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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Calentz

  1. Yes I acknowledged that I figured it was a joke lol, didn't mean to single you out specifically Edit: It was more to acknowledge that there are people getting impatient over the unfortunate long wait, and that the rest of us can empathize. Just got to trust that the devs are working as best they can.
  2. I know you probably said this in a more joking manner but trust me, I'm getting just as impatient as the next person on these forums. Especially after the announcement that they were cutting this version in half. I don't think they can give much more reassurance other than they are in fact working on it, and they are just as eager to get v13 out there as we are to play it!
  3. Clerk: "Sorry, those are only available on the tenth floor of the Department of Dreams which isn't accessible yet"
  4. More than 2 weeks, I believe it was the 3rd of May when it was changed to 97%
  5. LOL All us folks checking the website everyday be like:
  6. Didn't look for the tumblr post made by Jan, but I did find confirmation from Zumi:
  7. They've started *some* testing as mentioned in this thread: They'll probably still need to do internal testing even when that 97% bar reaches 100% though. How long that will take is anyone's guess.
  8. No one knows when v13 will be out. As someone mentioned before even if the total completion on the site says 97% they most likely still need to do closed testing after it reaches 100%. I'd be hesitant to predict any sort of release date at this point. I made that mistake previously based on a timeframe Jan gave us saying a Spring/Summer release date would be too long of a wait, yet we are coming up on the middle of May currently with no concrete date. A lot of delays occurred from unexpected factors of course, so right now the politically correct answer is: "It'll be out when it's ready."
  9. Currently there is 16 versions planned for the game. This upcoming one is version 13.
  10. I wish Infernape was capable of using drain punch Speaking of, what are your thoughts towards it's crest? Personally I would have preferred a crest that supplements it's current abilities rather than just changing it from an attacker to more of a defensive. Then again i'm not part of the meta crowd so maybe it's crest is actually really good?
  11. Who would you say is the best starter as of v12? Not disagreeing with you I'm genuinely curious as I was thinking of choosing Blaziken at some point if it still isn't available by v13 besides getting it as a starter.
  12. Don't know if this would help you come to a decision, but currently Mudkip is available as an open world encounter later down the line during the game. Froakie is only available as a starter though I don't know if this will change with V13
  13. omg THIS PLZ!!! I'm going to try and do a steel type run for v13 and this would greatly help 'mons that can't exactly mate with themselves or others like Magnemite.
  14. To be fair last time they said "soon(tm)" was a little under 4 months ago (unless someone can find a more recent post): https://www.rebornevo.com/rejuvdev/records/mega-medium-sized-post-v13-updatecontent-showcase-r24/?ct=1617642324 Granted four months doesn't fall under the definition of "soon" for some people I'd imagine, but as mentioned by Zumi It's more of a running gag at this point. I get it though, honestly I'm personally guilty of coming to kind of hate the word whenever I see it in a dev update post ;-P Someday(TM)
  15. Alright folks, now we know how to magically summon Jan to our houses!
  16. I agree, in that despite my own nitpicks with the game I enjoy it immensely. Case and point I'm more excited for v13 than I am for diamond and pearl remake. I hope Jan and the others aren't put off by folk's grievances that they've stated both here and on the entire forum.
  17. A few people have already stated their grievances with Melia so I'll hold off on that lol. One thing that really bothered me is Kanon's character flip. Yes, the devs came forward and said they changed their mind about what they wanted with him and what they wanted him to be, but what I dislike is how blatant and sloppy the character flip was. Really the only thing that can fix that is if they went back and rewrote Kanon but I understand that isn't very realistic. Another little thing in the beginning that bothered me is how we arbitrarily needed Venam's help to get through the gates to Goldenleaf town. Like players probably have several pokemon at this point that can get the job done just as well as Venam's Muk. I understand this was just used to move the 'plot' forward considering this is where we meet up with Venam to start the mansion story line, and heck even the official pokemon games are guilty of the same obstacle gimmick but I guess I just expected better from Rejuvenation for some reason. Thus far this game has been pretty good at showcasing how Legendary pokemon are powerful, but not invincible. I also understand that it's harder to show this in pokemon's fighting mechanics than it is in, say for example, the anime how legendaries are still incredibly powerful. That being said I didn't like how we were able to defeat Giratina towards the beginning. Yes I know Giratina was sitting locked in a basement for 'X' amount of years but c'mon, It's GIRATINA we're talking about! Even with the 2 people with us helping our 'mons were, what? Level 30 at that time? I'm sure there might be a better explanation for how this could be plausible, but if there is it's not blatant enough for me to pick up on. Sorry if that sounded ranty lol.
  18. When I'm waiting in queue for a FPS or another game that I need to wait for something, I will sometimes have rejuvenation in the background and money hunt with my team of 'mons with the pickup ability.
  19. You say that, but it's taken them over a month to go from 85% to 88% and that's after they announced they were splitting v13 into two parts with the current statistics being shown for part one XD. I say this in jest of course (partly <.< >.>) and I won't sit here and pretend to know the inner workings and how long it's taken the team to recover from whatever 2020 did to them, but it does seem like it's taking long considering they've said soon™ starting from mid December from what I can see. Of course that could just be for the attempted humor of using soon ™ lol Edit: and who knows? Maybe the folks in Patreon know something we don't!
  20. The wait for v13 has been KILLING me lol. I've been anxiously anticipating the release v13 far more than I thought I would have.
  21. I didn't go far enough to get to the part where Venam gets pissed, just far enough to where you receive the tm for magma drift (same spot where you free Ren's sister from a cage) then immediately turned around and back tracked to where kyogre is supposed to be.
  22. I had this problem in my first play through. Not sure it'll work for you or not but the way mine was fixed is I had to go further into the mountain until I received the tm magma drift. Then back track to the part where kyogre is supposed to be and Venam was there and the scene played as it was intended.
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