achievements.
  12. That's not the point. All you had to do is to exit and enter in order to make that work.
  13. 10 should be enough. Plus, you need HM Strength in order for one of golden items to work.
  14. Save the game, try buying one of golden items and see the description.
  15. It's optional story, not just a sidequest. I think the consequence of skipping Kyogre only makes you miss the chance to gain 1 relationship point with Venam, Amber and Tesla.
  16. You didn't notice, did you? There's also other items that can replace HMs.
  17. To be fair, there's an item that can replace Rock Smash.
  18. First use the giant red crystal. And see the smashable rock here? Try to smash the rock in order to open the path of lava.
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