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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. I knew I would choose to give Nova the stone, even if I had consequences.
  2. The cutscenes and dialogues, of course and also : -If the case of Shiv, not only you will have a reputation point with Shiv but also with Ava. But you will lose a reputation point with Nova. -If the case of Nova, you gain reputation point with Nova but lose reputation point with both Shiv and Ava. That's all I know.
  3. Finish Chapter 14 in Pokemon Rejuvenation and you can continue Narcissa sidequest. This is there will be the last part of Narcissa quest. And beware the Rift Pokemon.
  4. There's three possibilities : 1. Use Pokemons good at physical attacks having Telluric Seed. 2. Have a Water type Pokemon and/or Electric type with great speed. 3. Use a Murkrow or Liepard with ability Prankster learning Taunt to prevent Rain Dance users. P.S.: I don't know if that works but you must give it a try.
  5. Even so, it would be too hard to beat Scarlett with a less than 3 or 4 pokemon. He should have prepared before the cutscene about being captured and sent to jail.
  6. Well I wanted to warn you that there's a bug that I could pass through Villeplume without using Rage Powder by passing behind trees. Once you use Rage Powder on Villeplume, one move through and that's why that causes an endless blackout. It happened in Keneph Jungle.
  7. This is the end. One day, things will be different. It's about time. Rest in peace, Zumi. You did well on artworks. >:)
  8. Correction, a legendary Electric-type Pokemon came from Johto region. That's just it.
  9. Completing every Addefall Rangers Guild's missions is required to unlock the last mission in order to take permission to enter Bronze Island.
  10. Too bad I didn't see Karen and Karrina. Even so, you're almost there for last parts of artwork, Zumi.
  11. For Reborn, I was excited about storyline which it was really good to choose the path to reality. I was so satisfied as the game continues on.

    For Desolation, it was kinda a sad story for me which I felt pity for it. But the reputation system was really interesting.

    For Rejuvenation, I'm going to keep waiting for what happens next.

  12. I already voted and yet I didn't vote one of Main Characters because that doesn't count, does it? That's what I was thinking.
  13. Regardless of his appearance, I choose Aevis as the MC.
  14. Pokemon Desolation looks like a different story which is satisfying for a moment (Only a bit).
  15. Too bad there has no MC second appearance. and I think it won't be in artwork. Melia looks more like a grown up girl, Ren is the same as always but with resolve, Ryland didn't show his face completely and I realize now how Adam looks much strong in his appearance. I wonder why Aldrest wasn't in here.
  16. I'm 80% satisfied and 20% stressed. I hope in V13 that I shouldn't make mistakes like that.
  17. This is good news but bad news, too. I'm really stressed a bit. How I am supposed to know about that now?
  18. I hate to say it but can we stop talking about that part because I don't want for V13 discussion thread to be closed and I don't want to be a part of that. Anyway, there's something I have to say. I must understand that those choices in Rejuvenation affects the dialogues. But now in V13, will those dialogues remain the same regardless of choices (like when Melia defeat Madelis or not, when MC defends Officer from Rift Gardevoir or attempting to save Maria, etc...)?
  19. Oh no. I forgot to tell about the remaining Star Shard because currently there has 4 star shards obtainable. Maybe I acted too late about that now that the debeloppment has been improved. I really screwed this time.
  20. I agree that. Maybe V13 should be interesting from the beginning to current story.
  21. This isn't funny. I don't know what kind of reward will be in Rejuvenation. Anyway, we should be cautious about obtaining pokemons. Because of Gen 8 Pokemon, there has a possibility to change the events depending in which location it need to be found and to add some side stories as a requirement for later parts. If there's no reward for catching every pokemon, the idea for completing pokedex will sound so asinine as only thing that matters is about progressing the story in V13.
  22. What happens if we obtain all non-legendary pokemons with Zygarde, Phione and Type:Null evolution lines? Maybe there must be a reward for that or it's just for nothing.
  23. Well, hate to say it but when it comes to Gigantamax being mega customs, they are like Mega Evolutions so it will be impossible also for Gigantamaxed Pokemon to hold an item. If there was only way to use mega evolution without Mega Stones just like using Rayquaza for an example.
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