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Valkyria last won the day on June 9 2012

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  1. Having a clear skies tier is fine. What isn't fine is whining about not being able to use the pokemon you enjoy using. When I read post #14 on the previous page, I thought to myself, how old is this guy - 10? Using your attachment to a favorite pokemon to argue why weather is unfair. Seriously? If you like Eevee, fine. If you want to use Eevee, nobody's stopping you. Complaining that Eevee is inferior to Gastrodon in the sand? L.M.F.A.O. If you want to use your favorite obscure pokemon without getting stomped, there's the NU tier. Ladder there sometime. I wouldn't mind the free ratings.
  2. Nice. I actually believe that some forms of ESP exist and are experimentally replicable.
  3. I lol'd @ Breloom's nickname. Genius. The most significant change that I recommend is to swap out Torterra with Roserade. Toxic spikes are much more deadly in the Monotype tier than OU, as by definition far fewer teams have pokemon capable of soaking or spinning them away. Roserade's poison typing absorbs the toxic spikes that other teams set, while also being able to set up 2 layers of your own. 90/100.
  4. Good team. I wouldn't worry too much about monobug, monoflying, monoice and monofire teams. Some matches can't be won. What you should be concerned about though, is face one of the other 13 monotype teams who happen to have a pokemon strong against grass. Dual types such as Victini and Yanmega who can find their way on multiple teams are the biggest threats. 85/100. I also have several UU Monotypes, so PM me if you want to test this team out on a level playing field.
  5. Maelstrom, all you're doing is strengthening my case. Due to the inability to predict misses and crits, it's not only possible, but very likely over a series of battles that a player making optimal moves will lose to a player who makes mistakes. Thus, even if one knows and executes the best moves possible, he is still far from invincible. Furthermore, you neglect to answer how Player B could have possibly won the battle in the situation described above. Changing your team can rememdy one particular weakness, but it inevitably opens up another. Your argument would mean something if you knew what the "challenges presented by different people" were ahead of time, but as you don't, your argument is invalid. Your final statement is the best. You openly acknowledge that a variety of unpredictable factors influences who wins and loses, yet you somehow argue that it's possible for someone to manipulate these odds to win each and every time. Yes Maelstrom, battling is not static like a math formula. This is exactly why you're undebatably, irrefutably wrong. If it were like a math formula, crits and misses would be predictable, and one might be able to win every match. In short, Pokemon is not a solved game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solved_game
  6. Much better without Politoed. No such thing as a wild card in monotypes. I would personally replace Empoleon with Skarmory, as you'll need something to stop Earthquakes. This would also free up the Stealth Rock slot on your Ferrothorn, which you could replace with either Swords Dance or Thunder Wave.
  7. Remainder 4 EVs in SpA because at level 5, 4 EVs have no effect on stats.
  8. Valkyria


    Haha...this thread made my day
  9. With the imminent release of the LC tier, I thought it'd be appropriate to post the staple of my LC team. Evasion Sweeper Exeggcute (M) @ Oran Berry Trait: Harvest EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SpA) - Double Team - Substitute - Swords Dance - Bullet Seed The trick is to switch in on a pokemon that doesn't threaten exeggcute and set up a Double Team. Then, you can continue to spam Substitutes until your opponent misses, with Oran Berry restoring your HP every time your health drops below 50%. Harvest has a 50% chance of recycling your Oran Berry each turn, and the beauty of it is that it continues to work even if did not activate the previous turn. It's up to you whether to set up multiple Double Teams or power up with Swords Dance. I personally prioritize DT over SD, as your opponent cannot afford to have a string of misses against Exeggcute. Bullet Seed is the STAB of choice, as it has great accuracy and and huge supply of PP at 48.
  10. You know you're a noob when you ask someone to battle using monoflying team, then load your monorock team.
  11. Liking the creativity. Never considered a monotype doubles before.
  12. 95/100 Great team. Very retro. Keldeo could give it some trouble though.
  13. Finally graduate from university after four years. Happiest day every. Realize I now have to pay back $27,500 in student loans and can't get a job that pays more than $42,000 a year.
  14. Monodragon might be good
  15. Way to step up Mogwai. Looking forward to LC's release!
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