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Everything posted by ArcaneArceus

  1. So I played a little bit and looked through some files. I double checked the Archive one Route 6, and there were two books: ”The Core: Project Interceptor” and “Interceptor’s Limits”. Just to put that out there.
  2. There’s a book in the Odd Tower north of Goldenleaf that says the names of the other kingdoms. Ghovora, ruled by Griseda Time, ruled by Tiempa Space, ruled by Spacea Yvern, ruled by unknown Kasura, ruled by Kasumi Zygara, ruled by Isiah And then one that starts with X, also ruled by unknown. Based on names and rulers, we have the Creation Trio and the Kalos trio represented. This leaves Kasura to (probably) represent Arceus. Some of the characters present are the original rulers, and others could be descendants of them.
  3. It makes me feel better that I’m not the only one to see the connections between the creation trio and Spacea/Tiempa/Griselda. If they’re related to actual Pokemon, I wonder if there are any other characters that could be like this. Could the Puppet Master be Cresselia or Darkrai? What about Crescent? What if those shrines ARE the Pokémon though? We only see one of each, and if they did turn themselves to stone, wouldn’t it make sense to try to be overlooked rather than hunted out for? Maybe during the ancient war Nymeria mentions someone tried to create a red chain and so the trio hid to prevent that. We do know that Pokemon humans are possible, Zeta is a Solosis after all. If there are Pokehumans, my theories as to who they are (besides Spacea/Tiempa) are: Crescent - Darkrai/Cresselia Puppet Master - Cresselia/Darkrai Cosmia/Comet - Eon Duo Melia - Arceus (possibly reduced in power) Interceptor - Garufa experiment with Zygarde
  4. Oh yeah, Cosmia and Comet. I forgot about them. I do hope that they make a return; those two are mysterious, but they only appeared for one scene. What do you guys think about Spacea, Tiempa, and Griselda? Griselda does seem to be the Giratina that we found under Wispy Tower, but do you guys think that there's some relation between Spacea and Palika or Tiempa and Dialga? Because if so, that could lead to some theories about other characters.
  5. Ooooh, two Madame X's! I like that theory. The GDB does seem more important than meets the eye to everyone, Bladestar, Team Xen, and the Interceptor's merry band of heroes. We know that the GDB led to Melia, Erin, Alice, and Allen all gathering at the Shrine of Rejuvenation. We also know that they can somehow form the Archetype which somehow relates to Nymeria/Indriad and holds immense power. I feel like the ball was "fated" to reveal some sort of power that they share and begin to fit the pieces of Melia, the Archetype, Team Xen, Erin, the Garufa, and Anathea together.
  6. Yeah, the Crescent thing was mostly off memory, I looked back 15 minutes later, and they are way off. Anyway, I do agree that both Crescent and the Puppet Master are wild cards, but I still think that the Puppet Master is more towards the benevolent type of character. By the Cera/Cella thing, it's a bit hard to explain, but sort of like how in past Aevium, Anju and the Eldest were friends and the Eldest was almost Anju's servant. Anju was captured by Indriad and somehow Angie popped up, complete with her servant Cera. Just based off of names and dynamic, I guessed that Cera was sort of an Indriad-ified version of Cella. Sorry if this theory seems out there.
  7. Well, the GDB did lead to Amanda's reveal/fight along with the big sibling reveal. That also led to whole Hiroshi City/Zone Zero adventure which revealed a lot, including Eclysia Pyramid being a secret Garufa spaceship and how the Interceptor can't leave the planet. Zone Zero also has that one house where the player has had some past memories which I hope is important. I'd say the the Puppet Master likely wants to help us in it's own strange way. On Crescent, I do wonder if she is corrupted Nymeria. The skin tone/hair color do match and based on Cella/Cera and Anju/Angie it kinda? makes sense.
  8. So we left v12 with Alexandra wanting everyone to meat in Eclysia, and Melia, Erin, Alice, and Allen are all siblings - most likely Anathea and Indriad's children. I hope that before the Puppet Master stuff, we at least get to see something with Anathea and the Soul Stone item. Also, any theories on Nancy's Black Box? Based on Nastasia, it seems pretty important, but nothing really seems to be going on with it.
  9. After finishing v12, I realized that I'm missing 3 ZCells (I was following the walkthrough to find them). I know I'm missing the cell by the help center, it was glitched before I left for GDC, and probably one other in old Gearen. I'm not sure about the last one, but would like to know if I could somehow get the ones that I missed. Save file is attached if needed. Game.rxdata
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