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WimpOut last won the day on October 23 2023

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  1. Do we get the Aevium Pokedex Entries though? Can't wait!
  2. Nim already explained that overlapping doesn't have any side effects in any way good or bad, Melanie is gone. Whatever was on Melia's mind was just a regret or something that isn't really caused by overlapping.
  3. Lol that was mosely along with Ren's mom, they were tied up on the second floor and even had interactions with Cosmia
  4. Wow iNtEnSe pretty easy but complains about rift shields even tho the games are not specifically catered to be nuzlocked.
  5. Lol Volcanion is the easiest rift mon, are you that dumb to not be able to defeat it that easily? You can even lower it's stats and give it status effects. It's slow af The game is not even suited for nuzlockes but a lot of smart people here can cheese it easy
  6. Yeah I have the same problem, this pissed me off so much cause I wanted to IV change my mons after the eclisia pyramind arc but I was depleted on money. Money is even hard to get now. It pissed me off
  7. The first absol that warns you was Erin's absol (If you saw her at the library on East Gearen) then there is an event absol you can catch
  8. Hey guys did you know that they brought back the IV changer nurse back? Plus we can get pokerus
  9. Playing on normal, I guess I was just being a bitch complaining with the hard battles (I hate you Valerie, the rest were fine) but I didn't even need to grind or ev trained to beat them. So I was travelling to GDC via train after fixing the tracks when chapter 11 intro puts me on west gearen to SAVE (I can go to the train to continue), decided to get all the golden items that I don't have and ev rooms, do all the things I could do with strength before getting lock on GDC. the ev cards are worth it, I was surprised when you can get the Power items with them, ev training is so so so easier with just like 3 or 4 battles your evs are maxed with the meltan trainer now. I was pass the 5th gym when they added the breeder exp trainers on Chrisolia Hotel and Sheridan but those where good additions too. I appreciate the balancing
  10. I did a new run on V13 Fletchling - My mvp against madame x Geodude - Sturdy for madame x Trevenant - Pretty bulky with great utility early game, once of my curse and destiny bond users Simipour- My thief mon Sandaconda - Made my battle with Narcissa a breeze with minimize, good bulk but trash moveset Perrserker - My money maker but dealt pretty good damage when used and did well on rift Garbordor Stonejurner - My mvp against Crawli who killed most of his mons, pretty strong and bulky against physical attackers Shedinja - Carried me on every fight that doesn't have a counter for it My pick up mons - Zigzagoon,GZigzagon,Meowth,AMeowth,Aipom/Ambimpom money is really scarce whyyyyy Trade Pangoro/Pancha - A reliable and strong mon who helped me on various battles Venomoth - My quiver dancer/special attacker and sleeper Crested Phione - Oh god, this thing is so bulky, carried my amber battle solo and the battle on the Valor mountain, most of the time Phione was the only one alive if there is no heals nearby Crested or without crest Luxray - Pretty strong and useful with intimidate and great moves, sometimes it is slow and finally Cinderace - If noone can outsped it they will receive a lot of damage and very versatile when using Libero with type changes. Poison sweep and low sweep are trash but great early on, changed my quick attack with double edge and hits damn hard, Pyro ball is lit. wish we could get the egg move tutor earlier.
  11. What's up with people dying on the game? It turns into a black screen and just bam dead. I cried first time when our mother died, even seeing her get stabbed made me so sad even replaying on that part of the game on previous versions. Now, it was so disappointing, she felt very weak and pathetic seeing her run and scream. Her death was not even seen. I am at the past on Kugearen, Next was anathea, I know hers was not that dramatic but it was a black too, nothing, just she dies out of nowhere. I didn't get any emotion,angry or whatever. The deaths weren't as worthy to avenge or something, they felt boring. I enjoyed everything so far the V13 gave, but this gave me a bit of disappointment. I know this may sound so picky or what but yeah. Still loving everything else though
  12. You can get a moon stone on the angry dude's garden on Goldenleaf town.
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