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About KazukiKaze

  • Birthday May 29

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  • Interests
    Games, Yugioh to a minor degree. Roleplay, but.. eeh. That's something you keep to it's own sects, y'know?

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. I was assuming it was the same one from S/M. then I got a PP Up at level 71. So uh.. Yeah. .-.
  3. Thanks. GDC gate one was the one I was missing. And now all the locations are in one thread so the next guy to try and look this up can actually get an answer.
  4. As it seems to be mostly undocumented and I can't find the last one, just gonna ask for all of them. Off the top of my head, the one's I've found myself so far are; The one in the Oricorio area in Darchlight Woods, the one who was looking for her missing pokemon in the Judicial District, the one at the top of Forlorn Cavern, The one in Nightmare city near a dumpster. I've some others but I doubt anyone remembered their names. I think I'm missing two since I have six. Edit: Oblitus town girl... That makes all of the ones I've found I believe now. Edit 2: There was one in the Dream District to Judicial District tunnel thing. So that leaves one.
  5. This is about as non answer as it gets but as a vague "word of mouth" from a friend, it's apparently one of the help center quests in the desert area..??? I forget the name of the town at this moment but you should have some vague indication of where I mean if you could do it. If you can't start the help center stuff at all, well, do more story. Take this all with a grain of salt from me, haven't done it, can't confirm, lol.
  6. Yeah I uh, beat it ages ago. Pretty sure I just, brought a Jolteon and Camerupt. Discharge and Eruption. I'm like, due for the GDC tournament right now. ... Yeah. Don't know how/if I can delete threads here since I don't quite see a "close" option.
  7. Haven't finished the content but got a fair way through so gonna throw my two cents in for now. Easiest for me: Florin and Souta. Florin was just a walk, Souta was pretty easy. His Tailwind proved annoying on first matchup but when I went for round two, I just.. Took a Jolteon with my own Elemental Seed. His distinct advantage soon petered out because I just got to spam Thunder against everything he had and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. Hardest: Crawli. Nothing compares for me.
  8. Got to this *fun* little segment. She's less of an issue compared to her I believe Typeless Contrary Golems. How does.. one deal with that. Like am I supposed to just spam worry seed or something and hope they peter out? Do some gigantic setup and Power Trip/Stored Power sweep or something?
  9. Where *is* the moon vial anyway? Trying to google it keeps leading me to where it was in old versions of Amethyst cave.
  10. Yeah I did, ended up getting past all that and then some, just got stuck on the fight with Zetta and Geara on top of Mount Valor. Now I'm just completely lost on the Amethyst Cave door quest, so if anyone has what I'm meant to do there, that'd be nice. I didn't exactly spot anything while I was doing the Chandelure side thing, so.. Not too sure what I'm looking for to get in.
  11. So, I'm in a Teila Fire and Ice, I think that's chapter six? Amber just got abducted, I skimmed some text and now have no idea what to do. Figured I may as well ask rather than run in circles aimlessly in hopes of eventually getting an answer. I tried to look around but it looks like sequence of events have changed since I have six badges and no magma drift, so I can't go into valor mountain.
  12. So I've come all this way, scraped by damn near every fight. Not exactly sweeping over here, who'd have guessed. And then I come to *this* monster of a gym. I can barely get past the initial Ariados and Galvantula, which requires so many resources I get killed by literally anything else he sends out. In short, my current team physically cannot take this gym, I have no idea what to do about it. My current team consists of Midday Lycanroc, Mr. Mime, Unfezant (crap bird I know), Scolipede (baton pass speed/defense), Stoutland and Torterra. It's uh.. It's not pretty what it does to me. So to put it bluntly, I basically need to replace my entire team for this gym. Can I get some team suggestions for.. something a bit more solid than what I've got? I was considering trying to just staple a stored power meme on the team but it wouldn't get an inch to set up inside this Gym either. (Am aware turning difficulty to casual could probably solve the issue but I'd rather at least try and look into some improvements for the team. I tried Jolteon, didn't uh, didn't go too great.)
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