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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. I see. The return of those unobtainable pokemons with their learnable moves by TM and TR.
  2. What a drastic change in these backgrounds. (In my head : Poor Zumi. You had hard time but you're better at not giving up. Have a nice day)
  3. I want to replay it from zero too, but to make team with fast sweepers. I’ll catch them, evolve them, train them and change their positions to my team.
  4. I never thought about your artwork. The artwork of characters came from chapter 1 and 2. No wonder you're good at that. I like Venam and Melia’s appearance is better from chapter 5 to 9. I’m looking forward to that.
  5. The last Gym Leader will be based on Dragon type. It can be situated in the cave with dragon power. I saw in Darchlight Cave terrain changed to dragonic cave by using such moves then some sort of Dragon type moves. Isn't that correct?
  6. Don't worry. It's just I always talk much so I have to not say anything. But it doesn't matter anymore. All I am upset now is that Infernape Crest. Infernape is always good with his offensive and with Infernape Crest, his Attacks and Defenses has swapped. How unfair. I can't figure it out to use moves on Infernape if it is holding Infernape Crest. It's always the same and it will be. It doesn't matter whatever it's decided to let it be or not.
  7. Sorry. I want to be calm and forget about that, okay?

  8. ... (Having hatred towards Nim for what she will become)
  9. It's that true? Then Melia has memories of Maria, hasn't she?
  10. I wonder if, in the future, there should be Pokemon Enchanted Rejuvenation, the improved version of Pokemon Rejuvenation which features 4 new mysterious characters (Kyuda siblings) :

    -Theo - the youngest brother and the most weakest trainer,

    -Mira - Theo's older sister, a bit overprotective of the main character due to the related reason and hates Crescent

    -Lino - Twin brother of Nico who has his first pokemon Dreepy and falls in love with Venam

    -Nico - The eldest brother and twin brother of Lino who has every gimmicks (including Crystalization came from Pokemon Azurite) and uses Fire type Pokemon team including Infernape each with Lv100. He's the pride of his family.



    I was my idea for that. If you don't answer, it's a no.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Because I'm the one who's to blame. I should have been silent.

    3. Sardines


      Oh, you can talk. No worries about it. The real question is if we even get what you're going on about tbh js imo. Cause a lot of that shit was out of left field and I (and guess everyone else) had no idea what it was even about. But it's okay, free speech is everyone's right (and left too...fuckin righties acting like lefties don't exist)

    4. OmegaStellarSolare
  11. I have a question that was bothering me. What happened to Maria(I mean, Mariannete)? Last time, I saw she stood up against Indriad after she helped us escape.
  12. Jan, don't see the upcoming feature in Sword and Shield because you already started the developpment of V13, right. You can deal with that after you finish it.

    1. Jan


      I've already seen it, lol. I appreciate the concern, but I can handle myself. 

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      It's because I don't want to suffer you like that. You're going to have hard time developping new pokemon seen in the pass extension trailer, I swear.

  13. And what about Darmanitan Crest? Is it possible to use on Galarian Darmanitan, in V13?
  14. I saw the progress of developping V13 of Pokemon Rejuvenation. I'm a bit satisfied of this current state.
  15. What about shiny Scorbunny sprite to shiny Cinderace sprite? Shoud its color be black and always red or not?
  16. Happy New Year, Zumi.

  17. Happy New Year, Jan.

  18. Yeah, even if I was imagining for the cutscene about the protagonist and Ren choosing Legendary Pokemon Zacian/Zamazenta (had protagonist chosen Zacian, Ren would catch Zamazenta but if Zamazenta, Ren would catch Zacian) but without holding Rusted Sword and Rusted Shield. I don't know if it will be realised for the future or a bit early.
  19. Who is next Gym Leader we're gonna face? If Saki, where is she?
  20. I'm just warning about because I don't know if it is possible to have updated pokemons, abilities, moves, items and terrains in Pokemon Rejuvenation V13. If you want to know informations about updated moves and items too, you can search them.
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