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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Blue: 20 Silver: 31 Brendan: 24 May: 38 Hugh: 1 Serena: 50 Shauna: 17 Gladion: 24
  2. Blue: 20 Silver: 31 Brendan: 24 May: 38 Hugh: 3 Serena: 50 Shauna: 16 Gladion: 24
  3. Blue: 20 Silver: 31 Brendan: 23 May: 38 Hugh: 5 Serena: 50 Shauna: 18 Gladion: 23
  4. Blue: 20 Silver: 31 Brendan: 23 May: 38 Hugh: 7 (What a letdown and I never knew him) Serena: 49 (What a cutie) Shauna: 18 Gladion: 23
  5. "What if" music for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's many themes of characters and important battles that are only exclusive to Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. I wish it was for real. Enjoy the music :


    Tenebris (Dark type Reserve Gym Leader) battle :



    ET2000B (Steel type Reserve Gym Leader) battle :



    Trezavo battle :



    Oria battle :



    Spoiler and foreshadowing (These themes serves for those that are revealed in the future. Don't reveal it by yourselves without my permission until further decision.) :


    Rift Axel (Marshadow) battle :



    Rift Axel (Marshadow; Frenzy Overdrive Mode) battle :



    Rift Trezavo (Regidrago) battle :



    Rift Oria (Regieleki) battle :



    Interceptor battle : The Gifted vs The Traitor :



    Aevis vs Dark Aevis battle :



    Note : I wanted you to know. I wasn't joking about what I said at last Sunday. I really need to rest. So I hope you enjoyed listening many themes. See you next time.

  6. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. In Cellia Manor, before Cellia Tournament, Danielle explains about Chad and his own personal agenda :

    Ava : It's settled then, I'm gonna have a rest.

    Connor : Hmph. Same.

    Scarlett : I think it's well deserved.

    Danielle : ...

    Scarlett : What's wrong, Danielle?

    You don't look happy.

    Danielle : ...

    Everyone. I think I don't deserve to be a savior.


    Everyone look shocked about what she said.


    Garret : What did happen to you?

    Ava : ...It's Chad. Isn't it?


    Everyone went shocked again, except Ava and Rosetta.


    Ava : I see. What did he do, this time?

    Danielle : *sigh*

    He's been not only involved with Nova, but also with the twins, right now.

    I feel like I don't even matter anymore!

    Scarlett : Danielle?

    Danielle : How? How am I supposed to be happy while I take credit for heroism?

    I did most of them. I tried to show everyone what I'm capable of.

    But only after I saved Scarlett, Shiv never showed in front of me. He went after Chad.

    Why is always him and not me?

    What does he have what I lack for?

    The truth is Chad did find Scarlett's Bow and gave it to me.

    Ava : He did WHAT?!

    And then I was out of focus for the entire time during my trip in Cellia.

    When I tried to fight Aurora, she destroyed my team.




    Danielle punches the table in fury.


    Emily : Whoa. You need to chill out.

    Danielle : So what? What am I supposed to do with this humiliation?

    Except Scarlett, we thought him as the traitor and yet, he helped us.

    Still, what does Chad have business with Nova and the twins named Shiv and Aurora like it's much personal?

    Rosetta : I never called Chad a traitor. Neither thought about it.

    He helped the officers and did a good job and that's what I repaid him with kindness of giving Archives Key.

    He even told me everything about his actions.

    Danielle : Yeah. Thank you.

    Wait? He really did help you?

    Rosetta : Even so, he won't betray us ever again.

    However, he said that he won't be forgiven for betraying his friends.

    That's why he didn't came here.

    But he doesn't care as long as he makes the right thing.

    Danielle : But he was dissapointed with me for giving Onyx Stone to Shiv.

    Rosetta : He was faking.

    Ava/Danielle : What?!

    Rosetta : Chad was proud of you. That's why he acted like he was on Nova's side while, in reality, he was against her.

    Ava : So Chad was on Shiv's side the whole time?

    Rosetta : Let me correct your deduction.

    He was on Danielle's side, not Shiv's.

    Scarlett : So, that's how...

    Danielle : ...



    Danielle looks sad as she misjudged his actions the whole time.


    Danielle : What is your goal? Why are you doing this?

    Garret : Anyway, I'm leaving. See you later.


    Garret left.


    Ava : Don't worry, Danielle. I feel the same as you are.

    Once we find him, we should apologize.

    Now, you should focus on the tournament, right now.

    Danielle : Yes. That's why I'm here for.

    I'm going.


    Note : So much for the reveal. By the way, I decided to stop doing both adaptations of Pokemon Rejuvenation and Desolation for a while until September because when it's Summer, everyone can have fun as usual. Next Saturday, it's "What if" music for Pokemon Rejuvenation which it's about the other characters (including forms) that aren't available and won't be in Pokemon Rejuvenation game (I think). See you next time.

  7. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. Here's the moment where Aevis, Melia, Erin, Alice and Allen are surrounded by many thousands of Defense Mechanisms in 3rd Layer of Den of Souls :

    Aevis : Everyone. Stay nearby.

    I know that's ridiculous but we have no choice.

    Erin : I get it. No need to worry about us.

    Allen : Alice. No matter what, I'll protect you.

    Alice : Please, do. Those machines don't know when to quit.

    Melia : That wasn't surprising. Considering that they were programmed to do it.

    That mess that me and my previous team made caused an high alert.

    Aevis : ...Guess. I have to resort to my ace, then.

    Cinderace. Come out.


    Aevis sent Cinderace out of Pokeball.


    Cinderace : At your service, master!

    Melia/Erin/Alice/Allen : ...

    Aevis : What?!

    Melia : Your Cinderace can talk, now?! Since when?!

    Aevis : During my trip in School of Nightmares. The ability Advanced Libero was the reason for it.

    After experiences I shared with Cinderace, it's mind began to evolve again to the point it can talk with.

    And then that's why also the ability Libero evolved for the second time.

    Erin : A simple Pokemon can't do such a thing to evolve its ability. How come-

    Aevis : I know. Because in order to do that, we had be in sync by understanding our feelings.

    And then, once our synchronization is maxed, there was a next level : connection.

    By connecting with a Pokemon, it needs high friendship with it to complete.

    After that, the final step : trust.

    Once when a Pokemon is finally able to completely trust you, then the step is already finished to the point it can sense my life energy remaining.

    It's like our two minds becomes one

    I call this Morality Phenomenon : Once affected, they gain enormous strength, evolve their Abilities with having other ones they can access and change their forms depending on which Ability it is.

    Just like my Cinderace has now both "Libero Maximus" and "Super Blaze" and its base stats are altered.

    Melia : Your Cinderace holds two abilities?!

    Alice : Oh, my?!

    Allen : You got to be kidding me?!

    Aevis : There's no time to explain about that.

    Cinderace. You know what to do.

    Cinderace : As you wish.


    Cinderace managed to destroy thousands of Defense Mechansism by using more than 4 different moves amplified by abilities.

    A few moments later, in HQ building entrance.


    Erin : Phew. That was close.

    Melia : I hope I'm never going to return to this place ever again.

    Alice : Well, that was fun.

    Melia/Erin/Allen : NO! OF COURSE, NOT!

    Alice : Aw!

    Melia : Are you alright, Aevis?

    Aevis : Perfectly fine.

    Melia : Well, then. Will you explain me directly what are these abilities that you mentioned before?

    Aevis : As promised, you asked for it.

    Starting with Super Blaze, it doubles the Fire-type move power up if the user has equal or less than half of its maximum HP remaining. Changing its form indicates its activation.

    The other being Libero Maximus causes the user to not only have the same effect as Advanced Libero, but its kicking moves can raise its speed.

    Plus, every ball moves uses Attack stat and boosted by 50% and several effects have been added :

    - Gyro Ball and Electro Ball ignores their power variation, causing its base power to stay to its maximum 150.

    - Ice Ball's base power will always start by 60 without need of using Defense Curl.

    To add the last, more the faster the user is than the opponent, the higher chance of dealing critical hit becomes.

    That's all I have to say.

    Melia : That ability is really overpowered.

    Aevis : About what happens to Cinderace will happen to my team, later.

    I have a lot to learn.

    Erin : Are you done?

    Aevis : Yes. Let's go. I don't want to waste time explaining myself, either.

    Melia : Oh. I forgot. My bad.


    Note : This month, something crazy has happened about tier changes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. KInda shocking to see many mighty beings to have fallen very hard except some powerful ones like Garchomp and Landorus Therian Forme to stay in OU. Even Hero Form Zamazenta stays in OU, which no one expected this outcome. See you tomorrow.

  8. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. When Danielle was imprisoned by Teal Panthers in Blackview City, as the war between Team Crescent and Black Foxes is about to start, after encountering Amelia :

    Danielle : "Don't get too bored in here!". Like she's really going to gloat over my helplessness because I'm imprisoned here.

    Well, that's enough.


    Danielle forces the bars...

    The bars snapped open!


    Danielle : Time to get out.


    She tried to get out, only to encounter.


    Fox : Hmph... so you made it out, after all.

    Danielle : You had no *bleep*ing idea!

    Fox : Amelia was right to appoint me here, it would seem.


    The noise came from outside, like an explosion.


    Danielle : What the *bleep* was that?!

    Fox : Hmph... looks like the fireworks have started.

    Those Crescent losers don't stand a chance.

    Let me guess, trainer.

    You want to get out there and help?

    Danielle : Of course I want. Get out of my way.

    Fox : Of course you do.

    But unfortunately, I won't let you.

    Danielle : You damn Black Foxes. Always trying to bring oblivion anywhere you go.

    Fox : Come on, give it your best shot then.


    As the black fox member is starting to battle Danielle...


    Danielle : Uh oh! You better dodge this one!

    Fox : What?!


    Danielle had the time to dodge that one as the black fox member is ejected behind by another person revealing to be Daisy. They get crashed into a wall.


    Daisy : Oooooooooooooooowwwwwwww!

    Danielle : That was close.


    Chad appeared, approaching in front of badly bruised Daisy.


    Chad : I hope you learned your lesson about kidnapping people and imprisoning them.

    You cursed Teal Panthers.

    If you do something like that again, I won't be merciful.

    Daisy (crying) : I won't cause trouble again!


    Daisy lost her consciousness.


    Chad (to Danielle) : Hi.

    Danielle : Hello, Chad.

    Did you came here to save me?

    Chad : Yes. I decided only to help you save Scarlett.

    Danielle : What? But do you think we might have the chance to save her?

    But I didn't find her bow. How am I supposed to do this?

    Chad : You think so?


    Chad showed Scarlett's Bow.


    Danielle : That's Scarlett's Bow.

    But how? How did you find it?

    Chad : I found it in Old Woodland's secret location.

    I heard about your plan to save Scarlett when you find her.

    Take it.


    Chad gave Scarlett's bow to Danielle.


    Danielle : Thank you.

    Chad : My work here is done.

    Danielle : Chad, wait.

    Chad : ...

    Danielle : Why are you helping us? Do you remember that you betrayed us?

    Chad : ...

    Listen what I have to say, Danielle.

    You never saw me. You never heard me. And you never thought about me. Got it?


    Chad left.


    Danielle : Wait!


    I can't believe Chad did something that's against Team Crescent's wishes.

    But why would he?


    Nevermind. What matters is I have that bow that he gave me.

    Maybe I want to apologize to Chad when I find him.

    No time to waste!


    Danielle got out of this place, immediately.


    Note : I guess it's getting hot as I'm getting thirsty for water, everyday in Summer season. It's like living worse in desert at daytime. See you in next weekend.

  9. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. In Valarie's ship in Bad Future, before Madame X explains everything she only knows and how to fix it :

    Melia : ...We're here. What do you want from us?

    Before that, how could this be possible for both Aevis and you to make an alliance? I don't understand.

    Aevia : Can you explain something, Aevis?

    Aevis : ...


    Aevis ignores them, not listening to the question as he stares the outside through the window.


    Madame X : I believe he can't answer to you, anymore.

    Poor little boy. Erin's erasure has got him at the worst moment possible.

    Don't get me wrong. He really said that to me.

    He was so completely devoted to protect her from any harm they pose, including me.

    Aevis : I'm not traumatized by that experience.

    I know that I can go back in time if I find that diamond and fixing the timeline will bring her back.

    Madame X : ...You're too strong-willed to be broken. You know that.

    OK. Where was I? That's right. About our alliance!


    Madame X is about to tell them about how they got here so far. Flashback starts.


    When I left you, not so long after, I found Aevis appearing out of nowhere.

    He was right to be on guard, asking me if I was behind this.

    Yet, I said that I did no such thing.

    And then he said that it doesn't matter, anymore.

    Because he's completely angry at you and your actions!

    He would give you a hell of tirade once he finds you.

    Melia : Yes. That wasn't very pretty.

    Madame X : Then, we decided to make an a temporary truce.

    However, I challenged him to a fight to decide who's the leader.


    Back at the present time in Bad Future.


    Aevis : I analyzed it was to get revenge at me for what I did to you.

    Madame X : Grr... Absolutely! I can't get over with that humiliation you gave me and Team Xen in Blacksteeple Castle!

    And our forces got severely weakened thanks to your actions after that!

    Aevia/Melia (confused but surprised) : (Wow! Really, Aevis?!)


    Resuming the flashback.


    Madame X : Anyway, we fought with all we got.

    Since I learned my mistake back there, I avoided the same outcome.

    Sadly, I lost so badly. Even with my sword, I was no match for him.

    That's why I gave the leadership to Aevis.

    I thought I could tell him everything for the plan but he already knew from the beginning.

    Aevis was so prepared for action but too cautious.

    Then he sent Salamence out in order to help us fly out.

    Later, we saw the island at the time they captured and took you to the ship.

    Aevis and I had the same mindset about our plan to follow the ship and giving the chance to strike them out by surprise.

    And the rest is history.


    Flashback ended.


    Aevia : I don't know how to describe that.

    Melia : I guess we've heard enough.

    Madame X : Well, then. I wanted to take this time to explain myself, and what I know.


    Note : If you ask why did I made the part Aevis defeating Madame X again because that's what adaptation is and on the tragedy side, there will be a greater threat than all of the big bads that we currently know. Next Saturday, it will be about Aevis' Cinderace's evolved Libero ability. See you tomorrow.

  10. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. When Chad arrives in time to stop Aurora from killing Nova :

    Aurora : It's over, Nova. It's finally over.

    This is my Grid, not yours.

    You don't even know how to get out.


    She tries to escape but realized that she's in dead end.


    Nova : Aurora... please, please don't do this!


    Nova saw Chad nearby.


    Nova Wait... Chad! Chad, please!



    Aurora realized she's been followed.


    Aurora : You... you're here.


    Chad comes closer to Aurora.


    Chad : Your brother helped me out to reach you.

    Aurora : You continue to surprise me, Chad.

    You won't leave me alone, will you?

    You'd even chase me here...

    But you're no different, when it comes down to it.

    Because even you don't understand.

    And how could you? You're not like Shiv and I.

    You're not a complete monster.

    You're just... you, a normal person.

    Chad : Sure, I am.

    Aurora : Yet... you at least appear to care a whole lot more than one.

    How very heroic of you.

    Chad : I don't need to be a hero. I try being like that because of what the situation calls me.

    When I do something, you know that is serious.

    Aurora : ...

    Tell me, Chad.

    What is a hero, really?

    In a world such as this... heroes aren't all we envisioned.

    When you think of a hero... who do you imagine? Truly?

    Chad : ...

    Someone envied.

    That's the answer.

    Aurora : Well, well.

    That's not what I expected... you're quite bright indeed.

    In this empty world we live in, a hero isn't admired or respected.

    Rather, they are just subject to a rather crude envy.

    Tell me, Chad... do you think people envy you, after all you have done for them?

    Chad : It's natural for them to be envious of me.

    Like I don't care. What is right is all that matters to me.

    To tell you the truth, those who violate the rules and fail to follow the orders are scum.

    But those who do not care for and support their friends... are even lower than scum!

    And those who don't have the decency to respect their friends' memories are the worst scum ever.

    Nova : Chad?


    Nova is impressed by the words Chad said. It's like, deep inside her, the influence is starting to disappear.


    Aurora : Hmph, not that it matters.

    What do you intend to do here, Chad?

    You're in my world, under my rules.

    Neither of you are going anywhere, not without my say so.

    But still... you pique my interest.

    So interesting for such a normal person...

    Or perhaps I've been wrong about you this entire time.

    Chad : Stop acting like you've fallen in love with me, right now.

    Aurora : It's not like what you think.

    By the way, in time, we will see.


    Aurora is preparing to do something bad to Nova.


    Aurora : As for you... time is up.

    Nova : I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Aurora! Please!

    Chad : Aurora, this is madness. You're losing your way, seeking revenge.

    Is "killing Lady Nova" that worth it for you?

    The answer you choose leads to emptiness.

    You just end doing the same thing as the one you try to kill.


    An annoyed Aurora turns back to talk Chad.


    Aurora : You just won't give up, will you?

    Are you so blind, Chad?

    Chad : Like you're the one to talk.

    Aurora : Allow me to remind you.

    Nova. She manipulated Shiv, stabbed him twice.

    She stole a part of me, refused to give it back.

    She even manipulated you too at some point, didn't she?

    Chad : Even so, I choose my loyalty to her. Nothing else.

    Aurora : You don't understand.

    People like this don't deserve a spot on this planet.

    And you, what do you think?!

    Chad : Do you want the truth? Then I'll give you that damn truth that you said but you don't want to admit it or at least forgot it.

    Aurora : So what is it, then?



    The answer gave Aurora a great shock. While Nova looks surprised.


    Aurora : ...

    What... what are you talking about...

    How did you... how did you know about...

    Of course... that entry...

    You continue to surprise me.


    I had almost forgotten.

    No. It doesn't matter.

    She manipulated him... lied to him...

    Who cares if she... this was her fault.

    Nova : ...You're right, Aurora.

    It was my fault. I lied to him, hurt him.

    But I really did feel something for him.

    It wasn't all fake.

    Chad : That's the fact that you accept.


    Aurora looks a bit confused about what to do.


    Aurora : ...

    You've destroyed my family, Nova.

    You took an important part of me and never gave it back.

    You turned my little Shiv into the shadow he is now.


    Nova stands up to Aurora in a gentle way.


    Nova : I know, Aurora.

    I can't take back what I've done.

    Look... damn it...

    I was just so scared.

    I was all alone too, remember. Just like you and Shiv.

    I wanted your powers. I wanted to be strong.

    I feel like... I feel like I wasn't myself.

    Like I wasn't in control.

    Even now, I feel like... I don't know.

    I feel like I'm losing control again.

    I know that I can't fix what I've done...

    I know that I can't be forgiven.

    Look... I get it.

    ...I know what needs to happen. I know what I deserve.

    I'm tired of running, Aurora.

    Do it, do what you have to do.

    Chad : Lady Nova. You don't need to...

    Aurora : ...


    Aurora calms down and talks to her in front of Nova.


    Aurora : You took everything from me.

    You could have at least taken all of my powers and let me live as a normal person.

    But no, you had to break both Shiv and I.

    Ruin everything we had, just for yourself.

    I hate you, Nova.

    And you deserve everything you get.

    Chad : ...

    So you're still not finished with your revenge part.

    Aurora : But I'm not the one to deal justice.


    Both Chad and Nova went surprised about Aurora's change of mind.


    Aurora : After all... you saved my little brother.

    Without you, he'd be dead.

    Nova : Aurora... I...

    Aurora : No more, Nova.

    No more fighting.

    We're done talking.

    Nova : ...

    ...Thank you.


    Aurora wants to talk to Chad, one more time.


    Aurora : Chad.

    You're an enigma, I can say that with certainty.

    You brought out a side of me that I haven't seen in a long, long time.

    You truly are curious, aren't you?

    Perhaps... you and I will also get to know one another better...

    Chad, it has been certainly interesting chatting with you.

    So, thank you.


    Aurora comes closer to Chad and gave a kiss to his cheek.


    Chad : Aurora. But why?

    Nova : What?! I can't believe this, Aurora!


    Aurora laughs at her reaction.


    Aurora I believe I will be in contact with you, and soon.

    But for now...


    The place is starting to black out.


    Aurora : I think we shall call it a day, yes?

    For now, just sleep.


    Note : The moment might be tragic but ended up being heartwarming. Don't you think? Well, see you in next weekend.

  11. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. As Aevia and his friends are facing multiple Deoxys clones (WARNING : That contains some disturbing moments that you won't like it that much. Read at your own risk.) :


    Melia : Let's give it all we've got! C'mon! Fight!

    Aevia/Ariana/Aero/Alain/Ana (HC) : Yeah!!!

    Axel : I'll try!


    They went all out to fight Deoxys clones.

    Meanwhile... Somewhere...


    ??? (Woman in the shadows) : It's fascinating and quite pitiful to watch them struggle, isn't it?

    Almost as if they truly believe they have a chance of changing anything.

    I must admit, I do experience great pleasure in watching them scramble around.



    Cera turned around.


    Cera : Yes, Lady Angie?

    Angie : Observe them. I wish to learn more about them.

    Cera : Yes, Lady Angie. Your wish is my command.


    Cera left as ordered.


    Angie : You all... show me.

    (Angie's eyes glowing) What you are truly capable of!


    Back to Terajuma Pier as they defeated many Deoxys clones at the cost of their stamina.


    Melia : Is everyone alright?

    Aevia : We're fine but...

    Axel : We're so tired of facing them!

    Aelita : Me, too!

    Adam : Me, too!

    Valarie : I feel so... exhausted!

    Ana (HC) : Can't keep up!

    Braixen : C'mon! We need to go back for rest before they strike back later!

    Ariana : What's the point for them coming here?

    Alain : No clue.

    Aero : ...

    Wait a minute. Something's wrong.

    They stopped attacking!

    Melia : What are you saying?

    Aero : ...Oh, for Arceus' sake!

    The attack was just a ruse to make us lose our and Pokemon's stamina.

    At this point...

    ??? : SURPRISE!!!

    Adam : That voice! Oh, no!


    Man fell into the ground, causing the earth to tremble a bit. It's Trezavo. Uh, oh!


    Trezavo : Who never thought you would know our plan?

    Adam : Trezavo?

    Valarie/Braixen : What?!

    Melia : You know him?

    Adam : Long story.

    Ana (HC) : Oh...

    Aevia : Is this a bad time?

    Axel : Sure a damn bad time.

    Aero : So Deoxys served to let our guard down. So you could strike us out and kidnap Melia.

    Trezavo : You guessed good, but TOO LATE!

    You are at my mercy!


    Trezavo summons Dragapult.


    Dragapult : Draaaa!

    Trezavo : That will take only one Pokemon to defeat you.

    Melia : So what? Trying to be stupid to face our Pokemon with just one.

    Axel : You forgot that you're outnumbered, right now.

    Trezavo : Oh, believe me.


    Dragapult uses Phantom Force, dragging Trezavo with it.

    Then Trezavo strikes from behind.


    Trezavo : I! (Attack by charging through Aevia, Alain, Aero and Ana, hitting them!)

    DON'T! (Attack by lariat wrestling Aelita, Valarie and Braixen!)

    FOLLOW! (Kicking Axel to his stomach very hard, causing him to throw up from his mouth!)

    THE! (Punches Ariana and Adam's face very hard!)

    RULES! (Knocks savagely Melia out!)

    Dragapult, Dragon Darts!


    Dragapult shoots Dragon Darts against many remaining exhausted Pokemons. They're fainted.


    Trezavo : Dragapult! Return!


    Dragapult returns to Pokeball.


    Trezavo : And that settles it.

    Oh, but before I take Melia, how about the TASTE! OF! PAIN!


    Trezavo stomps on Axel's hand with his foot, causing the latter to scream in pain.



    Trezavo : Did that hurt? Does it feel so good, huh?


    Trezavo kicks Axel so hard.

    Then he’s stomping on Aelita’s head.


    Aelita : STOP! OW!

    Trezavo : That's what happens in your lifetime for being too stupid to mistrust your friends.


    Trezavo kicks Valarie many times.


    Trezavo : If you hadn't done much damage to Blacksteeple Castle and escaped, I would have pleasure of breaking your spirit.

    Valarie : You psychopath bully!


    Trezavo kicked her hard as she screams.


    Trezavo : Watch your mouth who are you speaking to!


    While Trezavo's taking pleasure to torture them, back in Ranger HQ.


    Crawli : Call Sam and Alex, here. Thank you.


    Sam and Alex came.


    Sam : What's going on?

    Crawli : They need backup!

    Alex : What's the situation?

    Crawli : I can sense that there's a trap to lure them out.

    Sam/Alex : What?

    Crawli : A dirty tactic made for taking weakened opponent out, once they become tired.

    So I need you to help them out before it's too late.

    Sam/Alex : Understood. We won't dissapoint you.


    Sam and Alex left.


    Crawli : Aevia, Melia, everyone. I hope you're hanging on.

    Please. You need to resist before reinforcements arrives.


    Back to Terajuma Pier with Trezavo done giving a beating to them, ending up being badly injured except Melia.


    Trezavo : Hahahahaha. That is the taste of pain that you should have.

    Now. Time to take Melia back to Team Xen.

    Then Madame X will ackowledge me as the best Team Xen Admin, ever.

    Adam : Keep your hands out of Melia.


    Adam's standing up.


    Trezavo : So, you're here to get beaten even more badly.

    You know I was jealous of you, back then.

    While you became a Gym Leader, despite your stupidity.

    I didn't, despite my superiority.

    Adam : That's because of your terrible ego that you weren't chosen to be.

    Trezavo : Enough! That's why I sided with Team Xen and I became a high ranked Team Xen Admin, so I can show you how dangerous I am.

    Adam : Enough with your jealousy. I'm standing up to stop you.


    Adam punches Trezavo to his stomach. It didn't flinch him but released Melia.


    Adam : Got her.

    Trezavo : That doesn't stop me. It will take more than that.

    Sam : Exactly.


    Sam and Alex arrived with their reinforcements.


    Alex : Glad we arrived in time.

    Adam : Sam! Alex!

    Trezavo : Tch. Ha.

    No time to waste it.


    Trezavo punches Adam, knocking him out. But still ends up surrounded by rangers.


    Trezavo : I guess my mission failed as expected. Madame X will punish me for sure.

    My pleasure for breaking the people's soul is holding me back.

    No wonder why she respects that blonde haired woman more than she respects me.

    I'm leaving but this isn't over, yet.

    Try saving your best friend in Valor Mountain.

    Either way, you'll never see her ever, again. Alive.

    See ya, fools.


    Trezavo summons Dragonite and escape with it by flying up.


    Alex : Damn it. We let him get away.

    Sam : That's not important. We must take them to Ranger HQ.

    They need immediate care.

    Alex : Ouch. They had a terrible day. We should have helped them, immediately by any chances.

    Note : I made this part of character for him to be more despicable with no redeeming qualities. That's what it takes to make the real villain. See you tomorrow.

  12. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. Here's where, for the first time, Diego meets Rangers Guild members in Route 2 Rangers Guild :

    Diego : Hmm... Fascinating.

    Sienna : What's that?

    Oh! The Rangers Guild! Are you interested with that?!

    Diego : It's my dream to become a hero. Metaphorically!

    Sienna : Maybe I'll be proud of you when your dream comes true.

    Diego : Thank you for the compliment! I'm in!

    Sienna : Suit yourself! Bye!


    Sienna left.


    Diego : Rangers Guild! Here I come!


    Diego entered the Rangers Guild only to see the terrible arguement about their responsibilities.


    Diego : Oh, my...

    ??? (Bright Red Haired Female) : You're useless! Trash! Horrible! Gross!

    ??? (Deliquent Haired Male) : Really?! Wow! I bet your brain is good as new, considering you've never used it!

    ??? (Bright Red Haired Female) : You're such a useless brick, Lucas!

    Lucas : Still better than you, loser!

    ??? (Bright Red Haired Female) : Dan?!

    Are you going to let him sit around and talk like this?!

    Dan : Ugghhh...

    Bugger off, Sena... Your drama ain't my problem.

    Sena : Ugh, thanks for nothing, idiot...

    Damn it, Lucas!

    This wouldn't be an issue if you'd done all your jobs!

    Lucas : It's not my fault, there's way too many for me to handle!

    ??? (Old wise man) : Can't you hush for just a second?!

    Can't you see there's a visitor?


    They saw a visitor being Diego (who's confused by the drama they made) over there.


    Sena : I uhh...

    Lucas : Sorry...

    Diego : ...

    Weird but doesn't stop me from joining the guild!


    Note : First, I need to tell you that, for the first time of Pokemon metagame, Volcarona has been banned from OU in Gen 9. The reason why is because of many Tera Type choices, STAB power (including boosting and absorbing ones), counterattacks and, most of it all : Quiver Dance setup (Ironically, Iron Moth (having better stats than Volcarona) doesn't have Giga Drain and Quiver Dance. No wonder why it wasn't suspected). Way to worf its paradox counterpart.

    Second, to me about Diego's appearance, the first one reflects idealism and the second one reflects resolve (after losing his own bitterness over Elliot's and his allies' betrayal).

    Third, Zamazenta in Hero form didn't get banned, today. But it won't last longer. Why do Zamazenta fans feel so glad or dissapointed (which I don't know anything how they feel) about the situation?

    Anyway, see you in next weekend.

  13. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. In Marble Mansion where Aevia, Venam are thinking of trying to save Maria until Anathea got an idea :

    Anathea : Perhaps I can free her from the crystal?

    ??? : You all just don't know when to quit, do you?

    Aevia : That voice. Oh, no!


    Dark Gardevoir appeared from the void.


    Gardevoir : Did you really think you three snuck down here undetected?

    I merely allowed you all to be witnesses to Indriad's glory.

    Venam : Why isn't anything ever goddamn easy in this world?


    Venam realized what Dark Gardevoir said.


    Venam : Wait a minute... You said... Can you-

    Aevia : It's obvious she saw Anathea and so we are because our connection is too strong.

    Gardevoir : Very perceptive.

    Anathea : Gardevoir... if I may ask you a question?

    Gardevoir : I don't see why not? Ask away, maggot.

    Anathea : How long has Vitus continued to work with this cult?

    I thought I ended things when we got married. He promised to end this...

    Aevia : How?

    Venam : Anathea... You knew all this about him?

    Anathea : I discovered this side to him long before we married. I begged him to stop.

    He looked me straight in the eyes and told me he would... But he lied to me.

    Gardevoir : No, that's not correct. It seems you're on the wrong path, Lady Anathea.

    There's no doubt that Vitus was lost. He had no intention of continuing what he left behind long ago.

    But it seems like with your death and a little help from me, he was able to see things clearly once more.

    With you out of the picture... Everything will fall into place accordingly.

    Aevis : You monster!

    Venam : Stop talking! We're getting Maria out of here no matter what!

    Gardevoir : What makes you think you'd stand any chance against me?

    I even engaged in battle with Aevia a while back, and even then, I was barely scratched.

    Aevia : But I still kicked your butt before you used your powers on me!

    Gardevoir : NO MATTER!

    If only a fraction of my power was necessary to stand even with Aevia, then imagine what would happen if I went all out!

    Aevia : It's just you. And it's "pride before the fall" as they say.

    Venam : We don't have a choice but to stand up to you... If we don't-

    Gardevoir : Oh, but you do have a choice!

    I will give you the choice of leaving here unscathed.

    However, refuse my offer and I release Maria from her prison.

    She will fall into the abyss and fall to her death.

    Venam : Wh-What? Y-You're bluffing! There's no way you'd do something like that!

    Aevia : Venam. It's serious this time.

    Venam : What? Are you kidding me?

    Gardevoir : Are you able to take such a chance?

    Don't underestimate me, maggot. I will do what needs to be done.

    Venam : Urgh...

    Anathea : Gardevoir, stop this!

    Gardevoir : I will not! Anyone who gets in Master Indriad's way will feel my wrath!

    Venam : Let's... Let's just leave.

    Anathea : But what about Maria?!

    Venam : I know! It sucks but we can't risk her doing anything here...

    This won't be the end I promise, so let's just retreat for now!

    Gardevoir : Hmph... Did you know that I'm awful at keeping promises?

    Aevia : Figures!

    Gardevoir : Sorry, but I've decided to end you here. There's never really ever a choice, right?

    Goodbye you wretched fools!

    Anathea : Nooooo!!!!!


    As Dark Gardevoir prepares to excecute them, she suddenly...


    Gardevoir : Wait? WHAT?!

    So that was your plan at all the time?

    Very smart move but this isn't over yet! I'll deal with you later!


    Dark Gardevoir left.


    Anathea : What's going on?

    Venam : It worked. He managed to free the officer.

    Aevia : But let's not get crazy, right now.

    Venam. You know what to do.

    Venam : Got it. Charizard!


    Venam summoned Charizard but the latter is still truant. Yet, Venam still rides on it.


    Venam : Hey, stop wasting our time and help me the hell out!


    Charizard reacts angrily and flies away.


    Venam : Not this fast, dammit!


    Both Venam and Charizard went to the rescue.


    Aevia : This should do. By the way, how did that guy with green cloth saw you? Does he have connection with you?

    Anathea : Not this time. We must do something.


    Note : After Home being compatible with Scarlet and Violet, things went completely badass, this time. If only Terastalization were banned, that would be a downer outcome. See you tomorrow.

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edit : I changed from Red part to Dark because it’s noted in wiki. So… that’s what that came into mind to tell you that the Red part forshadows something that I will post something many months later.

  14. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. In Celeste Grotto, near the teleporter :

    Scarlett : H-huh?

    Why are you looking at me like that?!

    Ava : Hmph... no reason.


    Danielle : More importantly, Sienna's coming.


    She's right. Sienna came here.


    Sienna : Did I wait you for so long?!

    Danielle : Not much as you can do well!

    Ava : Ah, Sienna. Perferct timing.

    Come here.


    Sienna comes close.


    Ava This must be the teleporter that Aderyn was talking about.

    Hopefully, this bad boy will be a one way trip to that old Jinx cloud platform... and for us, that means getting to Cellia!

    Scarlett : Yeah... Cellia...

    Sienna : ...

    Ava : Jeez, Scar... I'm sure it's not that dangerous...

    I mean, I heard the Jinx Guild built this entire teleportation system, so the safety is probably, well... questionable at best.

    But what other choice do we have, right?

    I don't know about you guys, but I want to get to Cellia... sooner the better.

    So, in that case...

    Last one back is buying drinks!


    Scarlett looks shocked about what Ava said as the latter moved to the teleporter.


    Ava : Well, here goes nothing...


    The portal opened as Ava entered it after that, sending her to Prototype Cloud Arena.


    Scarlett : Oh-oh my god!

    Ava... she's... she's gone!

    Ugh... oh, no...

    This is just way too much...

    Sienna : Too much like Danielle's showing!

    Danielle : HEY! Not cool!

    Scarlett : But... but we've gotta go after her, right?

    Danielle : Of course, we can. That's what we came here.

    Scarlett : ...

    Come on, Danielle and Sienna... let's- let's do this!


    Scarlett moved to the teleporter.


    Scarlett : ...

    Okay, okay...

    Scarlett... you can do this...

    It's just a Jinx teleporter... it's not so bad...



    Scarlett entered the portal.


    Danielle : OK. As the matter of fact, here we go-


    Sienna grabbed Danielle's hand.


    Danielle : What? What's wrong with you?

    Sienna : ...

    I don't like this. It's like we're expecting something terrible.

    Danielle : Are you scared of heights, too?!

    Sienna : Yeah, no. I think we're walking right to the trap.

    Danielle : Don't be pessimistic! Let's go!


    Danielle took her hand out from Sienna's grasp and hurried up to the teleportation, entering to the portal.


    Sienna : Danielle?!

    Oh, no. She's done for.


    Sienna joined as well, entering to the portal.


    Note : I feel a bit bored about my life. Amethyst, andracass, Jan, Zumi, Azery, Ice Cream Sand Witch, Posty; Caz etc... Everybody tried their best about doing what was best for. I was thinking about not replying anything when it comes to their new posts. Because it's better that they are happier than when I respond something. Well, anyway. See you in next weekend.

  15. Actually, I forgot to think about Pokemon's abilities like having multiple abilities at the same time just like in Pokebilities. I wanted for password for having all of a Pokémon's obtainable abilities are active simultaneously (like "pkbilitiespls") in Pokemon Rejuvenation and Desolation if possible. Well, anyway.

    Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. In Forsaken Laboratory, before battling Geara :

    Narcissa : Mosely, Ren and I will take care of Giratina.

    So don't worry about us. We won't fail you.

    Mosely : Heck yeah we will! Aww I'm about to have chicken for dinner!

    Axel (furious) : No. Aevia will help you, too!

    I'll take care this guy!

    Aevia : Axel, are you sure? I'm worried that you might-
    Axel (eye twitching) : HE! SCAPEGOATED! YOU!

    Aevia (quietly speaks) : Okaaaaaaaay!

    Narcissa : Are you OK?!

    Ren : Don't ask how he feels!


    A furious Axel faces Geara.


    Geara : You're joking, right?

    I don't know if you're just that brave, or utterly idiotic.

    Axel (suddenly angrish) : Rrr... I'm going to... Rrr... You're gonna...

    Well, then! What will be idiotic when I or someone's going smash your stupid smug big face of yours, you stupid bratty Greg!

    Geara : HOW DARE YOU?!

    Fine, if you want to be a pest, I'll squash you like one!

    The fact that boy destroyed Madelis like a sandbag because of no posing threat to us.

    Axel : Oh, yeah?! You should know that he will squash you physically and mentally when he finds you, regardless of level of threat you're comparing to!

    And then you'll realize yourself that taking your revenge on this guy will make you have a "fate worse than death" wish.

    But you also wanted to take revenge on Aevia because she got only involved with it.

    No matter. You're ruined, anyway.

    Geara : I won't make that mistake. I'll crush everything you can conjure!


    Axel : Begone!


    They started their battle.


    Note : When I said about Pokemon having multiple abilities, I was honest. I'm starting to take interest in Pokébilities a little. See you tomorrow.

  16. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. In Celeste City, when Aderyn asks to Danielle about travelling to Weeping Hill :

    Aderyn : I have a favour to ask.

    I would like you to travel to the Weeping Hill, and explore its ruins beneath the surface.

    I would like you to find the source of these 'supernatural' sightings and remove it.

    In exchange, I'll see to it that Vera will transport you and your friends to Cellia.

    Is that fair?

    Danielle : I believe that it isn't fa-


    Chad pulls Danielle's ear for her cowardice answer.


    Danielle : Ow! Ow! Ow!

    Chad : All what she meant is that she's happy to accept your help!

    So, it's a deal, then!


    Chad stops pulling her ear.


    Aderyn : Excellent. I'll let the guard know that you have the permission to enter the burial grounds.

    You can find Weeping Hill on Route 2, just south of here.

    Chad : So that's where rangers keep trainers out from entering here.

    We'll try to not messing around.

    Aderyn : Be careful, yes?

    I have learned to not take even the slightest rumours lightly.

    Danielle : But... *sigh*

    OK. I volunteer to do this.

    Aderyn : I'm glad you're helping, Danielle.

    Remember. You can find Weeping Hill on the west side of Route 2. Good luck.


    Danielle and Chad left in journey to Weeping Hill.


    Danielle : What did you do that for?

    Chad : Are you scared of ghosts, by any chance?

    Danielle : Absolutely. Yes!

    Chad : And you call yourself a future champion.

    GROW! UP! Danielle!

    This isn't a child play, anymore!


    Chad moved forward, leaving Danielle behind.


    Danielle : Grr! I hate this but I have no other ways!


    Note : To me, Danielle's first appearance reflects of the child being immature with many ego moments while her second appearance reflects her accumulated experiences of being humbled, turned her into matured teen with self esteem issues. See you in next weekend.

  17. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. Here's the dialogue where the protagonists are comparing about how many Pokemon are registered in Pokedex :

    Aero : That reminds me. How's your progress with your Pokedex?

    Aevia : Not bad for me. I have 157 Pokemon registered in Pokedex.

    Aero : Mine has 204.

    What about you, Axel?

    Axel : If you insist!


    Axel shows the Pokedex.


    Aero : Axel! I can't believe it!

    You registered 638!

    But how?!

    Axel : You might be strong. But you lack skills.

    You can't accomplish such a feat without it.

    Although, I'm opposite of you. Despite I'm the weakest, I took weeks of experiences to become skillful ever since I became a trainer.

    That's right. Challenging a Gym Leader might be the way to progress into becoming the world best trainer.

    But if you're not taking seriously about the most important goal that gave us to do, then, sooner or later, you're already failed yourself as a trainer.

    Aevia : ...

    When did he get so smart?

    Aero : I... I have to be alone, thinking for a while...

    Axel : Let's go, Aevia.

    Aevia : Poor, Aero.


    Axel and Aevia left.


    Note : Maybe some Pokemon that weren't in V13 might appear in V13.5. Whatever or not, it doesn't matter. See you next time.

  18. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. Here's the moment where Avery tries to throw a Pokeball to catch a Wimpod in left docks of Cellia East Docks :

    Sienna : There, there it is.

    Avery : Where?


    Avery found Wimpod.


    Avery : Oh yeah, oh I got it.

    It's standing around cluelessly.

    Sienna : Be careful! It's used to run away way fast like a coward!


    Wimpod is watching what Avery's going to do.


    Avery : Oh *bleep*.

    Wimpod saw us.

    Sienna : Catch it before it runs away! Quick!

    Avery : Roger that.


    It's nice to see you, Wimpod.


    Avery tries to throw a Pokeball but at the wrong direction while Wimpod is standing there. Catching failed.

    Then they tried again.

    And then again.

    Again. (>x20)


    Avery : Oh, dang it.

    Sienna : ...

    Avery (to Sienna) : What?

    Sienna : ...


    You're really not very good with that thing, are you?


    Wimpod is taunting Sienna and Avery.


    Sienna : Oh, great, now it's taunting us.



    Wimpod left to the other location.


    Sienna : Avery. We must hurry before we lose its tracks.

    Avery : Well... OK!


    Note : Was that funny to you? Who knows? It's anyone's guess. See you in next weekend.

  19. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. In League Administration, Aero finally tells to protagonists (without Aevis who's been busy talking with Crescent, Ana who's been spending hours of searching Dylan and Axel who's been missing and was never found) about dark aura :

    Alain : That was close one. I succeeded of quelling Ariana's dark aura corruption.

    Ariana : I'm sorry for hurting you.

    Alain : Don't apologize. That wasn't yourself.

    Aevia : So why you came us to reassemble, here?

    Aero : I want to tell you about darkness in our heart.

    Alain : Did you find something?

    Aero : Actually, I found something you never gonna like, Alain.

    The dark aura we're experiencing is none other than the negative emotions born from stress and desperation.

    And then it became the power of seven deadly sins.

    Aevia. You're experiencing the power of sloth.

    While, Ariana experiences gluttony.

    While me, I'm suffering from inferiority complex.

    Alain : It's jealousy. Plain and simple. Or to extreme degree, envy.

    Aero : Yes. Whatever I experienced something was completely bad.

    But, let me tell you about Axel. Of course, I'm referring to you, Ariana.

    Ariana : What?

    Aero : Currently, he's now completely too weak to handle the pain.

    As I want to tell you, he's become greedy.

    Ariana : Please, don't say anything you're going to say.

    Aero : The power of greed is overwhelming its psychological mind.

    At this point, leaving him alone is not an option, anymore.

    If we don't do something, he might...

    Aevis : He might end up just like Aelita did.


    Aevis joined the group.


    Aero : What did you talk to Crescent about?

    Aevis : It's better not to ask about her. If you think about telling her, that's a lost cause.

    Aero : Why? She needs to know the truth.

    Aevis : And what she will react then?

    Aero : Well...

    Aevis : She won't take it that well.

    It's our responsibility and ours alone. She mustn't know anything else about dark aura.

    Aero : ...Fine! Be my guest!

    That aside, what did you say about him ending up just like Aelita did?

    Aevis : ...

    We thought that Vivian's Curse was dangerous.

    But Seven Deadly Sins' Curse is way 1 million times deadlier than that.

    Imagine how Axel might become a monster if he were to be consumed.

    He might more powerful than Aelita was as Rift Regirock.

    Because they can access to Frenzy Overdrive. When enraged of nearly losing a battle, they take a form beyond that.

    If we don't do something to subdue his rage quickly, we'll lose him forever.

    He'll die as Axel that we know.


    They are completely horrified by his explaination.


    Ariana : No!


    Ariana begins to cry.


    Ariana : It's all my fault. I should have never left him.

    Aevis : No. If there's anyone to blame for the consequences, I volunteer to take it.

    Aevia : It's not your fault. You told me about Geara.

    And I fell for his own trap. I failed her just like I failed Aelita before that.

    Aevis : You don't understand what I meant. I will take responsibility for many mistakes.

    Alain : Aevis. With all due respect, you always take the blame for us.

    You keep punishing yourself like that was your right choice.

    But you're not going to take the blame all by your yourself, anymore.

    Let us share it with you.


    Alain giving Aevis their honest response as the others are standing up.


    Aevis : You...

    OK. You got me.

    Still, you know why Aero didn't mention you in that part?

    Because Wrath might be the Interceptor's power for you, but also a Deadly Sin's, too.

    Alain : Huh? I... I didn't know about it.

    Aevis : Therefore, you won't be corrupted.

    Aero : Really? That's great.

    Aevis : Because you already have it under your control from the beginning.

    Alain : I see. Smart move. You noticed.

    Aevis : If you have power of sin of wrath under your control, you might be able to transform into something different than a monster or an Interceptor form. I call it Sinner Form, a darker but superior than the previous ones.

    Alain : Actually, I don't know how to transform into that one.

    Aevis : You'll get your own chance, sooner or later.

    Aero : So, if we make a piece with our dark selves, does that lead us succeeding to put it under our control?

    Then we can reach it to the level that what you mentioned?

    Aevis : It's better if you find your own inner peace.

    You'll find the answer you're searching for.

    Alain : I'll try.


    Note : First, I won't forgive the responsible for lying about the date for Pokemon Home compatibility with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. That shocked the fans about the hope spot.

    Second, there might exists Seven Deadly Sins (not the anime, thank you), but what I like more is their light counterpart : Seven Heavenly Virtues (still not the anime).

    See you next time.

  20. Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. Here's the dialogue after Diego defeats Jarred :

    Jarred : Jarred... lost?

    Despite Jarred's dance prowess and superior fashion sense...

    And even though we went as far as to dip our toes into the water?!

    This is... inconceivable...

    But... truly exhilarating!

    Diego : ???!!


    Jarred : You are worthy of dancing with me, Diego!

    And you truly are worthy of being in this great race!

    Jarred will watch your progress with great interest!

    Perhaps, we will meet again... as you grow closer to finding my dear, lost, Lugia...

    Good luck, esteemed trainer!

    Until then... Jarred has otherworldly matters to attend to!

    Beep boop!


    Jarred exploded.


    Diego : What the *bleep* was that?! He exploded!

    All right, I've had enough with Jarred!

    On the bright side, I got rid of him for good! I hope so!

    Time to enter the portal to return to Cinder Tunnel.

    Then I must hurry.

    It won't take long to wake up Moltres.


    Note : I'm done with it for today. See you in next weekend.

  21. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. In someone's dream, at the beginning of Chapter 13 (after Team Xen cutscene where it ends with Oria explaining about something). It shows a teenager boy who's finding a way :

    ??? : Hello. Is anyone else, here?

    I don't know where am I.

    This place looks void.


    A boy looks confused about this place as he doesn't know how to escape.


    ??? CAN YOU HEAR ME?



    The screaming didn't work. Nobody was here.

    But suddenly, he saw a beautiful girl with very long white hair covering her face.


    ??? : It can't be. Is that... you?!


    She moves away from him. Scared of losing her track, he's running desperately to catch her.


    ??? : Please, come back. I'm begging you.


    Yet, she goes far away as he can't catch her.


    ??? : No. Please, don't leave me alone in this world. Without you, I'm nothing.


    In the end, she dissappeared.

    Due to this, he screams in despair...




    Only to be woken up as Aevis, worried as they saw him.


    Aevis : AH!! *pant* *pant*

    Melia : Are you alright, Aevis?!

    Erin : Please, don't scare us like that!

    You kept screaming like you lost someone else who's precious to you!

    Aevis : I'm so sorry, Melia, Erin. I had a very bad dream.

    A remorseful dream that has been haunting me like I don't remember why.


    Aevis can't describe what to say. Then, he shed a tear.


    Erin : You literally witnessed something that you might regret remembering that, right now.

    Aevis : But I didn't want you to worry about me.

    Melia : We're still absolutely worried about you.

    Erin : She's right. You must need our help in case of what causes your nightmare to hurt you mentaly.

    Perhaps, it's about time you might explain us why are you here.

    Aevis : I have to apologize you for that, too. I can't remember, everything. About my past.

    My past before I became Interceptor.

    Melia : You, what?!

    Erin : Then again, there are many things we should take care before you tell us about what bothers you.

    That aside, while you were having a nightmare, Melia told me about the box, right here.


    Erin pointed the box at the front door.


    Erin : She said it came from Puppet Master.

    We didn't have any scheduled deliveries today...

    And even if we did, they get left at the front door.

    Melia : Maybe Cella left in here for us?

    Aevis : To tell you the fact : she didn't because she's not here, isn't she.

    Erin : True.

    She went into town for supplies.

    Melia : So... Someone walked into our room and just dropped this off?

    Erin/Aevis : ...Yep.

    Melia : This place isn't safe as it feels...

    Aevis : You'll learn something better really fast as you can.

    Erin : Totally.

    Anyway, are you gonna open it or not?


    Note : The teenager boy I mentioned contains conservative clothes with with same hairstyle as Chris Redgrave from High Card has. The past about Aevis, Aevia, Axel, Ariana, Alain, Aero and Ana might be heartbreaking. But those who have taken over their bodies might have even worse backstories before they became Interceptors. Well, see you tomorrow.

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edited : I corrected it because I kept thinking that it doesn't look much fine to me.

  22. I will be changing also "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. After conversation between Danielle and Shiv in hotel in West Cellia Docks, she woke up and she found Sienna lying asleep in table while sitting down in a chair :

    Danielle : Hey, Sienna...!

    Sienna : *ZZZZZZ*!


    Danielle tries to sleep, only to find in shock that Sienna is here in the same apartment.


    Danielle : WAIT, WHAT?! WHAT THE *bleep* ARE YOU DOING?!

    Sienna : Awww!!! Why are you screaming that loud?!

    It's rude to wake someone with such awful big noises like that!

    Danielle : Ok. I'm sorry.



    Wait! That's not important, right now!

    Why are you here?!

    Sienna : Ava told me to take care of you!

    Danielle (sarcastic) : Oh, thank you, Ava! Such overprotective you're being!

    Sienna : Anyway, we have to move on to Cellia Central.

    It requires Cellia Passport to enter here, which I have it.

    But since you did a good job in Blackview City, it's possible they'll let you in.

    Danielle : For real?! What are you waiting for?!


    Danielle is wearing same clothes and left the apartment.


    Sienna : She'll never change, will she?


    Sienna also left the apartment.


    Note : That thing I wrote serves as censor in case of foul words. I don't want to recieve a warning point just for that. See you in next weekend.

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