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Pikaclone God

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  1. I've been mulling over this for a little bit now, and I'd like to ask about one subject in particular in this list First off - I think this is all fair. You've put in effort into these things. Some are relevant to the story, others are artistic works of passion. However, one point stands out to me in the fog of everything: I feel that this is an outlier. If you said that animations tied to the moves, I'd get it, but to where does this end? People can't make a 90 BP physical grass type move that's a cutting move and can burn? Is this a misclarification, and you meant the visual assets tied to the moves? Did you mean to include only gym leader signatures? I don't really get this part, since it's just an idea that anyone could have. Cathonic Malady? Sure, I get that. That's unique to rejuvenation But a screen that halves the damage received from super effective attacks seems like it's overstepping I want to reiterate - I myself understand the rest of these bullet points. Do I think some could maybe be argued a bit (such as using a battle background as a base and then heavily altering it after)? Yes, but I'm not gonna cause an argument. You've put in a lot of hard work and effort into making the art, the music, the backgrounds, etc. But I don't see the same in basic moves like "Poison sweep" "Stacking shot" "Deluge" "Arenite Wall" etc. Some sort of clarification or reason to this would be greatly appreciated!
  2. You should make it harder tbh. Oh hey that's my video
  3. A question for Jan! A bit ago, I decided to try out the early releases of Rejuv, like version 1 and such. This had me thinking about a couple of things regarding the story, and while I didn't get far (good god the game was slow back then, how far it's come..) How has the story changed over the many years it's been in development? I felt as though there was a massive shift with 13.5 and renegade content, and it had me wondering if that idea was always there, or if it's a recent development? Also, what caused the more "PG" approach to the boat scene? From what I understood, it had a major revamp in version 12 (and then also in version 13 with the upgraded graphics). I thought it was.. really surprising to see people speared by Deoxys tentacles, the whole thing of corpses being dragged away, etc. (Some examples have been attached)
  4. Hi there, I downloaded your game and figured I'd inform you of a mistake You cannot progress after talking to professor-what's-her-face. When she talks about going over to check her computer, you instantly become stuck in the event, and it's impossible to progress the game I also figured I'd tell you that walking out of the EV training room causes you to be softlocked
  5. ok but- Fr though, based af post and it's all good. Life is life, money is money, interest is interest, hobby is hobby, ... It comes, it goes, some of it you need, and it's good to know that you're a) alive, b) focusing on what's important, and c) like tinkaton
  6. l0seeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr also i promise i'll be playtesting soon, just, minecraft
  7. I can't believe my Dedenne idea was just stolen like this Jk do what you want lmao
  8. What could it be? Hm.. My thoughts is a battle arena for starlight.
  9. Ayo, been a bit - decided to try budew run. Pretty easy, but fun (also eggmove mons are broken lmao - murkrow with bravebird is hilarious, since, well, now you have a brave bird budew) Points of improvement - Budew can currently evolve into roselia (and later on Shiny stone) Oh, and also, the budew thing.. dies in vanhanen castle. After beating radomus, you're hard stuck in this scene And there's nothing you can do about it Correction: It fucks up when you have speedup enabled, I think. Tried without it and now I can progress Also, the run is now done
  10. Petition to make each mod downloadable as its own seperate thing y/y Also smh memeforms isn't that bad -Pyuku was here
  11. Out of curiosity, would it be possible to get the character pictures in this as an individual thing? If not, I fully understand, just thought it'd be cool. Awesome final results picture, surprised to see where some things ended up! Looking forward to the future artwork, and the full illustrations! You have my utmost respect for your amazing work, Zumi, have a nice day!
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