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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. That means Disguise has a nerf which means, when Mimikyu gets first hit taken, it only lose 1/8 Max HP to himself. So Gamefreak has some reasons to do. And yes, that's right. Because it's not a trap.
  2. If you all dissapointed about Aegislash, I will tell you now the additional effects on updated abilities about Pokemon Sword and Shield : -Disguise : It now causes 1/8th Max Hit Point damage to the user when disguise breaks, -Flash Fire : It now increases chance of encountering Fire-type Pokemon when lead in the party, -Harvest : It now increases chance of encountering Grass-type Pokemon when lead in the party, -Inflitrator : It now reduces the amount of Wild Pokemon encounters when lead in the party, -Inner focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo and Scrappy : They now block Intimidate, -Lightning Rod : It now increases chance of encountering Electric-type Pokemon when lead in the party, -Moody : It no longer affects Evasion or Accuracy stats, -Rattled : It also activates now when the opponent's Intimidate ability activates, -Storm Drain : It now increases chance of encountering Water-type Pokemon when lead in the party, -Super Luck : If the Pokemon is in the lead spot, chance of encountering a wild Pokemon holding an item increases, -Synchronize : If the Pokemon is in the lead spot, chance of encountering a wild Pokemon with the same nature is now guaranteed P.S: I don't know what's gonna happen about your reactions when you see what I told you. It's the truth about abilities but a warning as well.
  3. I saw there are some changes for Pokemon in Sword and Shield : -Kantonian Koffing and Kantonian Weezing gains additional abiliities like Neutralizing Gas and his hidden ability Stench -Aegislash reduced his stats to each form: Shield form : Def and SpDef stats : 150 --> 140 Sword form : Atk and SpAtk stats : 150 --> 140 Is it possible to happen the same thing in Pokemon Rejuvenation? PS: If yes, I also saw changes for moves, abilities and items, too.
  4. Maybe I'm looking forward to the next chapter when the time has come.
  5. That means we will be facing a Rift Regice made by ice, and Angie’s blood mixed with darkness made by rift. That’s why it’s revealed that Regice had a different color due to the cost of the Anju’s blood. But I wish to save Angie from Indriad, dammit. Indriad must pay his life for breaking the taboo. I swear it, I must save her even if there’s more objections.
  6. Nope, the reason of why Angie turned evil is still unknown but it will be on flashback, I think. Do you remember the scene about what Nymiera said about obelisk?
  7. Yeah, whatever it is, it doesn't matter to me on that route 4. I liked much Giratina theme remix made by Glithxcity/Kamex (Original/2017). I was imagining about new Final Endeavor 2 music (this music has nothing to do with Rift Gardevoir).
  8. Correction. Once every old content, new content and Gen 8 pokemon are at 100%, it is possible a bit to release the V13 of Pokemon Rejuvenation. You need to be patient and see the current state of V13 Status Thread.
  9. No raids means no Dynamax and no Gigantamax here in this game. Yet, I was thinking about Crests. I want to make sure if those original Crests works on Regional Pokemon too like Galarian Darmanitan holding a Darmanitan Crest when I will play in V13 because I'm still worried about. The another reason is that both Darmanitan and Galarian Darmanitan can still use their hidden ability Zen mode.
  10. It doesn't matter now, it was easier with Rejuvenation but for that Pokemon Reborn, I can count with walkthrough now because it's useless to find every item in every location because of sorts of requirements I need to do.
  11. Jan, I decided not to play Pokemon Rejuvenation in my new laptop until V13 of this game is released because of Gen 8 starters (including with Hidden Ability) so I have to wait longer to start again in V13 so I could choose a new Fire starter named Scorbunny. So, I'm sorry but it is my decision.

  12. Give me a break about item locations, I can't take every item by order because there's only by every locations, not by episodes.
  13. OK. I think maybe Griselda will come back for revenge as Rift Giratina to take her pride back or whatever what she has lost. And do you think also that Spacea and Tiempa are Palkia and Dialga, don't you?
  14. I was thinking about name of the new arc after that. I prefer Giratina/Giselda Revival arc. Remember that Arceus banished Giratina into Distorition World as his punishment for horrorific nature and those messages mentioning about Giselda. I theorize that Giratina will be enslaved again by new returned antagonist Giselda who tranforms Giratina into Rift Giratina (being Dark/Ghost type pokemon) who has the ability Wonder Guard. Her plan is to banish not only Arceus, but also Spacea and Tiempa into Distorition World because she desires revenge. Note: Giratina will appear earlier to be enslaved easily by Giselda if Lavender decided to free the pokemon. Otherwise, Giselda will do herself to find Giratina.
  15. I'm sure that all remaining mega stones including Blazikenite will be avaibable in episode 19, because this episode will be the last. Is that it?

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      All remaining TM's, Mega stones and Z crystals are planned to be added, there shouldn't be anything from up to Ultra Sun/Moon left out

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Even if I didn't play it any further, I will restart this game.

  16. OMG, I must warn you for Gen 8 Pokemons. There's more pokemon than that. And I saw Galarian Darmanitan, too. If Darmanitan's crests works on Darmanitan, is it possible to use on Galarian Darmanitan too when v13 is released?

    1. Jan


      You're lucky I didn't see this until now. I wanted to be spoiler free and this would've spoile dme. Please be more considerate. Anyway, yes Galarian Darm will be available in v13.

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      I hope I did help you for that.

  17. Cassandra works for Team Xen, that's why.
  18. I played for first time as far as becoming a part of Bladestar but I REGRETED IT. FLORA FOOLED ME IN THE END. And as being a rebel, I don't know what you're talking about.
  19. I did choosing Erin as partner, telling her about Flora and not telling Cassandra about something important. Erin is the only character which I can trust her because you should know her later in chapter 14 while I can't trust Flora and Cassandra because Flora is the destroyer as Team Bladestar Admin and Cassandra works with Team Xen.
  20. In Valor Mountain 5F, normal emotion crystal doesn't work here even I activated giant normal emotion crystal. Without that crystal, I can't take the remaining items.
  21. This crystal turning into normal emotion is still inactive in 5F, even if I activated giant normal crystal.
  22. Jan, you're going to concetrate creating old contest and new contest, and then Gen 8 Pokemons for the last. Am I right? If I'm right, then I hope that will be interesting for V13 of Pokemon Rejuvenation after the release date.

  23. I wonder if the jackpot starters will return with baby pokemons (Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby, Azurill, Wynaut, Budew, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Happiny, Munchlax, Riolu, and Mantyke) and with first form pseudo-legendary pokemons (Every Generations).
  24. Can't continue chapter 13 after the end of the chapter 12 because Erin isn't here in the entrace to scolar district. I'm stressed. Wait a minute. It's because I skipped it by registring the tournament before. Now I'm frustrated. I should have access to the tournament after Ren request. Please forgive me. I regret for every skipping my cutscenes.
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