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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. 684 (Because there's a problem with current numbers)
  2. For my team : Midday Form Lycanroc (Lycanium Z) Ash-Greninja Regieleki Latios (Latiosite) Cinderace (Gmax) Groudon (Red Orb) No items. My field will be Volcanic Top Field. My another theme will be another one of my favourites : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmcFW_38Hio Well, it's like we're rivals between darkness and light.
  3. "What if" music for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here’s the music on my thoughts like :


    Melia battle :


    Mysterious figures encounter :


    Afterlife :


    That’s just it.


    Note : Enjoy the music. See you next time.

  4. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Before the battle against Ryland being mind controlled by Flora, her thoughts of the player will be very kind if conditions have been met :

    - Confront Flora.

    - Don't expose Flora when given the chance.

    - Have 10 or more relationship points with Erin.

    - Have 5 or more relationship points with Ryland.

    Here it is :

    Flora : Whatever, it doesn't matter.


    The player moves foward.


    Flora : "Player"... If you... if you were here earlier, things would have done different.

    I wouldn't have created Team Bladestar and I wanted also your help to defeat Team Xen.

    Aelita : What are you talking about?

    Flora You should have known that Cassandra was the member of Team Xen.

    We had started our journey, but it was different between us.

    You were one of the most vital to my plans. And...

    Please... Forgive me...

    I killed Erin... and... I must repair everything for what I did.

    But I won't go back now. So I must stop you.

    Aelita : 😡 How? How can you say that? You don't care the life of every people?

    Flora : Sacrifice was necessary for me to succeed. So I won't let anyone interfere.


    Back to original dialogue as Aelita tells that she's heard enough. But it be different, as after the total defeat of Flora, she truly accepts her defeat and realizes that she can't surpass the player. And instead of forcing Flora to be arrested by Florin, she tells him that she wants to turn herself in and apologize straight to the player at next time she meets them, shocking Florin by Flora's change of heart and makes him saying that it's like she turned over a new leaf.


    Note : How was it? It's 20% possible to have change of heart, normally. But gains chances when you know better with someone. See you next time. Bye.

  5. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. Before Radomus and Gardevoir disappear for a long time as to keep the Amethyst Pendant, Randomus will apologize for not seeing that coming if the player decided to side with him before battle against Ditto transmorphed into Arceus :

    Cain : I’m never gonna be the very best like no one ever was, at this rate.

    Randomus : That’s why I wanted to apologize for the outcome.

    I shouldn’t have brought this man like El. If only I was smarter.

    Gardevoir : It’s alright. Next time, no more mistakes. We need to leave before they find us and take that Amethyst Pendant.

    Randomus : Good point. Well, how did you get that pendant before our first meeting?

    The player tells everything what happened.


    Cain : So, Saphira gave that to you. Talk about luck.


    Another additional dialogue occurs if the player refused to give Ruby Ring to Adrienn.

    Gardevoir : But that doesn’t end. "Player", you must take care of Ruby Ring. I really saw your adamant self.

    That’s what I like it. (Gardevoir +1)


    And the original dialogue resumes.


    Note : I wish that everyone (including administrators, developers and moderators) will be alright and the next summer vacation will be better than before. Take care of your health. I’m encouraging all of you. Bye.

  6. I prefer Typhlosion Crest. It's nothing special but kind of being useful so it would be good for Typhlosion to have much choices about moves and such counters like using Slash and Burn on Water types, Rock types and Ground types.
  7. I forgot to say about Dimensional Rift Pokemon. The only thing is about Dimension type. Only Rift Gyarados had that type. So I want to ask seriously. Why the other Rift Pokemons don’t have that type? Will their type be changed in V13 or will it remain the same?
  8. This time isn’t "What if" Mega Evolution for Pokemon Desolation. It’s time for "What if" Special forms of Legendary Pokemon for Pokemon Rejuvenation. That means it’s time for Arceus and Giratina. But before that, if you haven’t know about the history of Creation Trio, let me remind you something about that. According to the legends of Sinnoh, they were simultaneously created by Arceus, also known as the "Original One", when the universe and Sinnoh region began at Spear Pillar. Dialga and Palkia were given control over their representative dimensions (time and space respectively) while Giratina was banished to the Distortion World for its violent nature. But in Pokemon Insurgence, according to Pokedex, at the beginning of time, Arceus defeated Giratina in order to become the ruler of the universe and banished it to another dimension. After, Giratina seeks rulership once more.


    It gave me an idea a long time ago. Well, in Pokemon Rejuvenation, one of the antagonist were worshipping Arceus. Arceus had the reputation of being The Great Deity. While Giratina has much reputation of being the protector of Goldenleaf Town. So what if a person tried to take revenge on people like :

    - Mysterious figures

    - Lorna

    - Crescent

    - Cera

    - Neved

    - Spacea and Tiempa

    - Thomas

    - Isha


    So he would slaughter some of them and take the others’ (Crescent, Spacea and Tiempa) powers and banish them into Distortion World.


    For some reasons, I can’t tell you. So here’s about :

    Rift Giratina


    Type : Ghost/Dark


    Ability : Iron Barbs


    Stats :

    HP : 350

    Attack : 300

    Defense : 350

    Sp. Attack : 300

    Sp. Defense : 350

    Speed : 300

    Total : 1950


    Giratina managed to awaken into darker self with thousands of moving thorn tentacles thanks to the power of seven deadly sins made by the soul of the fatality slaughtered people who committed an unforgiving sin. Therefore, Giratina wants to punish Arceus for letting people suffer like being toyed and make army of rebels to defy against a god in order for Giratina to become the new god, a savior. When people worships Arceus, Giratina won’t hesitate to kill them as it considers them to be as imposters and as injustices being. But Giratina won’t hesitate to kill either innocent people for being too weak and inferior to the gods. Sometimes, Giratina can send them to Distortion World in order to not let them escape if they refuse to follow it.


    But there’s another part of the true light. So :

    Arceus (Deity form)


    Type : Normal


    Ability : Multitype


    Stats :

    HP : 350

    Attack : 350

    Defense : 350

    Sp. Attack : 350
    Sp. Defense : 350

    Speed : 350

    Total : 2100


    Arceus was originally the deity being before it lost its form as it became the fragment because of being attacked by the meteor. It was used to be a lonely, but kind and benevolent spirit. Before, thanks to the deity, the peace of humanity and Pokemon was created. But thanks to the man, everything has come to the worst case scenario. And now that Arceus’ former power has been restored, it wants to end the tragedy the man has created a long time ago, to protect humanity and to restore the region back to once it was.


    Note : It’s just a hypothetical information. It won’t happen like that. See you next time.

  9. "What if" Z-Move. Sounds like it's legendary time. Z-Crystal is both Honium Z and Lugium Z :

    Honium Z :

    It transforms Ho-oh's Sacred Fire into "Golden Flare Attack".

    Power : 200

    Effect : Always burns the target. It will thaw out the user if frozen and deal damage to the target in the same turn. Sharply raises Defense and Speed. Super effective on Rock types. Doubles the power if the move Sunny Day is previously used.


    Lugium Z :

    It transforms Lugia's Aeroblast into "Silver Tornado Shot".

    Power : 200

    Effect : It deals damage and has an increased critical hit ratio. Sharply raises Attack and Special Attack. Super effective on Steel types. Both the power will double and critical hit ratio will be 100% if the move Focus Energy is previously used.


    Note : That's all for now. If I didn't do the other things like the other days of last holyday, it's because I didn't have any motivations to do. Ok, see you next time.

  10. In Pokemon Rejuvenation, Gym Leaders have their signature moves. So what if we have our signature moves. Here's mine : Pyra Jump Kick : Category : Physical Power : 140 Accuracy : 90% PP : 10 (Max 16) Description : The target is attacked with a blazing kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead. High chance of burning the target.
  11. I forgot my theme of being gym leader. Here it is : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=emjQQzZyync&t=319s
  12. My elite four must be like : Carla (The Leader of Beauty Trainers) Type : Fairy Team : Comfey Galarian Rapidash Sylveon Mimikyu (Mimikium Z) Mawile (Mawilite) Hatterene (Gmax) Jungo (The Leader of Sky Trainers) Type : Flying Team : Talonflame Archeops Honchkrow Staraptor (Flyinium Z) Salamence (Salamencite) Corviknight (Gmax) Lucian (The Great Delinquent) Type : Ghost Team : Shedinja Cursola Dusknoir Decidueye (Decidium Z) Sableye (Sablenite) Gengar (Gmax) Yuri (The Mysterious Trainer) Type : Electric Team : Magnezone Emolga Dracozolt Pikachu (Pikanium Z) Manectric (Manectite) Toxtricity (Gmax)
  13. It's "What if" music for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Last time, it was about the last Rift Pokemon. Today, I was thinking about what kind of music should be for :


    - Angie encounter



    - Madame X encounter



    - Zetta/Geara battle :



    That's it for now.


    Note : Enjoy the music. See you next time. Bye.

  14. It’s "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. In the entrance to Alamissa Urben, during conversation between the player and Ren, after Ren telling the reason why did he had to join Team Xen, there’s the additional dialogue (occurs if the player doesn’t have any negative relationship points with Ren)


    Ren : I just wanted my best friend back.


    "Player". Please. I need your help. Crescent made Melia hate me. But do you trust me?


    Answer :

    - No.

    - Yes.


    Answering "No" :

    Ren : That’s OK. I understand. All what Team Xen did was inhuman.


    Answering "Yes" :

    Ren : "Player"? Thank Arceus. (Ren +1)


    Resuming :

    Ren : Yet, what should I do? I know everything of what I did was meaningless. But please, what is my destiny for now?


    Answer :

    - It’s your choice to make.

    - Trust your instincts.

    - Have faith in me.


    Asnwering "Have faith in me" :

    Ren : Seriously?


    Ren is a bit surprised about the player’s answer.


    Answering "It’s your choice to make" :

    Ren : What’s going to happen if I make mistakes?


    Ren is a bit disappointed, but respects player’s answer.


    Asnwering "Trust your instincts" :

    Ren : My instincts?


    You’re right. What I was supposed to do? (Ren +2)


    Ren is suprised about player’s answer and understands the meaning to trust.


    Resuming :

    Ren : Thank you, "Player". I should have asked you earlier when we were in Goldenleaf Town.


    Back to original dialogue where Ren tells that it’s not about Melia.


    Note : In guide of Pokemon Xenoverse, I really saw the way to obtain a fakemon named Gorochu. Seeing being the evolution of Raichu, some people think that’s illegal. For me, it’s like breaking the fourth wall. Well, see you next time. Bye.

  15. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. We should know the player can see her briefly when traveling down the waterfall to the Water Treatment Center for the first time, with Victoria trying to chase the player. But Victoria met Ame unfortunately before trying. Here's the dialogue during Victoria's story :


    Ame : What's going on?

    Victoria : Ame, you wouldn't believe it?

    Ame : Huh?

    Victoria : I witnessed "Player" going down somewhere.

    Ame : Going down?

    Nobody would go here like that.



    Oh no.

    Victoria : What's wrong?

    Ame : I think "Player" went to Water Treatment Center.

    Do you know there's more toxic water here inside?

    Victoria : What does that mean?

    My god. Are you referring to-

    Ame : Team Meteor is behind this all, again.

    To think there's another backup problem.

    Victoria : That's why I must go. "Player" needs help.

    Ame : No, when we arrive, it will be already too late.

    Victoria : But I can't let someone being hurt in front of my eyes.

    Ame : We'll let "Player" go for now.

    Victoria : But-

    Ame : There's someone else, besides. For a help, of course.

    You must trust "Player", no matter what. No matter what.

    Victoria : ...



    Ame left.


    Victoria : "Player". Good luck. And.

    Please, be safe.


    Back to the player as the original scenario resumes.


    Note : There's mostly many cutscenes concerning the protagonist. Well, I kinda wanted to know what happened to the other companions. By the way, see you tomorrow. Bye.

  16. Mine is Cinderace. He’s one of the best offensive Pokemon. With hidden ability Libero, Cinderace can strike back in its full potential. And most of those moves look threatening. Too bad, it won’t be in Pokemon Reborn.
  17. Here's my different team of Fire type Pokemons if I became a member of Elite Four : Battle Field : Dragon's Den Usage Items : 5 Full Restores and 8 Full Heals Battle Format : Single Battles Team : Ninetales Ability : Drought Item : Heat Rock Moveset : Heat Wave, Solar Beam, Scorching Sands, Nasty Plot Arcanine Ability : Intimidate Item : Firium Z Moveset : Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, Outrage, Extreme Speed Typhlosion Ability : Flash Fire Item : Choice Scarf Moveset : Eruption, Solar Beam, Focus Blast, Extrasensory Charizard Ability : Blaze Item : Charizardite X Moveset : Flare Blitz, Dragon Rush, Rock Slide, Dragon Dance Cinderace (Gmax) Ability : Libero Item : Life Orb Moveset : Pyro Ball, High Jump Kick, Bounce, Sucker Punch Groudon Ability : Drought Item : Red Orb Moveset : Precipice Blades, Heat Crash, Stone Edge, Rock Polish That's all.
  18. Today is "What if" Mega Evolution for Pokemon Desolation and of course, Ultra Instinct. For Mega Evolution, this time is about Hitmons :


    -Mega Hitmonlee :


    Type : Fighting/Dark


    Ability : No Guard


    Stats :

    HP : 50 -> 50

    Attack : 120 -> 160

    Defense : 53 -> 53

    Sp. Attack : 35 -> 35

    Sp. Defense : 110 -> 110

    Speed : 87 -> 147


    Hitmonlee's kicks can break through strong blades and destroys barriers much harder than metals. When it snaps, gains destructive power and takes revenge on those who made Hitmonlee mad. Nobody must underestimate Mega Hitmonlee, even it doesn't change about his poor physical defense.


    -Mega Hitmonchan :


    Type : Fighting/Steel


    Ability : Sheer Force


    Stats :

    HP : 50 -> 50

    Attack : 105 -> 105

    Defense : 79 -> 119

    Sp. Attack : 35 -> 35

    Sp. Defense : 110 -> 110

    Speed : 76 -> 136


    Hitmonchan's punches are hard as steel. Hitmonchan is more calmer than its usual self and can cast his secondary powers for even greater strength. Those insults won't affect the pokemon, much less its nature is the opposite of Hitmonlee's nature. Its defensive spirit had made Hitmonchan become optimistic in order to not let its guard down.


    -Mega Hitmontop :


    Type : Fighting/Ground


    Ability : Prankster


    Stats :

    HP : 50 -> 50

    Attack : 95 -> 115

    Defense : 95 -> 115

    Sp. Attack : 35 -> 35

    Sp. Defense : 110 -> 115

    Speed : 70 -> 125


    Hitmontop's provokes are usually the way it battles. But Hitmontop's ways of teaching are excellent. Its body is an example of being the balance of willpower. Its pose is like the earth is shaking in many serveral times. Be careful not to fall for his pranks made by Mega Hitmontop, or else you will be washed away.


    Now for Ultra Instinct, here's 3 more pokemons :

    Ultra Instinct Scolipede


    Type : Instinct/Poison


    Base stats :

    HP : 120

    Attack : 200

    Defense : 178

    Sp. Attack : 110

    Sp. Defense : 138

    Speed : 224

    Total : 970


    Instinct type move : Toxic Press


    Ultra Instinct Excadrill


    Type : Ground/Instinct


    Base stats :

    HP : 220

    Attack : 270

    Defense : 120

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 130

    Speed : 176

    Total : 1016


    Instinct type move : Earth Terminator


    Ultra Instinct Scizor


    Type : Bug/Instinct


    Base stats :

    HP : 140

    Attack : 260

    Defense : 200

    Sp. Attack : 110

    Sp. Defense : 160

    Speed : 130

    Total : 1000


    Instinct type move : Bug Katana Rush


    Note : That's it for now. Took long enough. See you next time. Bye.

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