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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Calentz

  1. (doubt these are, intentional) If you haven't started the new stuff yet, you can go to the rotom room and get another stamp from the scientist even if you already retrieved it for that quest in previous versions. You can also get another stamp for the gdc market from the lady at the front desk on the first floor. Old move relearner is in mirage town, you'll have to head west past the waterfall where she is in a cave. Holy is waiting next to the old storage (house?) close to valor shore, after the events there You can talk to the blade star professor guy at the kristiline help center. You can do the new 'pokemon ranger' training in kakori gym but I wouldn't recommend this one, It puts the chapter 6 story mission in your lol seemingly permanently, hopefully it didn't break anything :X
  2. I know for sure that I did. That save file is one I've had since version 12 with many hours spent on it (my pc box can attest to that lol).
  3. Version 13-13.5 I did some backtracking And found that the garbodor isn't in the vat tube in west gearan lab. To make sure, I checked on a different save/character I also transferred from v13 to 13.5 to see if it wasn't a visual bug but the garbodor was in the vat as intended so I'm worried that the choice/event didn't carry over in this one: (currently located in the aforementioned lab) Game.rxdata
  4. Kristaline Odessa quest There's a mansion in Kristaline with a new quest featuring an npc named Odessa. Reward for completion is a Phione crest. Terajuma Help center egg If you completed all the help center quests talk to the clerks, 'April' will magically appear at the front door and give you an egg for an Aevium form pokemon! If she doesn't appear try entering the room at the top left and coming back out after talking to the clerks. Tyluric Temple. If you fixed the bridge, make your way to Tyluric temple and try to enter it to start a limited time quest with three people, two of which are Flora and Florin.
  5. While the devs have encouraged us to start new save files (and tbf I personally have) I'm sure there are plenty of us who have old save files from version 13 that put a lot of time into and still want to keep and continue on them. Since 13.5 changed/added a lot of things I wanted to keep track of a few things I noticed while backtracking that may help others as well. Biggest example is the quest with Florin and Flora in Tyluric Temple on Terajuma Island. (arguably the most important one since the devs said this will only be available for old saves until version 14 comes out.) Again, this is mostly for people with old save files from version 13 so they can backtrack and find things in old areas that were added in 13.5, with the assumption that they basically did everything in version 13. As such, I also encourage for others to add anything they've noted as well!
  6. That just seems like a silly change to make it unnecessarily tedious compared to how it worked before imo, especially since shadow pokemon aren't exactly integral to the game like, say, Colosseum or XD since they kind of drop off the radar in the later half of this game.
  7. What level does Donphan learn endeavor? Or what alternatives are available if any?
  8. Was there an additional requirement to lower the heart gauge on shadow pokemon added in 13.5? Before you just needed to have them in your party as you walk/battle and I've had that first meowth in my party for a while and it hasn't gone down at all.
  9. Huh, somehow I must have completely missed that clue when I was there the first time... Thanks!
  10. This is the only side quest I'm missing, I'm completed 'Just along for the Ryder' quest as evidenced that it says [Done] in my quest log but I have no idea where to find this 'black piece' that apparently starts and finishes the quest once you pick it up. I've read the creepy book in the secret lab that says it emits a dark energy but nothing happens. Did I miss something?
  11. Hatching a shiny from an egg can be a bit dodgy. As I understand it, whether a hatched pokemon is shiny or not is determined as soon as you pick up the egg and not when it hatches. I don't know if the egg you get from the mountain is shiny locked, but I can confirm you can get a shiny by breeding the one you hatch from that egg and hatching another from the daycare. I personally opted for that route since that way I can breed the IVs that I want.
  12. Agreed. I think rather than get rid of the mechanic entirely it's just better applied to some of the 'boss' fights and not all of them.
  13. I didn't know you could refuse Tesla's offer? Two choices I struggled with were to save the officer in the past and whether or not I should fork over the magma stone. If people have the time and desire I definitely would recommend replaying the game if you get the chance, if only for the changes they made.
  14. As to why you begin the mansion quest in the first place, personally I like the new version better. Minus Venam's growth as a person, it didn't make much sense to me at the time that we went back to gearan from goldenleaf to get venam's help because Ren activated a metal gate at the entrance of goldenleaf, then drops a 'totally not on purpose' hint that venam's poison pokemon can melt the bars. It just seemed arbitrarily silly to me at the time since the player at this point potentially has several pokemon that could do the job just as well. It felt like some sort of gimmick that the original games would pull, like 'oh no it's a tiny bush you require cut for' syndrome except in this case it was literally included in the main story and dialogue.
  15. There are no romance options period
  16. "... so do you use a talonfla-" "SO YOU HAVE CHOSEN DEATH!!!!"
  17. I know, the same odds are in pokemon desolation but they still have that option. I'm just saying it would still be nice to have that option for rejuvenation too but wouldn't be broken up about it if they don't.
  18. Grand Dream city, in the central building in central square. There's a lady on the right at the front desk available during the day Password is:
  19. Agree with Megas and disagree with golden items. The golden items require you to have the corresponding hm/tm in question and by the time you get to that point in the story for each one you have enough AP points to spend to get it. At least I did, if I didn't I would just buy a bunch of sweet hearts on route 3 then resell them for the 'buying supplies' and 'seller' achievements. What I would like to see is something similar to what Pokemon Desolation does, where they let you buy 'paint' that makes your pokemon a shiny.
  20. The toxicity is only a factor, not the main reason. Go read Jan's post again. Intense was becoming a hassle to play upkeep on, time they could have/want to spend polishing other parts of the game. It's probably easier on them to work on intense after the base game is finished if they ever pick it back up again.
  21. I wouldn't mind them adding more puzzles or obstacle like games in future chapters but for me it depends on how they go about it. A couple of the ones from the mansion story still give me nightmares...
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