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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Here's "Protagonists can talk" for Pokemon Reborn because it has been a year since Pokemon Reborn E19 has been released. Here's the scene in Another Time :

    Shelly : All right, I can take you underneath the city to where the Relic Stone should be.

    Then Celebi can take both of you and the stone back to the correct time and place.

    But first...

    Did you enjoy the party?

    Decibel : Actually. That was fun.

    Alice : Never felt so great.

    Lucia : I wish I could stay a little bit longer.

    Kuro : I loved it.

    Ari : Much better.

    Elias I enjoed it greatly.

    Vero : ...

    Elias Seeing that Reborn's future is so very bright...

    It was truly inspiring, Champion of the Future.

    And my Lord, me and his own friends shall endeavor to make our future just as bright as this.

    Alice : And we'll make it happen.

    Shelly : With you people in it, I'm sure it will be even better.

    And hey, maybe with you still around, Vero, I'll train harder and get better even faster.

    That was a formidable battle you pulled it out and I lost to you.

    I could have never thought your Blaziken is able to use Bolt Beak that no one knows.

    Heather : Vero's team never ceases to surprise me like that.

    Lucia : You know my Sharpedo can use Fishious Rend.

    Heather : Oh... Right!

    Alice : I think only fossil Pokemon from Galar region are able to learn these moves. But never believed both Blaziken and Sharpedo managed to do it.

    Shelly : Whatever...

    Just you wait, Vero. I'll still be Champion one day, so enjoy you title while it lasts!

    Vero : ...

    Heather : You get so fiery about a good battle, Shelly.

    So much that I think you're forgetting something.

    Shelly : I am?

    Ah, I know what you mean--

    Don't worry, I remembered very well.

    I was just building up for the dramatic effect!

    Speaking of, if I may make a strange request for all of you.

    Decibel : Huh?! What is it?! What is it?!

    Ari : Relax, Decibel. Just listen what she has to say.

    Kuro : I hope it's another good surprise you're trying to make.

    Shelly : You'll figure it out.

    Can you close your eyes and follow us?

    As Kuro said, we have one last surprise before sending you home.

    Kuro : Figures.

    Elias : An odd request, but you have given us no reason to distrust you.

    Any surprise to end such a pleasant occasion will surely be lovely, after all.

    Shelly : Brilliant, just brilliant.


    Protagonists (including Vero, of course) and Elias close their eyes.

    Shelly : All right, now follow me...


    They are blindly following both Shelly and Heather.


    Shelly : Nearly there...




    Okay, open your eyes!


    They open their eyes, only to find out being surrounded by all their friends they encountered so far. Rivals, Gym leaders, the former and the new Elite Four ones.


    Heather : We figured if you have to go back, we should make sure you have something to remember this by!

    Kuro : Oh, thanks!

    Shelly : With that in mind...

    Everybody say "Reborn!"

    Everybody/Vero : Reborn!!!/Reborn.


    They took a photo.

    Then everyone reacted in shock about Vero who's been saying it for real.


    Shelly : WHAT?!

    Heather : Vero. Did you just say "Reborn." like that?

    Alice : I heard that, too. He really did.

    It shows that it's never too late for us to save him from his "Eternal Despair Syndrome".

    Luna : ...

    One thing, Alice.

    Alice : What is it, Luna?

    Luna When you return to your home, tell us that there's a way to cure Vero.

    But above all, I'm requesting you to let the past me take care of him after that.

    Alice : Understood.

    Shelly : All right, this is it; time for Celebi to take you home.

    Have a safe journey back.

    Shelly : Oh, and Vero?

    Even if you'll be there to defend it in your timeline...

    Vero : ...

    Shelly : Watch your back-- I'm coming for your title!


    Vero is quietly smiling about what Shelly said.


    Note : Sorry for not being here at yesterday. I was playing Pokemon Desolation and the story was interesting, including side quests. To me, this post represents about completed Pokemon Reborn's anniversary.

  2. I finished this game. Yet, there are 3 Side Quests that are impossible to finish currently in E6 :
  3. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. In the train to Route 2 where Aevia, Ariana, Axel, Ren and Venam are worried due to Melia's dissapearance :

    Venam : ...

    Ren : ...

    Ariana : ...

    Axel : ...

    Aevia : Cheer up, guys... No depression needed.

    Ren : Yeah, there's no reason we should just sit here all depressed.

    This is an ordeal we're going through, but we can get through it.

    Axel : The case while "someone" is not depressed due to having Motion Sickness.


    They watch them as Aero has been sick since the train started moving.


    Aero : Can't... help... it...! *BLUB*!

    Ariana : Oh! Dear! God!


    Then they went back to the topic.


    Venam : Easier said than done. I'm literally going to scream if this train doesn't go faster.

    Aero : I... would have... slapped... you...! *BLUB*!

    Venam : OK! OK! Geez! Just kidding! Literally lawful you are!

    Ren : So... Do we have a plan for whatever this is?

    Venam : What plan do you need? Find Melia, go home.

    Ren : Yeah, but...

    Venam : No, you're right. We should hunt down the people responsible for this and take them out.

    Aevia : Not a chance. We'll end up being criminals.

    Ren : There have always been tales of kid prodigies taking down crime syndicates, but that surely can't be us.

    Venam : I don't care! I don't care!


    Aevia : Oh, boy!

    Here! Here's the bucket!


    Aevia gave the bucket to Aero.


    Aero : Thank... you...! *BLAAARRRRGH*!

    Ren : As I want to say, Venam, keep going crazy and then the silly actions are your fault.


    **Now arriving at Route 2**


    Venam : The train's stopped. That's enough ta-

    Aero : YES! YES! FINALLY!


    Aero left out of the train as fast as insane they are.


    Venam : Ok. I'm out.


    Venam left the train, too.


    Ren : Venam... I know you're worried, but you need to slow down.


    Ren went after Venam.


    Ariana : ...

    Axel : ...

    Aevia : Shall we get going?


    They left the train.


    Note : Next saturday, final episode of RWBY Volume 9 will appear. I didn't tell you about how I like the show that much. Well, who doesn't, anyway? See you tomorrow.

  4. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation. Here’s the scene after Danielle defeated Connor and obtained the first badge :

    Connor : Screw this, man…

    Danielle : *laugh*
    Sienna : …

    Hold on.

    Diego : What is it, Sienna?


    Sienna faces in front of Danielle.


    Sienna : Fight me, now. Show me your experience after obtaining the first badge.

    Danielle : You can’t be serious. My team is injured.


    Sienna heals Danielle’s team directly.


    Danielle : Oh… Thanks?!!

    Sienna : Here’s the handicap for me. I’ll use only Deino.

    Danielle begins to laugh for that handicap.


    Danielle : Don’t cry if you even lose against me.

    Scarlett : I never thought about her request. What is Sienna thinking?

    Ava : …

    I believe it must be serious.

    Chad : When she asks about a crazy challenge, it shows that she senses a behavior problem.

    Diego : It makes me more worried about Danielle than Sienna.

    Connor : Same.

    Sienna : This is a 6v1 battle. If my Pokemon is fainted, then I accept defeat.

    So bring it on, future champion.



    Sienna : And that settles it. I win.

    Danielle : …
    Ava : …I knew it.

    Chad : Just as I thought.

    Scarlett : Poor girl…

    Danielle : You have beaten me without any damage taken.

    Sienna : You know why you lost? Because of your pride.

    Your way of thinking that you’re better than us because you beat just a gym leader is the problem.

    You found the hardest way in your life…

    Danielle : …

    Sienna : Remember that.

    Nobody’s special. Because people always learn their mistakes and repair the damage.
    Danielle : I understand. I’ll make sure it will never happen again.

    Sienna : Good.

    Listen, everyone. I’m going forward. We’ll meet again in Celeste City.



    Sienna left.


    Note : The reason why I put […] like this because it means that I’m skipping it. I’ll do the dialogue about Danielle vs Sienna, later. See you in next weekend.

  5. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Not with protagonist again. Before Flora went to prison, Flora saw something that greatly shocks her as she's being played but back to gym entrance :

    Florin : I'm sorry I have to do this but you literally left me no choice, Flora.

    Flora : Grr...!!!


    While the police are taking to her custody, the policewoman appears, looking at Flora, defeated and humiliated.


    Flora : What? You got something to say?

    ...Wait! WHAT THE-


    She saw the note the policewoman's holding behind her saying : "You were never a player".

    It causes Flora to realize about her : It's Oria who's been fooling her around from the beginning as an double agent working for Team Xen.

    She begins to have flashback about the woman who's been whatching her the entire time. Her plans. Her motivantion. Everything.


    Flora : YOU!!!

    You're the reason why Cassandra survived.

    You knew the outcome of my plan. I'll make you pay for this.


    The policewoman smiles.


    Flora : GRRR!!!



    Florin : Huh? What is it? I don't want to waste the time talking to you!


    Then Flora smiles in quiet manner.


    Flora : I have a question to ask? Which one will you choose? To serve loyalty to Cassandra? Or to make things right?

    Florin : What are you talking about?

    Flora : You think you can pursuit justice so easily.

    However, there are different things that you can't understand.

    Florin : What?

    Flora : To be lawful means to be accordance with law. But to be good means having the right quality.

    So here's the one that makes you questioning about your decision?

    Which path will you choose? Lawful side or good side?

    Florin : ...

    Flora : Ha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


    The policewoman knocks out Flora to shut her up, making the police taking her to custody without slowing down.

    Then policewoman left with them.

    While Florin is appearing to be sulking about whatever she said.


    Florin : Flora...


    Note : I played Pass 5 postgame of Pokemon Xenoverse. Back then, I accidentally defeated Mewtwo without catching it. But I got help. I must do beat the Champion to make it appear again. So, I did it and attempted to battle it again and this time, I finally caught it. If it weren't from that, I would have hit rock bottom much worse than @Q-Jei did. I knew I couldn't do it alone without any help. But I'm glad I finally registered everything from Pokedex and Xenodex. Last thing I have to do in Pokemon Xenoverse is to catch remaining Vintage Pokemon and evolve them in order to complete Vintagedex for good. See you tomorrow.

  6. Here’s mine : Favorite : Dynamax/Gigantamax -> Reason : Durability and powerful moves with superpowered secondary effects. Least favorite : Z-Move -> Reason : Useful but not infinite My own idea : Chaos Evolution : One of the most powerful gimmicks. It lasts until the battle is over and is way deadlier than other gimmicks. It only activates if a Pokemon has Chaos Drive Bar maxed (Which is 500). Chaos Drive Bar can be charged by dealing damage to the target. When a Pokemon deals damage to the target, Chaos Drive Bar recharges with half of the damage dealt. (150 HP damage => 75 ChDr Charge) Only few Pokemons are capable of obtaining Chaos evolution. A Pokemon who’s Chaos Evolved changes not only appearance but the current type to Chaos type as every type moves (not counting Chaos types) are less effective to it. However, every damaging moves gains STAB and bypasses accuracy check. Even abilities (like Mega Launcher get replaced by Aura Control, one of the abilities only Chaos Pokemon can have) and base stats (including HP which will always be doubled) will be altered as well. Every moves with secondary effect will have Serene Grace effect. (Like Scald will have 60% chance of burning the target, instead of 30%). Chaos type move can be used and it’s considered to act like Pokemon’s fifth move but can be used once. That’s all I have to say.
  7. Here's the the trailer of Pokemon Xenoverse that reaches towards the conclusion :



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Me, on the other hand, finished other postgame stuffs, defeated VIP trainers in Apollo Tournament, registered everything so far in Pokedex, Xenodex and Vintagedex and obtained available achievements.

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      Never thought it would appear at the same time.

    4. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Can't believe its gonna end...

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