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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Cassandra works for Team Xen, that's why.
  2. I played for first time as far as becoming a part of Bladestar but I REGRETED IT. FLORA FOOLED ME IN THE END. And as being a rebel, I don't know what you're talking about.
  3. I did choosing Erin as partner, telling her about Flora and not telling Cassandra about something important. Erin is the only character which I can trust her because you should know her later in chapter 14 while I can't trust Flora and Cassandra because Flora is the destroyer as Team Bladestar Admin and Cassandra works with Team Xen.
  4. In Valor Mountain 5F, normal emotion crystal doesn't work here even I activated giant normal emotion crystal. Without that crystal, I can't take the remaining items.
  5. This crystal turning into normal emotion is still inactive in 5F, even if I activated giant normal crystal.
  6. Jan, you're going to concetrate creating old contest and new contest, and then Gen 8 Pokemons for the last. Am I right? If I'm right, then I hope that will be interesting for V13 of Pokemon Rejuvenation after the release date.

  7. I wonder if the jackpot starters will return with baby pokemons (Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby, Azurill, Wynaut, Budew, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Happiny, Munchlax, Riolu, and Mantyke) and with first form pseudo-legendary pokemons (Every Generations).
  8. Can't continue chapter 13 after the end of the chapter 12 because Erin isn't here in the entrace to scolar district. I'm stressed. Wait a minute. It's because I skipped it by registring the tournament before. Now I'm frustrated. I should have access to the tournament after Ren request. Please forgive me. I regret for every skipping my cutscenes.
  9. Amethyst, what are you gonna do in the future?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      It looks like Charizard has also Gigantamax. Are you surprised?

    3. Amethyst


      not terribly given that it's a mascot. i sort of wish they'd give love to some other poekmon more regularly

    4. OmegaStellarSolare
  10. Jan, what’s gonna happen before challenging Pokemon League, is every antagonists are after the protagonist because he has become threat to them due to being stronger or because they realized that he’s the interceptor? Are Team Xen going to kidnap him instead of Melia for sacrifice or is Angie going to kidnap him to brainwash him in order to kill the ones he loved with?

    1. Zumi


      you're literally asking for spoilers here my dude LOL

      i don't think you'll get an answer for that question so you'll just have to wait and see!

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      I said that because I can't wait for next chapter of Pokemon Rejuvenation. It looks more interesting and I'm excited for that.

  11. Can you make Mega Ring and Z-Ring for Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Oh anyway I forgot about how Karen got Mega Ring. So I mention that she will give me a Mega Ring in next version if I defended her.

    3. Jan


      No. The Mega Ring is hers and she'll never give it up.

    4. OmegaStellarSolare


      So we're going to find out in V13 of Pokemon Rejuvenation or later. But I mean which version?

  12. Can I tell you about my secret about Pokemon Rejuvenation?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare
    3. Raion


      Yeah i am but we could better move this to the personal messenges.

    4. OmegaStellarSolare
  13. If that happens what you say about rift pokemon, I should say "First Aelita becoming Rift Regirock and now Angie becoming Rift Regice". For me, I don't know which is the next rift pokemon. About Angie, if we save her from Indriad control, Angie will return to her old self as Anju and Indriad's power will be nullified so the true final battle will be against only Indriad with his Arceus. Anyway, I predict about Angie's return after Team Xen and Team AA are disbanded and Madame X and ??? duo are finished off for good.
  14. In a future update of Pokemon Rejuvenation, I wish to save Angie from Indriad's control and maybe I'm not the only one who wish for that. There has another way to release her where she would return to her old self named Anju. Who is with me or against me?
  15. Where is dive location to kingdom of Goomidra? No, nothing. I found it.
  16. I feel down about Angie in Pokemon Rejuvenation like I regret to not save her. I wish there's someway to save her from her rampage and vengeance. Please, doesn't anybody care about that? I want this scene about changing her heart.
  17. Can something requires to use crests or can the crests be held normally by pokemon just like a held item?
  18. What if I use Infernape with Infernape Crest? Can somebody explain which defensive moveset I should use?
  19. Can someone tell me about all mega ring locations in Pokemon Spork to remember because I want Charizardite X. (Only to remember)
  20. Sorry, I forgot to mention. There are two remaining Rift Pokemons we haven't dealt with it or that they're unknown. When it is against the last Rift Pokemon, is it possible for music to be Sonic 2006 - Solaris Theme Phase 1?

    1. Raion


      @RoyChaos it isn't as easy as you think. The componist of it has the right of that track, not Jan. If Jan would use it without his/her okay, he and Rejuvenation could be in serious trouble. Also i don't think Jan would be allowed to use the track without paying lots of money.

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Well, any another ideas for Rejuvenation if my ideas aren't good for that.

  21. Can I ask the question?


    I wanted Valentine day event scene in Pokemon Rejuvenation. Is this possible to develop this in this game? You know I can't develop, neither I'm not the part of your group but is this possible?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Maybe after finishing V13, when you begin to develop V14, can you think about that?

    3. Jan


      No, sorry. I've already decided that romance is something that I don't want to do.

    4. OmegaStellarSolare


      Okay, I guess it can't be helped.

  22. Magmortar Crest: Magmortar's Speed stats scales with SpAtk stats. Vaporizes all Water type moves on opposing Pokemon and hurts all opposing Water type Pokemons by 1/8 HP each turn. Electivire Crest: Electivire's ability becomes Speed Boost. It always gives immunity to all Ground type moves.
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