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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aphelli

  1. From its description, the blue part looks like something that might be automated though. Could we maybe help?
  2. Not quite. The statistic means that if you randomly choose the team of any enemy you have to fight at some point in the game, and then you play like the AI the Lin fight on Lin’s terms, you have a ~0.3% chance to win (although this looks like it could be sensitive to RNG). But apparently players are expected to do better than the AI and they can bring their own teams. So that statistic does not really apply. Speaking of analysis, here’s a question I was wondering about: are the trainers that beat the “best Leaders/E4 on their fields” the same each time or do they change significantly (or are there too little of them to actually change)?
  3. I cackled maniacally while reading this post. I think I need help. Also "Raddledict Cumbomus" may have scooped me (sort of, in a manner of speaking, because the devs are, well, the devs). As if he was psychic or something. (I also need help about productivity but I suspect that maybe I shouldn't ask you) Anyway, thank you for this very interesting (and hilarious at least to me) post. @Dark_mist-X Marcello wrote in the first comment that
  4. Chapter 60: Change of Plans of my Reborn story is now published. Because no plan survives contact with reality -- whatever form it may take.

  5. I see, thank you for expanding my terribly limited internet culture. I hope you're all doing well. Time for the next episode! Hope you'll enjoy. Chapter 60: Change of Plans Player's note: Author's note:
  6. You've got me there. Still, I think it's been made pretty clear throughout the previous episodes that we're not the bigger fish in the pond (although we're supposed -- I hope -- to come out on top in the end). So I'd still be wary of crossing Lin more than necessary (even though that sentence is quite nonsensical, when you think of it). As far as I remember, the plot of Rejuv happens five years after the events of Reborn, so it's not quite obvious what they can do with it. Moreover, I don't think anyone has the leisure (or compelling reasons?) to go visit there. I don't expect this to happen, but it's certainly not ruled out.
  7. As satisfying as it sounds, I’m not sure that it is such a good idea. Remember:
  8. Aphelli

    e19 when

    That’s wonderful news! Thank you (and the whole dev team) for all the work you’re doing.
  9. Seeing the wording, I can't help but interpret it as "whatever route you chose, there's not going to be a happy ending" (bittersweet at best).
  10. I'm not sure whether this means I nailed it or if I went past the line. No, I can't think of anyone you might be referring to. It would be such a shame for such a nonexistant sweet reader to learn before the right time that Gabriel is actually Lin deep undercover. Uh, oops. Just forget it, okay? It'll make sense in time. I agree, and that's really sad. A city as messed-up as Reborn cannot really produce healthy individuals (even discounting the fact that healthy characters are boring anyway^^). And it's hard for such people to manage to pull themselves by their bootstraps (since it's all they have left) and improve themselves and/or environment. Saphira managed it, somewhat, while Ricardo didn't. On a different note, I'm about an hour too late, but I can still wish The Odd One Out a happy second birthday! To this day, the fic's primary word count is about 198,000 words, not including the quotes, the character rates, or the player's notes, which is close to the word count of Deathly Hallows (and larger than Half-Blood Prince or Goblet of Fire). Of course, word count is not an objective in itself -- but I find that it helps showcase the progress I made. I tried to make the fic (without the pictures yet, and it's very rushed) into a tex file (I don't want to try and check if word can handle it). There are lots of issues with margins, line breaks, blank pages, and so on. But regardless, the pdf has 398 pages (I would guess that it's closer to 350 pages of real text and the rest is motstly blank decoration, though, but still). So I've been a little less productive than last year, perhaps on account of having a slightly busier life, a huge break with proportionate drought of inspiration at the beginning of this year, and a muse that might be playing hard-to-get a little more. But what has increased by more than 100 percent since last year is your presence. Yes, you. If my count is correct, a year ago, there were 59 comments for 36 chapters and around 6k views. Now, there are 153 posts and above 18.5k views, which is a lot of progress! So thank you for reading, for reacting, for commenting, and please keep doing so (or consider starting to do so if you have been lurking so far)! If I've been able to write so far (something I certainly wasn't sure about when I started), it's also thanks to you. And -- who knows where we'll be next year? (one thing still hasn’t changed though – I should try and take some time to review and rework my older chapters, but I’m scared to look at my old writing).
  11. The last chapter of The Odd One Out's second year of existence has been released. It is entitled Pentest: can you guess what it is about?

  12. Hi! I hope that you're doing well. I said it, and I meant it -- there is another chapter right before the fic's birthday. I'll try to either edit this post or reply tomorrow to add some statistics. The story is now fifty-nine chapters long, and I believe, before checking out, that it will pan out to at least 300 pages and 150,000 words, far more than e.g. Prisoner of Azkaban (but we might not have reached the 190,000-ish words of Goblet of Fire), so I'm trying to find a better format than Word for the entire content. I'll tell you tomorrow (I hope) if I managed it. This chapter is an unexpected idea I had while on vacation. I suppose that, like these little ideas of mine, it's hit or miss, and therefore your honest feedback is (even more than usual) appreciated. I guess I should give a warning about description of nasty physical injuries, but it's one of the things in this chapter/arc that I'm not too sure about. Chapter 59: Pentest Player's note:
  13. Hi! I hope you're doing well. It's been a while since I commented. Life happened, I guess. The universe, everything else, too. I have this old half-review of your Rejuv story somewhere and I'm sorry I can't seem to find the time to finish it. Chapter 4 was in a similar vein as the previous ones: a delight of words, lively and very evocative descriptions and dynamic dialog. Alisa and Victoria formalizing their battle-comraderie with nicknames is a good idea, an original one too. Is Tori an Undertale reference, by the way? Why the Electrike nickname though? I thought that in the myth, Goliath was more like the oversized bully? Perhaps a Camelot knight (or Hurin/Luthien from Tolkien, maybe? Or Theseus/Hercules?) would be more fitting. My standard comparison for anyone fighting an unfair battle above their weight class without blinking an eye is Don Quixote, but Alisa wouldn't see it this way. Chapter 5 is interesting, I'm seeing a lot of difference there. It's a funny surprise to watch Alisa's very dismissive (sometimes contemptuous) outlook on the world (and especially its people) around her, and with a very high opinion of her own abilities (rather justified, since she hasn't even come close to losing yet), only to be at an utter loss for words when the Nurse actually shows her some recognition and validates her earlier thoughts. Perhaps I haven't read carefully enough, but I don't quite understand why people would bristle at Alisa's presence afterwards in a different place (when she goes to North Obsidia in the path to Lapis). You've reinterpreted some of the characters, too. I don't remember anyone else writing an actually assertive (or would ‘defiant’ be a better word?) Shelly (she certainly has good reason) or being as harsh towards Connal ('try-hard', 'sadistic'?). I'm not sure what's the deal with him wanting to keep Alisa in either -- it might be her being sixteen? Charlotte's pretty good and I like Anna too (her wringing her hands continuously is a very nice finding, I think it really fits her). I'm a little bit more guarded about Noel. Canonically (as you might or might not know), he's supposed to be an aspie, meaning that he has a way of handling emotion and social relationships which is very different from average people. Such people tend to have a lot of issues with sarcasm or the status games implied by being 'snide' (or the definitely-making-a-statement-but-I'm-too-tired-to-figure-out-what "you say that, but I might mention..."). Charlotte has no burn scars -- that's a fact to him, and he utters it as such, like 'the sofa is white'. He might be a little annoyed or puzzled that Anna doesn't seem to get it, and that's all. Mockery is alien to his being. But your story, your choices: you have the utmost right to re-interpret characters as you see fit. I guess I just wanted to make sure that you knew you were exercising it. Here are a few minor things that I found strange: Anyway, I'm really interested to see where this will go!
  14. The Odd One Out has a new chapter ! It has all the right things: math, homebrew crypto for the silliest reasons, a curse of sorts and a debatable fashion sense. What else could one possibly want? 

  15. Hi all! I hope you're doing well. We're getting really close to the fic's second birthday, and it's amazing. Also, the 150 replies and 18k views are incredible. Thank you all for reading, reacting and commenting. I hope I'll manage to get in one chapter before the end, and then there'll be a magnificent statistics post (or status update) detailing how little I've done this year. Judge for yourselves: I wrote 35 chapters on the first year. If this timetable is consistent, that makes 24 chapters the second year. Granted, they tend to be longer, but it's still certainly a dip in productivity. And writing is getting harder and harder, so perhaps the productivity will fall again next year (also, the PhD). Or perhaps I'll find a way to prepare the chapters better (you know, local plotting and outlining) so that the writing itself becomes smoother. @Candy Is there a reference I'm unaware of? Oh yes, I remember that part. Now I wonder how much of the story can be summarized in this style and how much easier it would be. Worse, I'm worried I might fall for it. Thank you for your reply and your compliments Valyrian! Although here, I feel important to point out a difference which, I think, matters a lot, but is widely ignored (or viewed as evil or really borderline) in Reborn and similar fangames. And it’s actually part of what I wanted to show in the plot of Part 2. The games make you do the dramatic or righteous thing. You're forced to do them because they sound like a good idea and you battle evil, not because they're going to help in the best possible way. Cases in point (spoilers for Reborn, v12!Rejuv, Deso): In the case of my story, the right thing all throughout Part 1 is probably to call in a (literal) air strike and burn the plants from above (and if Meteor commanders have "accidents" in the process, all the better). Seriously, Ciel would have been completely OP. The best course of action is not to send in a clueless guy with barely any kind of experience into the fray hoping he'll save the day. Imagine that instead of murderous plants, you had a mine field to cross. You wouldn't ask a wannabe hero or Indiana Jones or the Navy SEALS or the Chosen One or anyone else to go there. You would call in a bomb-disposal expert, or find something else that would set them off (I don't know, empty trucks?), get far away and send them in to set them off once (hence destroying them) and for all. Not that all these examples make the games’ plots bad – my point is that what the right thing is is not an open-and-shut case, especially for in a story (or, really, a universe) that tries to not be as clear cut as the official games. Thank you again! To be honest, I'm more worried about delays in some abstract sense rather the fact that my readers are made to wait. I feel (and I can only hope that no one minds) that this is part of the implicit contract we have: I share this story because I like writing it and I hope to have interested readers, but I do other stuff too, and my muse does not cooperate all the time, and I upload when I feel ready. Maybe I’ve become desensitized as the schedules of stories I liked became messed-up and delays stretched. Maybe my induction that delays and missed deadlines are standard for (running) online fan-fictions, in a sense, is wrong. But it’s really hard to write any other way. What bothers me more about delays is that they tend to snowball (“I can always start the new chapter next week”), and, with my muse straining these days, it's better to not have any momentum against me. Anyway, back to the story. E19 is drawing near, and I've decided to do something absolutely ridiculous (to show my work): I'm going to spoil you everything that I think is in store in the story. As ciphertexts*, of course. So, below are encrypted sentences about what comes next. It's using a form of one-time pad on (a custom modification of) ascii codes of characters using pieces of quotes from a few random books lying around at home as keys. I'm not expecting you to decipher these. What I'm doing is, in a sense, signing these predictions. As in: I made them before E19, and if some stuff in the episode (or, come to think of it, another Reborn story anywhere) goes along these lines, well... I thought of them too, on my own. Anyway, here goes. Crystal clear, isn't it? Anyway, chapter time (at last!) Chapter 58: Little Bugs Character rates: Player's note: Author’s note: *I am aware that One Does Not Roll One's Own Crypto. This does not have the safety guarantees of tried and tested cryptosystems. Only do something like this if you're slightly mad, and if there's nothing really important in there. Seriously, people went through a lot of trouble to develop good crypto for transmitting passwords (in an ideal world, maybe?), bank account numbers, emails for your local intelligence agency only and not the foreign ones, etc, and I'm almost metaphorically spitting in their face by doing something this absurd. If you feel offended please don't roast me too much. Also, if you broke one of the codes, pm me instead of spoiling everyone else :).
  16. Okay, that makes a little more sense, thanks for the precise sources. I mean, I do remember what Everland basically is, but I'm a little fuzzy on the details. Even now, after refreshing my memory, I'm not sure if Vanilla's status would have been enough to save her from the Underworld due to her albinism, or if already hints at something more. Of course, the chapter on Vanilla's parents is both interesting and tantalizing, but I suppose I haven't read it carefully enough to make a good enough guess. And I don't know how useful the little mentions along the story are useful for theorycrafting. Oh well. I'm not very good at guessing where stories go anyway. There's something called the "illusion of transparency", which basically states that what is a very obvious hint to a writer is far less clear-cut to a reader. So it's possible that these hints are not that easy to pick up on. But I'm confident that when you spell it out, I'll feel stupid for not piecing it together sooner. (and I've got plans to exploit it myself... )
  17. Rule One: Candy lies? Or the situation allows for both quotes to be true, which is very particular indeed... I can definitely understand why Vanilla, as a dweller of both worlds (and someone who narrowly avoided being abandoned in the Underworld), can be a very good leader for the Defiance. Still, I really need to re-read the Everland-related chapters, because I forgot a lot of it...
  18. This sounds a little bit awkward. Is Candy hiding something? (for both the character and the author, I think the answer is a resounding yes). I mean, can you really call it foreshadowing now? This is more "fore-spotlight-shining". Although I'm ashamed that I missed the first line for what it was. I think that was because it was literally true in all but the most insane situations (which, as Vanilla noticed, is exactly the case). Well, it's Hypno time, isn't it? And it's going to be really horrific, isn't it? (or it could awaken suppressed memories... which sounds just as frightening). And Jasmine, of course. Oh dear. I have a question about something earlier, while we're speaking of princesses: you said earlier on that there's a specific reason why ending Vanilla would end the Defiance for good, which (I guess) might be related to Vanilla's actual lineage. But revolutionary groups (especially of the downtrodden) hardly ever care for blue blood, don't they? They would just choose another leader with approximating charisma and/or guts (hopefully less vulnerable to Jasmine-instigated manipulation), no?
  19. I'm not judging, I'm very glad that you're reading! (damn, that makes three people to which this sentence could have applied) I have no plans to feature such a battle. It's probably one of the clumsiest things in the early story that I wrote. But I'm fancying Reborn City as a very good place for rumors to spread (let's say that this anecdote didn't happen to the guy who spoke about it), and there's a (non-immediate) reason why I added this. I'm sure that there are far more skilled ways to, er, fulfill the purpose of this remark (for reasons that should be apparent in a little while), except that I couldn't think of one. Gabriel isn't always very observant -- he doesn't really know how to do it usefully -- and he won't stand his ground unless he has a very good reason to. I needed something blatant to make him realize something was amiss. And even then, you'll note that the Meteors took the initiative, not him. ^^ I completely agree (although I don't quite remember what Victoria said). It's almost surprising that he made it this far. Can I self-congratulate too for writing these chapters so well that they didn't let you get distracted? Kudos (and thank you) for reading this much in one go, and I hope that you'll find the time and inclination to read on. @Evi Crystal I'll reply to you in spoilers, so that Candy does not unwittingly learn about half the plot points before they even get brought up.
  20. Chapter 57 - Psy Ops of The Odd One Out is now online!

    No one is safe. Everyone is playing Mind Games

  21. Good evening! I hope you're all doing well. It's been a little while, and I had expected to be able to make progress in the story in the past two weeks... But I haven't, much. Summer break is over, and I am now studying with a vengeance (and some impressively irregular hours). So instead I worried about the next fights in game (Serra, Sirius/Sigmund, Steelix, Abra, Noel), tried to plan for them and got the important details wrong -- but never mind. I'd like to say that the information I've given in my two previous posts isn't entirely canon. They're how I view things at first, but I haven't thought them fully through. But they look consistent enough. Valyrian -- these are some interesting remarks on food. That may explain why I'm always wary of eating around a US college, when I go there. Valyrian, regarding the contents of Part 1: well, in the stories I had seen, I had thought the devastation and the challenge level somewhat understated, with the PULSEs looking like early game bosses. But it didn't fit with my vision of the things -- they're literal bioweapons, engines of destruction wreaking havoc on huge areas. In my view, Gabriel isn't (at least at that point -- all bets are off for the late game) the golden hero that will always win effortlessly, so really the question was more: how could it not be a struggle of life or death? I'm glad I was able to convey all this. Anyway, we're moving on, with another very long chapter, with a title that may or may not be one of the most appropriate ones in the story. It has a lot of dialog that I'm not sure I got quite right, but I suppose that is part of an author's occupational hazards. Also, an offhand comment from about a year ago gets finally fully explained. Enjoy! Chapter 57: Psy Ops Character rates:
  22. Uh oh… Will affected people do something else than battle really well (how am I going to be able to beat them…)? Will the shadow drive them (temporarily) mad? Will they do umbral calculus?
  23. Thank you for reading and reviewing, @Valyrian_Reforged! To be honest, it was, sort of, one of the reasons why I reviewed your work: "if I don't read and review other people's work, why should my own be read?". But the question was asked abstractly, not in terms of an actual "quid pro quo" with an actual person. But this means that I will be your debtor for a while. Back on topic, I'm a little bit surprised you marked the end of chapter 23 (as opposed to the end of part 1, three chapters afterwards) as your first milestone. But breaks have to be taken, and if that felt the best place to stop for you, that's good to me. Thank you for your compliments. I think I wanted the entry to the school to feel a little different, and since Gabriel is a math guy, the idea was there for the taking. I think (but it's so long ago now) that I was worried about it being a little outlandish. Mosswater Factory was actually interesting to plan. The idea is that my protagonist is sheltered, and is quite conflict-averse. So how do you storm an enemy base in these conditions? And how would the grunts of a terrorist organization react? These were the kind of questions driving me. As for Taka... I have an idea for this character, so I won't go into too much detail (there's another battle with him coming next too). Rests between battles... I think this gets brought up later on, but not very often. I'm afraid that Gabriel isn't going to be an unstoppable force of nature... at least not yet. As for the little facts of life, I operate on story logic: most of them aren't that important or interesting, so they're mostly skipped, except perhaps at some rare times. If I remember correctly, there's a shower on chapter 27 (but he does try to shower every day). I think a toothbrush is mentioned in chapter 15, and you can assume that is used at least once a (usually dangerous) day. Clothes get brought up in chapter 15 too, if I remember well, and they sometimes get mentioned. But the story so far is pretty slow (in the current chapter [56], less than three weeks have happened since the train attack), so he won't change clothes that much. Also, he doesn't want to spend what little money he has for it, so he keeps the same ones (I guess we can assume he bought a little more underwear). Meals put me in a quandary (namely, what kind of food to write about? Berries sound insufficient for feeding, too, and the status of meat in Pokemon universes tends to be... awkward). Mostly you can assume that he grabs something that looks edible enough (and doesn't taste very good except maybe for the sugar) and a hot drink for breakfast. Gabriel has a very practical approach to hair (well, I hear that it's actually very flawed in real life but, well, my story, my rules): just pretend that it's worth the barest effort and it's going to be fine. I'll confess that I didn't think about haircuts. But time progresses quite slowly (up to chapter 23, there's barely a week spent in Reborn City) so there's little reason for him to get one yet. Maybe later, though. As for the bathroom breaks... let's say that I still am considering something that may well make you wish you never asked for it. ;) No comment on the future chapters... I'll let you discover Gabriel's progress for yourself. I regret to say that, while I appreciate your feedback, I will not incorporate it in the previously written chapters. Keeping moving is already difficult, and I don't have the strength to seriously rework my earlier chapters just yet. But I will definitely take that into account in the future.
  24. Hi Valyrian, First things first: I do owe you an apology. Second: thank you. I needed such a rebuttal. Let's get back to the apology. I apologize for writing in a way that visibly hurt you and that was probably hostile too. Please believe me when I write that it wasn't intended this way -- my closing remark was genuinely dismayed at my own selective focus and hoping to soften a potential blow. For, as an aggravating factor, I was aware that this could have landed into "hater" territory, yet dismissed that impression. Instead of fighting my unfair focus, I indulged it. I did not intend for this to mean "write the exact opposite of how and what you feel that you should write." Your insights, your style are your own. I felt (whether or not it's what I ended up doing is rather for you to criticize, as you did) that I should point out a few sparse times where you might be a little too sophisticated even for your setting. I write might, because, as you probably know (and I remembered a bit too late), a lot of literature has characters speak much better than most real people do. For the little mistakes, I'm thinking for instance of the following sentence, where "she could" is repeated: "Alisa vowed to locate and pick-up that Egg so that *she could*, upon the capture of a Flame Body ability-carrying Fire Pokémon, *she could* effortlessly hatch that Egg in the future". There's also "as they notice of Alisa", or the post-Florinia level cap (35, not 25) in chapter 2. I remember reading a couple more, but I can't find them right now, so maybe I'm just misremembering. For the "The", I wasn't thinking about the ones at the beginning of sentences (a perfectly normal and sound use), but rather those preceding titles or locations, like in "Fern ambled through The Jungle", "through the mishmash of ruined buildings and into The Beryl Ward", "while Heather fought The Newcomer". I guess I really needed that suggestion to focus on what was good instead. I like the way you portrayed Corey during the Alisa battle (and the tactics that she employed to win), where he is conflicted between his own nihilism and his (at first reluctant) interest in the Gym battle, the mixture of intensity and denigrating sneer. Fern and Alisa, Aster and Eclipse make some really good duos (please don't let Aster stop calling her "Clipsy"). I think I'm repeating myself, but I really enjoy your descriptions too, and your vocabulary really is a plus for them. (also, I had no idea such a word as "pizazz" could exist, so thank you for that one) So I hope that this makes a significant contribution to clearing the air. (PS if you didn't find out already -- the website automatically time-stamps your posts [at the very top of the post] and your latest edit [at the very bottom])
  25. Hi! I guess it’s time for a second review. I see that you’ve toned down on the fancier words a little (there's no harm in using them, just don't overdo it). You also have almost stopped using hyphens where they aren’t necessary (at least, I don’t think they are?). Here are a few exceptions, though: wished-to, secreted-away, dark-grey, utterly-calm, acted-upon. I'm glad we also got a portrait of Alisa (the protagonist sprite is nice but does it really match completely your own idea of the character?). I'm not sure if it's deliberate, but her speech patterns somewhat match her looks -- in a good way. Though if she’s dressed as you describe, it’s miraculous she doesn’t get dirty. Then again, even though the other characters are larger than life, she's bigger than all of them since she's bound to succeed where all of them fail, so she's above such worldly concerns. ;) Your characters now have voices of their own, which is very good; however, some of their words sound a little surprising again (usually too sophisticated for what they're supposed to be -- but it's a matter of style ultimately, literature is ripe with characters speaking better than they should). I have a few cases in mind: 1. “apologies are unnecessary” from Victoria (I feel that simpler speech suits her far better, like “no worries” or “it’s okay”) 2. Still by Victoria, but earlier on: she calls the slums “that vile place”. I’m not sure (that’s a culture thing, I suspect), but I believe that “that place” with something in the voice (disgust?) is more realistic. 3. “You won’t get anything incriminating from us” – I guess it's Aster speaking, because he’s the one who never gets anything and always says too much. I’m not sure how compatible this is with the use of the word “incriminating”. I suspect that few people would utter it spontaneously – instead, an Aster would say: “you’re too late. We’ve already deleted everything, [insert colorful but harmless expletive]”. 4. “purge [the wards] from all evil” by Florinia – in my opinion, “evil” evokes some sort of emotion while being very unspecific, both characteristics that Florinia would eschew 5. Taka’s first words in the Beryl Ward confrontation are, I think, far too explicit (since everyone else is in earshot – even if not, it’s much too compromising). By the way, there are some other parts that feel a little bit off, perhaps too “solemn” for the setting (like “purge all evil”, which sounds like a life quest given by a dying idealistic paladin): “fulfill every one of her hopes, aspirations and dreams”, “vow to get the egg“. I’m also seeing a few errors that you could have avoided had you proofread more carefully: for instance, Alisa decides to check out Obsidia after she heals her Pokemon, she “does just that” then she starts training them, and only afterwards does she actually get into the ward. In Beryl, Alisa fights a Pignite that is told to use Ember, then uses Flame Charge, which raises its Attack by one stage (it’s Speed). In Corey’s death scene, Alisa falls to her knees at least twice. Afterwards, Alisa screams at Team Meteor as if they’re responsible for Corey’s death, even though she saw him kill himself (even in the game, the scene is awkward, because only a very particular kind of rooftop would make them noticeable). And then a “Veronica” appears. There are a few more sentences where you probably skipped or repeated a word (due in part to your complex sentences – I still like them, but that always carries a risk of mistakes). There are very many unjustified "The" (with capital T) -- why do you do that? And most surprising of all, you entirely skipped Taka’s debut (then write as if you didn't). Which brings me to my last point: your chapter 3 is far too long (chapter 2 is borderline already, but chapter 3 dwarfs it). I don’t know if you checked, but it’s close to ten thousand words, no apparent breaks… that makes it really hard to read. It's almost sad, actually. All this writing, all these magnificent words, all these imaginative nicknames, a few nice battles that I'm impressed you managed to beat in this way, and yet my focus is on what bugged me. I really hope this doesn't come across as too negative. Best of inspiration for your next chapters!
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