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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Geekyperson

  1. Wailord is a good choice, since you can get it while diving in azurine lake at around 71, and it is BEEFY AF. especially, if you give it leftovers. plus I'm pretty sure Titania doesn't have any electric or grass attacks. I'm going up against her soon too. I surprised none of her pokemon have rock slide or stone edge, since most steel types can learn both of those, but because none of her pokemon have any rock type moves, hopefully I can ohko most of er team with flamethrower from my charizard. also, one thing that always helps as a backup for taking out a bulky attacker is a max HP and physical/special attack Aggron, because mine has sturdy and Metal burst, and since Metal burst does double damage back, if they activate my sturdy, 9 times out of 10, they ded
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