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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. In Celeste City, when Aderyn asks to Danielle about travelling to Weeping Hill :

    Aderyn : I have a favour to ask.

    I would like you to travel to the Weeping Hill, and explore its ruins beneath the surface.

    I would like you to find the source of these 'supernatural' sightings and remove it.

    In exchange, I'll see to it that Vera will transport you and your friends to Cellia.

    Is that fair?

    Danielle : I believe that it isn't fa-


    Chad pulls Danielle's ear for her cowardice answer.


    Danielle : Ow! Ow! Ow!

    Chad : All what she meant is that she's happy to accept your help!

    So, it's a deal, then!


    Chad stops pulling her ear.


    Aderyn : Excellent. I'll let the guard know that you have the permission to enter the burial grounds.

    You can find Weeping Hill on Route 2, just south of here.

    Chad : So that's where rangers keep trainers out from entering here.

    We'll try to not messing around.

    Aderyn : Be careful, yes?

    I have learned to not take even the slightest rumours lightly.

    Danielle : But... *sigh*

    OK. I volunteer to do this.

    Aderyn : I'm glad you're helping, Danielle.

    Remember. You can find Weeping Hill on the west side of Route 2. Good luck.


    Danielle and Chad left in journey to Weeping Hill.


    Danielle : What did you do that for?

    Chad : Are you scared of ghosts, by any chance?

    Danielle : Absolutely. Yes!

    Chad : And you call yourself a future champion.

    GROW! UP! Danielle!

    This isn't a child play, anymore!


    Chad moved forward, leaving Danielle behind.


    Danielle : Grr! I hate this but I have no other ways!


    Note : To me, Danielle's first appearance reflects of the child being immature with many ego moments while her second appearance reflects her accumulated experiences of being humbled, turned her into matured teen with self esteem issues. See you in next weekend.

  2. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. Here's the dialogue where the protagonists are comparing about how many Pokemon are registered in Pokedex :

    Aero : That reminds me. How's your progress with your Pokedex?

    Aevia : Not bad for me. I have 157 Pokemon registered in Pokedex.

    Aero : Mine has 204.

    What about you, Axel?

    Axel : If you insist!


    Axel shows the Pokedex.


    Aero : Axel! I can't believe it!

    You registered 638!

    But how?!

    Axel : You might be strong. But you lack skills.

    You can't accomplish such a feat without it.

    Although, I'm opposite of you. Despite I'm the weakest, I took weeks of experiences to become skillful ever since I became a trainer.

    That's right. Challenging a Gym Leader might be the way to progress into becoming the world best trainer.

    But if you're not taking seriously about the most important goal that gave us to do, then, sooner or later, you're already failed yourself as a trainer.

    Aevia : ...

    When did he get so smart?

    Aero : I... I have to be alone, thinking for a while...

    Axel : Let's go, Aevia.

    Aevia : Poor, Aero.


    Axel and Aevia left.


    Note : Maybe some Pokemon that weren't in V13 might appear in V13.5. Whatever or not, it doesn't matter. See you next time.

  3. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. Here's the moment where Avery tries to throw a Pokeball to catch a Wimpod in left docks of Cellia East Docks :

    Sienna : There, there it is.

    Avery : Where?


    Avery found Wimpod.


    Avery : Oh yeah, oh I got it.

    It's standing around cluelessly.

    Sienna : Be careful! It's used to run away way fast like a coward!


    Wimpod is watching what Avery's going to do.


    Avery : Oh *bleep*.

    Wimpod saw us.

    Sienna : Catch it before it runs away! Quick!

    Avery : Roger that.


    It's nice to see you, Wimpod.


    Avery tries to throw a Pokeball but at the wrong direction while Wimpod is standing there. Catching failed.

    Then they tried again.

    And then again.

    Again. (>x20)


    Avery : Oh, dang it.

    Sienna : ...

    Avery (to Sienna) : What?

    Sienna : ...


    You're really not very good with that thing, are you?


    Wimpod is taunting Sienna and Avery.


    Sienna : Oh, great, now it's taunting us.



    Wimpod left to the other location.


    Sienna : Avery. We must hurry before we lose its tracks.

    Avery : Well... OK!


    Note : Was that funny to you? Who knows? It's anyone's guess. See you in next weekend.

  4. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. In League Administration, Aero finally tells to protagonists (without Aevis who's been busy talking with Crescent, Ana who's been spending hours of searching Dylan and Axel who's been missing and was never found) about dark aura :

    Alain : That was close one. I succeeded of quelling Ariana's dark aura corruption.

    Ariana : I'm sorry for hurting you.

    Alain : Don't apologize. That wasn't yourself.

    Aevia : So why you came us to reassemble, here?

    Aero : I want to tell you about darkness in our heart.

    Alain : Did you find something?

    Aero : Actually, I found something you never gonna like, Alain.

    The dark aura we're experiencing is none other than the negative emotions born from stress and desperation.

    And then it became the power of seven deadly sins.

    Aevia. You're experiencing the power of sloth.

    While, Ariana experiences gluttony.

    While me, I'm suffering from inferiority complex.

    Alain : It's jealousy. Plain and simple. Or to extreme degree, envy.

    Aero : Yes. Whatever I experienced something was completely bad.

    But, let me tell you about Axel. Of course, I'm referring to you, Ariana.

    Ariana : What?

    Aero : Currently, he's now completely too weak to handle the pain.

    As I want to tell you, he's become greedy.

    Ariana : Please, don't say anything you're going to say.

    Aero : The power of greed is overwhelming its psychological mind.

    At this point, leaving him alone is not an option, anymore.

    If we don't do something, he might...

    Aevis : He might end up just like Aelita did.


    Aevis joined the group.


    Aero : What did you talk to Crescent about?

    Aevis : It's better not to ask about her. If you think about telling her, that's a lost cause.

    Aero : Why? She needs to know the truth.

    Aevis : And what she will react then?

    Aero : Well...

    Aevis : She won't take it that well.

    It's our responsibility and ours alone. She mustn't know anything else about dark aura.

    Aero : ...Fine! Be my guest!

    That aside, what did you say about him ending up just like Aelita did?

    Aevis : ...

    We thought that Vivian's Curse was dangerous.

    But Seven Deadly Sins' Curse is way 1 million times deadlier than that.

    Imagine how Axel might become a monster if he were to be consumed.

    He might more powerful than Aelita was as Rift Regirock.

    Because they can access to Frenzy Overdrive. When enraged of nearly losing a battle, they take a form beyond that.

    If we don't do something to subdue his rage quickly, we'll lose him forever.

    He'll die as Axel that we know.


    They are completely horrified by his explaination.


    Ariana : No!


    Ariana begins to cry.


    Ariana : It's all my fault. I should have never left him.

    Aevis : No. If there's anyone to blame for the consequences, I volunteer to take it.

    Aevia : It's not your fault. You told me about Geara.

    And I fell for his own trap. I failed her just like I failed Aelita before that.

    Aevis : You don't understand what I meant. I will take responsibility for many mistakes.

    Alain : Aevis. With all due respect, you always take the blame for us.

    You keep punishing yourself like that was your right choice.

    But you're not going to take the blame all by your yourself, anymore.

    Let us share it with you.


    Alain giving Aevis their honest response as the others are standing up.


    Aevis : You...

    OK. You got me.

    Still, you know why Aero didn't mention you in that part?

    Because Wrath might be the Interceptor's power for you, but also a Deadly Sin's, too.

    Alain : Huh? I... I didn't know about it.

    Aevis : Therefore, you won't be corrupted.

    Aero : Really? That's great.

    Aevis : Because you already have it under your control from the beginning.

    Alain : I see. Smart move. You noticed.

    Aevis : If you have power of sin of wrath under your control, you might be able to transform into something different than a monster or an Interceptor form. I call it Sinner Form, a darker but superior than the previous ones.

    Alain : Actually, I don't know how to transform into that one.

    Aevis : You'll get your own chance, sooner or later.

    Aero : So, if we make a piece with our dark selves, does that lead us succeeding to put it under our control?

    Then we can reach it to the level that what you mentioned?

    Aevis : It's better if you find your own inner peace.

    You'll find the answer you're searching for.

    Alain : I'll try.


    Note : First, I won't forgive the responsible for lying about the date for Pokemon Home compatibility with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. That shocked the fans about the hope spot.

    Second, there might exists Seven Deadly Sins (not the anime, thank you), but what I like more is their light counterpart : Seven Heavenly Virtues (still not the anime).

    See you next time.

  5. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. Here's the dialogue after Diego defeats Jarred :

    Jarred : Jarred... lost?

    Despite Jarred's dance prowess and superior fashion sense...

    And even though we went as far as to dip our toes into the water?!

    This is... inconceivable...

    But... truly exhilarating!

    Diego : ???!!


    Jarred : You are worthy of dancing with me, Diego!

    And you truly are worthy of being in this great race!

    Jarred will watch your progress with great interest!

    Perhaps, we will meet again... as you grow closer to finding my dear, lost, Lugia...

    Good luck, esteemed trainer!

    Until then... Jarred has otherworldly matters to attend to!

    Beep boop!


    Jarred exploded.


    Diego : What the *bleep* was that?! He exploded!

    All right, I've had enough with Jarred!

    On the bright side, I got rid of him for good! I hope so!

    Time to enter the portal to return to Cinder Tunnel.

    Then I must hurry.

    It won't take long to wake up Moltres.


    Note : I'm done with it for today. See you in next weekend.

  6. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. In someone's dream, at the beginning of Chapter 13 (after Team Xen cutscene where it ends with Oria explaining about something). It shows a teenager boy who's finding a way :

    ??? : Hello. Is anyone else, here?

    I don't know where am I.

    This place looks void.


    A boy looks confused about this place as he doesn't know how to escape.


    ??? CAN YOU HEAR ME?



    The screaming didn't work. Nobody was here.

    But suddenly, he saw a beautiful girl with very long white hair covering her face.


    ??? : It can't be. Is that... you?!


    She moves away from him. Scared of losing her track, he's running desperately to catch her.


    ??? : Please, come back. I'm begging you.


    Yet, she goes far away as he can't catch her.


    ??? : No. Please, don't leave me alone in this world. Without you, I'm nothing.


    In the end, she dissappeared.

    Due to this, he screams in despair...




    Only to be woken up as Aevis, worried as they saw him.


    Aevis : AH!! *pant* *pant*

    Melia : Are you alright, Aevis?!

    Erin : Please, don't scare us like that!

    You kept screaming like you lost someone else who's precious to you!

    Aevis : I'm so sorry, Melia, Erin. I had a very bad dream.

    A remorseful dream that has been haunting me like I don't remember why.


    Aevis can't describe what to say. Then, he shed a tear.


    Erin : You literally witnessed something that you might regret remembering that, right now.

    Aevis : But I didn't want you to worry about me.

    Melia : We're still absolutely worried about you.

    Erin : She's right. You must need our help in case of what causes your nightmare to hurt you mentaly.

    Perhaps, it's about time you might explain us why are you here.

    Aevis : I have to apologize you for that, too. I can't remember, everything. About my past.

    My past before I became Interceptor.

    Melia : You, what?!

    Erin : Then again, there are many things we should take care before you tell us about what bothers you.

    That aside, while you were having a nightmare, Melia told me about the box, right here.


    Erin pointed the box at the front door.


    Erin : She said it came from Puppet Master.

    We didn't have any scheduled deliveries today...

    And even if we did, they get left at the front door.

    Melia : Maybe Cella left in here for us?

    Aevis : To tell you the fact : she didn't because she's not here, isn't she.

    Erin : True.

    She went into town for supplies.

    Melia : So... Someone walked into our room and just dropped this off?

    Erin/Aevis : ...Yep.

    Melia : This place isn't safe as it feels...

    Aevis : You'll learn something better really fast as you can.

    Erin : Totally.

    Anyway, are you gonna open it or not?


    Note : The teenager boy I mentioned contains conservative clothes with with same hairstyle as Chris Redgrave from High Card has. The past about Aevis, Aevia, Axel, Ariana, Alain, Aero and Ana might be heartbreaking. But those who have taken over their bodies might have even worse backstories before they became Interceptors. Well, see you tomorrow.

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edited : I corrected it because I kept thinking that it doesn't look much fine to me.

  7. I will be changing also "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. After conversation between Danielle and Shiv in hotel in West Cellia Docks, she woke up and she found Sienna lying asleep in table while sitting down in a chair :

    Danielle : Hey, Sienna...!

    Sienna : *ZZZZZZ*!


    Danielle tries to sleep, only to find in shock that Sienna is here in the same apartment.


    Danielle : WAIT, WHAT?! WHAT THE *bleep* ARE YOU DOING?!

    Sienna : Awww!!! Why are you screaming that loud?!

    It's rude to wake someone with such awful big noises like that!

    Danielle : Ok. I'm sorry.



    Wait! That's not important, right now!

    Why are you here?!

    Sienna : Ava told me to take care of you!

    Danielle (sarcastic) : Oh, thank you, Ava! Such overprotective you're being!

    Sienna : Anyway, we have to move on to Cellia Central.

    It requires Cellia Passport to enter here, which I have it.

    But since you did a good job in Blackview City, it's possible they'll let you in.

    Danielle : For real?! What are you waiting for?!


    Danielle is wearing same clothes and left the apartment.


    Sienna : She'll never change, will she?


    Sienna also left the apartment.


    Note : That thing I wrote serves as censor in case of foul words. I don't want to recieve a warning point just for that. See you in next weekend.

  8. This time, I'm changing "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation to Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. Here's the moment where Axel summons its starter against Aevia's Brionne in Route 4 :

    Aevia : Ready to win this time?

    Axel : Who do you think I am?


    Axel summons Sprigatito.

    Playing Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Wild Battle Theme (South Province)


    Axel : Sprigatito! Are you ready for it?!

    Sprigatito : Tito!

    Aevia : Let's give him our best shot, Brionne!

    Brionne : Bri!

    Aevia Use Icy Wind!


    Brionne fire an Icy Wind against Sprigatito.


    Axel : Dodge and use Seed Bomb!


    Sprigatito dodged as ordered and unleashed Seed Bomb, dealing damage. It's super effective.


    Aevia : Brionne! Hang in there!

    Brionne : Onne!

    Axel : Why don't your Brionne use Hyper Voice?

    Aevia : Because Liquid Voice make this move a Water type. I don't want to waste that to a Grass type Pokemon like yours.

    Axel : OK. Fair enough.

    Use Bite!


    Sprigatito used Bite (making Sprigatito a Dark type due to Protean ability) against Brionne, dealing damage.


    Aevia : Are you OK?

    Brionne : Briiiii!


    Brionne got flinched.


    Aevia : Oh, no!

    Axel : Use Play Rough!

    Aevia : Dodge!


    Sprigatito used Play Rough against Brionne, but Brionne dodged it.


    Aevia : Use Attract!


    Brionne used Attract against Sprigatito. Sprigatito became infatuated (due to Sprigatito being male and Brionne being female).


    Axel : No!

    Sprigatito (in love) : Ga!

    Axel Sprigatito! Use Seed Bomb!


    But Sprigatito doesn't attack because he fell in love with Brionne.


    Axel : Oops!

    Aevia : Use Hyper Voice!


    Brionne used Hyper Voice against Sprigatito, dealing massive damage. Sprigatito fainted.

    Stopping the music.


    Aevia : Guess I won!


    Aevia gave a cute victorious pose while Axel sits down out of his shame.


    Axel : I failed him.


    Axel's Sprigatito returned to Pokeball.


    Aevia : Don't worry. Maybe you'll learn someday how to be a better trainer.

    Axel (sarcasm) : Yes! Why not?!

    Aevia : Better not be late. They're waiting for us.


    Note : I changed the name because sounds like it's not "what if protagonists can talk", anymore. It's more like adaptation. See you tomorrow.

  9. It’s been a long time since I didn’t update something. It’s to tell you that I updated some things in this post. I will continue it later.
  10. Professional Stategist Niko (Fire Reserve) Type : Fire Field : Holy Flame Field Badge : White Sun Badge Items : 3 Full Restores Team : Typhlosion (Typhlosion Crest) Infernape (Infernape Crest) Delphox (Firium Z) Torkoal Arcanine Blaziken (Blazikenite)
  11. I’m excited for the opposite : The Paragon Route.
  12. Like this : https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/57296-item-guide-v13-vague-clarity-v1-where-love-lies-complete/
  13. First, look closely to Item Location. Second, you can’t obtain Chimchar line in current version V13 once you choose other starter than that.
  14. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation. Here’s the dialogue about Danielle and Robin where the latter is searching to catch Pokemon that aren’t registered in Pokedex as they started with Keneth Beach :

    Robin : It was a pleasure to have you my back.

    Danielle : You’re welcome. It wouldn’t be fair for you to do it alone.

    Robin : It will take a long time before I complete catching every Pokemon in Amaria Island.

    Then Cellia Island will be next.

    Danielle : I’m so proud of you.

    I wish you could take a part of challenging Gym Leaders.

    Robin : But you have already your rival. It’s Chad, of course.

    Besides, I’m not interested in taking part of it.

    Danielle : Oh! As you wish!

    I wasn’t trying to force you. Sorry.

    Robin : Don’t apologize.

    I wanted to spend the journey with you and your friends.

    Danielle : Can we move to Keneph Jungle?

    We have some time to catch up.

    Robin : Why not?

    They went to Keneph Jungle to continue searching for the other Pokemon.


    Note : Sometimes, I’m just tired doing it late. Losing our time is literally risky and there’s no coming back once you do it. See you in next weekend.

  15. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. It's the moment where Aevis shows Melia about his Cinderace in Route 7 near Darchlight Woods entrance :

    Melia : Anyway, despite not remembering that much about the city, I will always remember one thing...

    Aevis : It's Hapi, your Togepi. Isn't it?

    Yeah! That's where I got my first Pokemon!

    I was playing in a park when I saw this Pokemon egg out in the open.

    I waddled over there and touched the egg. The moment I did, it started to hatch!

    When Togepi finally came around, I was the first thing it saw.

    I think it thought I was its mother or something. It wouldn't let go of me!

    Aevis : Perhaps, that's fate destined for you or love!

    Melia : You can say that again!

    Also, what was weirder was that this Togepi had a different color scheme altogether!

    I've never seen a Togepi in my life before this, so I had no idea, but...

    When Jenner saw it, he freaked out so hard and told me everything there is to know about Shiny Pokemon.

    For a long time I've become obsessed with them.

    To the point where I would actively look for them while I was out doing research.

    Aevis : Good for you. But I'm not interested with Shiny Pokemon.

    My goal is also to complete the Pokedex.

    Melia : You want to become a Champion and also completing Pokedex.

    I'm imagining about having my Normal type team with Shiny color.

    That's how original team came together. The one you saw at Goldenwood Forest...

    Aevis : That reminds me. Where are they?

    Melia : Spacea and Tiempa took them away from me and gave them to Irvin.

    They told me that I needed to start from scratch, but I begged them to let me at least have Hapi.

    It's not that I don't love my current team right now, but I miss my original guys...

    Buneary, Stufful and Eevee... I hope I'll see you all again one day.

    Aevis : It's like you had a hard time.

    Melia : What about your time with Cinderace?

    Aevis : She was my best friend. I would never abandon her like that.

    While you were in training, I had catching up to do.

    I fought gym leaders, registered many Pokemon in Pokdex and trained them perfectly.

    And I want to tell you about side quests that I did.

    Melia : Was it so tiring to you?

    Aevis : Absolutely not.

    Besides, being a champion doesn't mean slacking off and doing nothing.

    I can still continue helping people because I want to.

    Melia (worried) : Aevis?

    Aevis : Yet, I'm almost in the same way as you are.

    Look at my Cinderace.


    Aevis summons Cinderace.


    Cinderace : Ace!


    Melia : Wow! Spectacular!

    Aevis : And that's not all. Look about what I have recorded about her!


    Aevis used the camera to show Melia about Cinderace moves.

    Causing Melia to be shocked and surprised.



    Aevis : That's what she's capable of!

    During my long journey, my Cinderace has mentally evolved to the point of learning every different types of moves and having Libero becoming superpowered.

    Look at these move she learnt to change type :

    Pyro Ball for Fire type

    Court Change for Normal type

    High Jump Kick for Fighting type

    Sucker Punch for Dark type

    U-Turn for Bug type

    Acrobatics for Flying type

    Gunk Shot for Poison type

    Zen Headbutt for Psychic type

    Iron Head for Steel type

    High Horsepower for Ground type

    Triple Axel for Ice type

    Trop Kick for Grass type

    Play Rough for Fairy type

    Last Respects for Ghost type

    Surging Strikes for Water type

    Rock Slide for Rock type

    Bolt Strike for Electric type

    Dual Chop for Dragon type

    Melia : Wow! That's insane!

    Aevis : Even Libero effect is starting to change! It not only made doubled the power but changed Cinderace's form that depends on which type corresponds on her!

    I would call that ability Advanced Libero!


    Aevis returned Cinderace to his Pokeball.

    Melia is laughing. 


    Melia : That makes us special, don't we?

    Aevis : Even so, there's nothing special about us.

    Melia : Why would you say that?

    Aevis : What matters is friendship, experience and acceptance.

    That's what she told me.

    Melia : Who's "she"?

    Aevis : You'll see soon enough. For now, we have to move on.

    Melia : You're right. Anyway, that's all the time we should spend restiny.

    We gotta get back to finding this Kelvin person.

    Let's get back to it!

    And, I want to tell you!

    Aevis : What is it?

    Melia : ...From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking care of me since we reunited together with our friends.

    I'll never forget that.

    Aevis : It's not a big deal. You're welcome after all.


    Note : In game, it's only natural for Pokemon to use 4 moves. That's why I included this dialogue. It's crazy for a Pokemon like that to hold more than 4 moves in the adaption. See you tomorrow.

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edit : I replaced Flip Turn with Surging Strikes because it made me realize how the latter looks more stylish to me compared to the former.

  16. Did you see the chapter 80 of Boruto in manga?

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Of course.


      It was hella shocking, to see that.

  17. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation. Here's the battle between Danielle and Sienna like I said 2 weeks ago :

    Playing Wild Battle Theme (Remix) - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet


    Danielle : Your turn, Bulbasaur.


    Danielle summons Bulbasaur.


    Bulbasaur : Saur!

    Danielle : Bulbasaur! Use Seed Bomb!


    Bulbasaur used Seed Bomb against Sienna's Deino.

    But much to Bulbasaur's surprise, Deino effortlessly dodged it.


    Sienna : Use Dragon Breath!


    Deino unleashed Dragon Breath to deal serious damage to Bulbasaur, paralyzing it.


    Sienna : Direct hit!

    Danielle : What?!

    Sienna : Use Headbutt!


    Deino used Headbutt against Bulbasaur. Bulbasur fainted.


    Danielle : Bulbasaur! Return to Pokeball!


    A fainted Bulbasaur returned to Pokeball.


    Danielle : I'm sorry. You did great.

    Scarlett : Wow! Way to start the battle!

    Ava (to Scarlett) : Many surprises have yet to come.

    Chad (to Scarlett) : Sienna isn't an ordinary trainer.

    Connor (to Chad) : Are you sure about this?

    Chad (to Connor) : Just watch what Sienna is capable of.

    Danielle : *sigh*

    I choose you! Bibarel!


    Danielle summons Bibarel.


    Bibarel : Biba!

    Danielle : Use Headbutt!

    Sienna : Deino! Do the same thing!


    Both clashed with Headbutt with Deino having the upper hand, defeating Bibarel. Bibarel fainted.


    Danielle : No way! I thought Bibarel had the advantage with Headbutt affected by STAB.

    Sienna : Don't underestimate the ability Hustle, Danielle.

    Danielle : We'll see about that.

    Bibarel! Return to Pokeball!


    A fainted Bibarel returned to Pokeball.


    Danielle : Let's go, Noibat.


    Danielle summons Noibat.


    Noibat : Noi!

    Sienna : This time, it's a Noibat. Bad mistake.

    Danielle : Use Supersonic!


    Noibat uses Supersonic.


    Sienna : Counter with Dragon Breath!


    Deino uses Dragon Breath against Supersonic, repelling it. It deals also damage to Noibat. It's super effective. Noibat fainted.


    Danielle : Noibat! Return to Pokeball!


    Noibat returned to Pokeball.


    Danielle : Skitty! I choose you!


    Danielle summoned Skitty.


    Skitty : Ski!

    Danielle : Use Copycat!


    Skitty used Copycat, using the move used by which the last Pokemon has used the move : Dragon Breath.

    It didn't reach it.


    Danielle : Come on!

    Diego : You forgot that it's ability is Normalize.

    Danielle : Ouch! Uh oh!

    Sienna : Just as I was waiting for! Counterattack with Bite!


    Deino used Bite against Skitty, damaging it. Skitty fainted.


    Danielle : Skitty! Come here to Pokeball!


    A fainted Skitty returned to Pokeball.


    Danielle : Diglett! I need your help!


    Danielle summons Diglett.


    Danielle : Diglett! Use Bulldoze!


    Diglett used Bulldoze against Deino.


    Sienna : Use Focus Energy!


    Deino used Focus Energy. Not only it raised critical hit chance but stopped the attack. Yet, it lowered Deino's speed.


    Danielle : What are you going to do now that your Pokemon's speed is lowered?

    Sienna : Speed is meaningless.

    Danielle : Use Bulldoze, again!


    Diglett used Bulldoze, trying to hit Deino.


    Sienna : Counterattack with Bite.


    Deino attacked with Bite, while jumping to avoid getting hit by Bulldoze.


    Danielle : What?! How did...?!


    Deino dealt damage to Diglett. It's a critical hit. Deino fainted.


    Danielle : Come back, Diglett!


    A fainted Diglett returned to Pokeball.


    Danielle : I... I don't understand...

    Sienna : Do you see that? Your pride has failed you.

    You have one Pokemon left.

    Danielle : Grr! Let's go, Venipede!


    Danielle summoned Venipede.


    Danielle : I'm not done yet.

    Venipede! Bug Bite!


    Venipede used Bug Bite to deal damage to Deino. But it missed


    Sienna : Use Dragon Breath!


    Deino retaliated by using Dragon Breath to Venipede, hitting and paralyzing it.


    Danielle : Oh, no! Stay with me!

    Use Bug Bite, again.


    It tried to use Bug Bite but get interruped by paralysis.


    Danielle : Venipede!

    Sienna : Use Headbut!


    Deino used Headbutt for the finishing blow. Venipede fainted.


    Dainelle : ...

    Return to Pokeball!


    A fainted Venipede returned to Pokeball.

    And as expected, Sienna won.


    Note : It took long to finish this. That's what happened in this battle. Sorry for being late and hope you enjoyed reading. See you in next weekend.

  18. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. It's Alain's turn. In Akuwa Town, after Aevia and Aelita are captured by upper ranked Team Xen members :

    Old man : Ah well, time for my shows!


    Old man left.

    Somewhere hidden behind aquarium, that was Alain who were hidden. They were scared, and traumatized by the turn of events.


    Alain : *pant* *pant*


    So Alain tried to call someone.






    Fortunately, someone answered their call.


    ??? : Hello?

    Alain : Help. This is an emergency.


    ??? : What's going on?

    Alain : I don't know but I'm gonna lose my cool! MY COOL!

    ??? : Calm down, Alain. What's the major problem?

    Alain : It's Aevia and Aelita. They have been kidnapped.

    ??? : They... WHAT?

    Are those Team Xen behind it?

    Alain : I don't know. They have helmet and wings.

    ??? : Those who have helmet and wings as well? ...Oh, no.

    Alain : What is it?

    ??? : Did they find you?

    Alain : I was lucky they didn't find me.

    ??? : Of course. You would be done for.

    These enemies. They are bad news.

    You should leave Akuwa Town, immediately. I'll take care of these monsters.

    Alain : Huh! But...?

    ??? : Trust me. They won't last long.


    Note : I saw RWBY Volume 9 finale and it turned out better, despite the sad part. Next Saturday, I'll talk about how Aevis' Cinderace is capable of. See you tomorrow.

  19. My top 5 : 1. Alpha (Eminence in Shadow) 2. Jaune Arc (RWBY) 3. Saitama (One Punch Man) 4. Meruem (Hunter x Hunter) 5. Dabi (MHA)
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