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5 Fledgling

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About Rei1lin

  • Birthday 07/06/1999

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  1. at the start of gdc when you first get to rodeas penthouse who is the guy with the red hat in the dream that asks you his name?
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  3. you can use ''vulpixpls'' to get vulpix as a starter option at the beginning of the game i don't know if ''freevulpix''does the same or not
  4. how are we supposed to fight over thanks for the update jan the new areas look really cool i need to know what drinks they serve at the cleffa cafe but that might be to big of a spoiler to reveal just yet
  5. this looks really fun! i look foreword to playing this!!
  6. uhm... after the riddle.. she uhm.. seems to be ''hanging in there'' a-hahaha.... i shouldn't have done this so late i'm gonna be sleepy at work tomorrow
  7. aaaaaaa these riddles are so much fun and really creepy at the same time edit: i'm curious if it means safe as in protected or safe as in a safe or vault because of the creepy door next to it
  8. didn't Blacksheep castle have a second tower with a door or barrier that was hidden and we couldn't go to? grasping at straws here but it could be a hint that we might go there soon
  9. yeah i don't think they would do that either i think the second part of the riddle might be a hint for something we are going to see in v13. the puppetmaster them self has some lines that might have something to do with the riddle but my brain isn't big enough to figure it out yet
  10. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. Rei1lin


      Thank you!!


    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome!! 

  11. damn i feel like it has something to do with the eyes but i haven't figured it out yet
  12. i honestly think that splitting it in two parts is a good and fun idea! i hope it helps lower the pressure on the dev team and i think i speak for everyone if i say that all of us really appreciate the time, effort and heart all of you put into the game so thanks a lot for that i look forward to playing v13 and v13.5 ps. i like the dlc analogy
  13. Luxray: makes it a electric/ghost type and gives a boost to biting attacks but sinds it's a ghost type biting moves become special instead of physical lanturn(it's so cute): gives it a smal boost to defense and special attack and if it's hit with an electric attack it activates charge. i don't know it that would be to op with volt absorb lanturn is still pretty slow Meowstic: gains the ability of the other gender and makes attract works on genderless pokemon Mandabuzz: gives it a boost in attack and stab on bone based moves but the only vitamins you can give it is calcium
  14. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. Rei1lin


      thank you so much, i'm having a great day!

    2. LykosHand


      I'm glad to know it and you're welcome 😄

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