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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Happy Halloween! I thought I will never do that until conditions have been met, but I will make exception for this one. Here’s the scene of Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. In 3rd HQ between Melia, Erin, Alice and Allen who are accompanied by Aevis. They are surrounded by the same ghosts Melia encountered earlier after done with Genesis Syndrome which reveals that Erin, Alice and Allen aren’t affected by it :

    Melia : I think we’re done for.

    Erin : Don’t give up, now. We should face them, no matter how many dangers we face.

    Alice : Allen. I’m scared.

    Allen : I’m here for you.

    Then Soul Stone reacts, causing spirit of Anathea to appear.


    Erin : M-Mother?!

    Anathea : …


    Anathea enters in Aevis’ body.


    Erin : What is she doing to Aevis?

    Aevis : …

    Rrr… RRRRRrrrrrrrrr…

    Melia : Aevis. Are you alright?

    Aevis : UuuuuuaaaAAAAAAARRRRG!!!


    Aevis’ light resonates, causing himself to be transformed into something else.


    Melia : What’s going on?

    Erin : I… Don’t know…


    In shining light, a person appears, revealing to be a teenager version of Anathea as a result of merging with Aevis.


    Melia : Aevis. Is that you or…

    Erin : Everyone! CLOSE YOUR EYES!

    Melia : But…

    Erin : We don’t have time for this!


    Everyone close their eyes.


    ??? : …BEGONE.


    The girl uses the psedo version of the Archetype power, illuminating everything around, erasing ghosts.


    Melia/Erin/Allen/Alice : *scream*.



    Back to Goldenwood Grove.


    Aevis : Urgh… My head…

    Melia : Aevis. Thank god you’re still here.


    Aevis opens his eyes.


    Aevis : So we’re back to Goldenwood Grove.

    Melia : Speaking of which… What was that?

    Aevis : Huh?

    Melia : I mean, what did you do?

    Aevis : …

    To be honest, I don’t remember everything.

    Erin : I know what’s happened. And I suppose that it’s going to be hard to explain everything.

    But let me summarize shortly : you became something else fueled with the Archetype power.

    And yet, there’s no trace of Genesis Syndrome inside of you.

    Melia : That was quite shocking to me.

    Erin : I think we have to keep secret.

    Melia : About what?

    Erin : About Aevis, sister!

    Melia : …

    Erin : As for you, Aevis. You must forget about the fact that I told you.

    Aevis : Understood.


    Allen and Alice came here to see the situation.


    Allen : Did we miss something?


    Erin also told Allen and Alice about Aevis’ safety and keeping secrets about it. Then they returned to League Administration.


    Note : Well, tomorrow, there will be tier changes in smogon metagame. I wonder what kind of the outcome will be. See you later after DLC2 release or in Christmas if it takes at later time. And Happy Halloween once again!

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edit : I corrected many words that are made by mistake because I literally just sped up the writing so it should be good by now.

  2. Another sad fact is that I don’t have Android, anymore. I only have iOS.
  3. I can’t help but see how Aevia sprite looks way pure beauty. It’s sad that I can’t play V13.5, even if guides are complete. Because my laptop charger is… What can I say? …Ruined, forever. I bought another one in internet but I’m waiting because it’s going to take more than a week.
  4. Here’s the music. So heartwarming (inverse of Slowed Regi Trio theme which it is heartbreaking) :
  5. I think it’s just too soon for that. It’s been almost nine months since E6 was released. Now, I think I will take more than 3 years to make it happen.
  6. Anyone knows how to evolve Galarian Yamask? And where is the ice rock location?
  7. Happy birthday, Jan. Wish you a very good luck. And hope you had passed a great time in summer vacation. 👍

    1. Leenu



  8. I love these designs. Yet, I prefer the upgraded (multi color) version one. I mean the second one.
  9. I promised yesterday that there will be bad news. I changed my mind about resuming September. Last time, I decided to delay resuming the post I do every weekend because of my terrible mistake back here. This time, I’m doing the same thing for a different reason. I need to wait until two conditions have been met :

    - Pokemon Rejuvenation V13.5 release

    - The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

    Sorry for the explanation. I hope you understand that.

    On the bright side, 2 weeks remaining until The Teal Mask arrives.

    See you next time.

  10. "When everyone respects him, he promises a happy ending,

    When he finds a girl he loves, the girl takes interest in him,

    When he's the chosen hero, they worship him,

    When he's destined to defeat evil, he takes his duty seriously to the heart,

    But when someone envious of him, someone becomes an ugly liar,

    When a boy trusts a person, a person uses the advantage on that trust from the boy,

    When a boy vanquish the big bad, he believes to the fortune happening tomorrow,

    But when a liar uses this opportunity to break the boy, it gets worse to extreme degree,

    Once the humanity believe the liar, the boy becomes hated and treated like an evil incarnate,

    When the world persecutes him, persecution breaks him,

    When its companions betray him, betrayal changes him,

    When his lover rejects him for something he didn't do, rejection curses him,

    When someone is as seen as powerful, it is seen as a threat,

    When he's alone and at his lowest point, it turns his own lowest point to his own greatest despair,

    Once despair is born, so it transforms into rage and hatred,

    Once he's completely treated as a devil, so he decides to become that devil,

    When the evil encounters the liar, the liar becomes the victim of the evil's cold-blooded torture treated as an instant demise,

    When the girl realises what she has done, she breaks down in tears out of remorse at her resposibility for his descent to villainy,

    When the evil is serious about destroying everything, then nobody will stop his unstoppable rage."


    Note : I was trying to create a poem about a boy who had a very bad case of many traumas. Tomorrow, I have to tell you about bad news.

  11. Even so, I’m afraid that it will take months for every stages of testing V13.5. Right now, I believe testing isn’t in alpha stage, yet. But, sometimes, it’s better to restart the playthrough in the current version to pass the time rather than wait for the next one to appear. Besides, we must give developers time as much as they need. Be 8 months or more, I think.
  12. Blue: 18 Silver: 29 Brendan: 30 May: 38 Serena: 51 Shauna: 5 Gladion: 26
  13. Blue: 18 Silver: 29 Brendan: 30 May: 38 Serena: 50 Shauna: 9 Gladion: 25
  14. Blue: 18 Silver: 29 Brendan: 29 May: 38 Serena: 50 Shauna: 11 Gladion: 25
  15. Blue: 18 Silver: 29 Brendan: 28 May: 38 Serena: 50 Shauna: 13 Gladion: 25
  16. Blue: 18 Silver: 29 Brendan: 27 May: 38 Serena: 50 Shauna: 17 Gladion: 24
  17. Blue: 18 (Sorry Blue) Silver: 31 Brendan: 26 May: 38 Serena: 50 Shauna: 17 Gladion: 24
  18. I'm getting used to it. All it needs is patience for V13.5, no matter how painful it is. Our impatience will turn into our bad karma.
  19. Perfect! 1000/10! The bond system looks very great compared to the original one. I want to try that one.
  20. Blue: 20 Silver: 31 Brendan: 25 May: 38 Hugh: 0 Serena: 50 Shauna: 17 Gladion: 24 Bye, bye! Hugh!
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