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Everything posted by Falirion

  1. what a strange question, as everyone that has ever looked at a ttar knows, the main thing a ttar needs is definetly more bulk, so you give it ice scales, or even filter best to put this particular ttar on frozen dimensional aswell, the old kind, that still halved fire it's sort of like that out of just the (adult) gym leaders, valarie for the women, for the men it would be a matter of taste given certain reactions of the fan base talon would be up there, martin would be up there for those that prefer the beardy muscly kind if we included the known E8 members then tesla being a model would definetly take the cake for the women popularity would put amber in the race as a musician, venam aswell now here is an interesting ask cause shadow's often fall under the rader even with us, let me think about that one well an overperformer that was cut back down to size during testing was shadow pidove, in addition to dual wing beat it still has, it also had victory dance, that thing was mildly insane i have seen some hilarious things of shadow lurantis, and one of the the shadow movesets i definetly love in theory that i don't believe i have seen too much off (which i can be entirely wrong on, i haven't looked at playthroughs in the community to much recently) is shadow manectric which gets mat block and frost breath
  2. mr. luck is funny to write for in the rare occasion that i as a coder even write dialogue (usually only single sentances) the monkey's paw curls, the forum is trying it's hardest to make me not want to answer by having to write them out 4 times she was simply never intended to be there in the first place, she was just visible early for a later xen lounge event and shouldn't have been That being said i did find it funny while she was there kinda imagined her watching her executives run around chasing someone and thinking "what are these idiots doing?" It's usually weighted toward what mon fits the character more, and then how to make them work in a particular battle second, there may be the rare exceptions but that's usually how it goes, but even in that order one can usually find some pretty mean setups for battles so it's not terribly limiting for balancing (atleast thats what it seems to me, azery, and alex can probably talk more about that from the balance side) 2.1) may i offer cassandra for either gatekeep or girlboss? (in both cases replacing crescent, and flora shifting to the open spot) clear is gaslight 100% there is no contest 3) they are actually rival gangs, the corsola picked up knives to fight it 1) it's certainly on the table, i cannot speak beyond that 3) maybe not part but i suffer immensely everytime i see a landsurf spot that was missed, cause these things will not calm down 1) melia is an obvious option but she also had 3 more years than the rest of the cast to cope, which makes it either better or worse, depending on how you look at it erin has had her life uprooted, she seems to be dealing with it decently well honestly i'd go with aelita, she doesn't really show it but poor girl has been through a lot in the span of 6 months including the death of her father, electroshock torture, multiple revelations about her origin that are kinda messed up, being written out of history once, and more 2) i mean ig they would taste like something, if nim has taste for something spicy (in the literal sense) then maybe try geara, all that anger i feel would translate as spicy (although ig there is less anger these days) i mean we have changed crests before due to balance reasons both ways, sometimes changing their entire effect (i think fearow changed like multiple times) so crests may change if we think they are not good enough that being said i disagree with infernape here, the goal of the crest was never to strengthen infernape's strong points cause those are already very good, it was to open up a different avenue of play fire is actually a suprisingly good defensive type that rarely gets to be that due to fire pokemon being mostly offensively minded, and as you said infernape has a pretty good support pool it doesn't usually get to use and that's where the crest comes in, now if you prefer offensive infernape, then yes the crest isn't really for you but others may in fact appreciate the different playstyle as for volta and jolene, i sadly cannot answer that one, since it is about future content, but jolene being on the E8, is basically guaranteed to show up in the future, I think i can say without it being spoilers at all. 1) Eizen! 2) kinda depends on what the issue is in most cases i have seen of people not wanting to play renegade, they have issue with being mean to the characters, to which i have found it's not necessary at all to be mean to even the main characters (the ones that give renegade points by being on bad terms with) with the "correct" main story choices you can get to renegade route while melia and co even love you (some may consider this worse) 3) considering how he pops up in the weirdest spots, i am not sure that he isn't already aware, this mean lives in the walls of your home, rent free 4) honestly a good option, i don't really have a better idea (hahah missigno)
  3. Okay the forum has ate my typed out answer to this 4 times by now so let's just only get this one out of the way obvious answer first mirror arena is one of my least favorite fields, i simply do not like pokemon evasion mechanics, i do realize E19 reborn made this field better, but my view of it will forever remain tainted okay now for the hotter takes: i don't really like concert as it is right now, form a design point of view, it just ended up being in a very weird spot, where it needs to work as a first gym leader field (a pretty big ask for a stage field cause first gym leader fields are best if they are a bit more simple) but also work as a interesting multi stage field. concert stages were also supposed to be more volatile, shifting up and down very easily, and up it does that but not down, meaning in most battles it gets to stage 4 and stays there, favorite fields: glitch: i like how this turns the entire game on it's head usually swamp: the speeddrops give the battles a suprisingly different dynamic that one can play around or abuse deep earth: just great fun to play around with, definetly my favorite of the new fields as for future characters, i cannot really answer that, most devs don't really know where the story is going either (besides jan and zumi) so i cannot really speak to this as the question intended so i am just gonna say that i personally am looking forward (in the same sense as a non dev, cause i actually don't know) to finding out what madame X's and Indriad's deals are the whys and hows to their goals
  4. I am gonna take zumi's example and put the answers in a spoiler box to not have this massive block of text: okay fine gonna post so far, i had more answered but forum ate it so be back in a few minutes or something
  5. actually let me grab this one real fast cause it jumped out at me terrastalization is a hard no, that is not getting included even with gen 9 being a thing eventually, we skipped dynamax we skipping this, it's just too many mechanics to include another one, it's gonna stay at mega's and zmoves for bringing up terrastalization a pipebomb has magically manifested in your mailbox hmmm alain ig, (i do often pick aevis but i prefer his default outfit to the kugearen one) chapter 15 (i like angie's manor and the school of nightmares) and renegade chapter 0 This is a close pick tbh chapter 7 is also cool (pun not intended)
  6. if i am skipping an ask it's either because i am no position to answer it or think someone else on the dev team can answer it better okay for me i usually can't pick to well, but erin is often a mood, aelita is so pure no one can actually hate her. for renegade: in scripting i often deal with the battle mechanics of the game so i was among other things responsible to make the thing the xen mages do work, this also extends to saki's current gym battle but by far the most fun i had making was (renegade spoilers) aside from battle mechanics though another thing i had a lot of fun with (I am bad at picking favorites) is given all the characterswitch teams (aka when you play as a different character) flavor data, stuff like their correct catchlocation, a proper catchdate that aligns with the story's time progression (note that the year number displayed for these is relative to the year you are playing in so hapi is gonna show 2017 as the catchyear currently (in 2024) cause melia found hapi 7 years ago from the start of the story) and i build in a couple cute little easter eggs into it (i at this point have semi-canon backstories for a lot of the main casts pokemon teams) sidenote about catchtime, since i doubt a lot of people have noticed, catch a pokemon in a past section and look at it's catch time no can do, it would be a waste this s at the start and the end person is stuck here with me and haru and cass i am gonna skip the other two asks cause those are more likely to fit for someone else on the dev team while i can't make any statements as to which version is going to include gen 9, past statement is that it will eventually as for how much work it takes to implement a new gen that usually entirely depends on how many new abilities and moves are in it atleast for the coding side but with the later gens having more and more signature moves and abilities that means it tends to be a lot of work to get all of it implemented right, I already had to effectively deal with it for gen 8 (reimplementation due to script merge and new implementation for Legends Arceus stuff) Bonus points for gamefreak doing weird mechanics like dragon darts (derogatory) maybe not specifically a sidequest but I have had some personal experiences with the new fast travel menu's especially terrial braviary was much more annoying to set up properly than you might think, because no it is not just a simple menu and I was this close to just cooking that bird actual sidequest wise i would have to opt for saving amber from the kyogre, specifically ignoring that quest the failure conditions kept just working incorrectly for even a good bit after release (questlog wise i mean) it's partially down to it being in valor mountain (awful place) write it down in a book as you play! /j and then drop the entire book on the wiki after you are done with it it's rather fun, before joining the dev team i was an avoid follower of the story so seeing first hand how it continues bit by bit is very cool (it should be noted that besides jan and zumi the other devs don't know where the story goes either) well it depends: when it comes to writing you often see some interesting jan comments, 5-8 depending on context when it comes to game mechanics it's usually me or azery being the comically evil ones (and it just gets funnier if we end up convincing jan) i have actually thought about such things before myself, like the valor shore scene in before V13.5 terajuma where the whold gang sends out a pokemon against zetta and have considered doing something that makes the player send out their lead mon for the cinematic. But that is a lot of work since it very much intersects spriting, scripting and eventing a good bit, so it's a bit rough to get done and i haven't gotten around to messing with that (partly because there isn't really overworld sprites for each pokemon and there would need to be due that) but important disclaimer, i am not saying this is definetly going to be a thing, i am just saying i have had similar thoughts before, and i may or may not look at it okay i am leaving off here for now gonna answer some more stuff some other time
  7. Hello good.... time of day ig So while i have localized what exactly caused this issue (I am one of the Script Devs, nominally a Rejuv Dev but this is a general scripting Bug) there is the issue of your pokemon already having the "cursed item" and it *is* a cursed item, and not a data chip (it shows as data chip due to that item being the last item in the item list) and will bug out at any given interaction with the mon that holds it we gonna need to manually fix your save to remove that item from the pokemon By which i mean you should probably pass your save over in Savefile Troubleshotting, or here, so it can be repaired and returned to you Damn it has been foreeeeeeever since i posted on the Forum
  8. I'd actually assume that that particular screen is a redesign of the hidden library particularly during the west gearen hidden library quest and not an even latter event involving karen and karrina. In any case, you devs should definetly work in the pace you want and not rush because some entitled people demand you to release faster or whatever, you have never commited to a "deadline" so they have no ground to stand on. (and even if you did commit to a certain deadline, nagging into the developers ears is still unreasonable). so good on you for not bending to that. As for the search for additional help, i hope you find the people you want and need for this project.
  9. Okay i already said my piece on the main topic, but i see this one a lot and have to say something. More natural, built in, field changes, sure, gladly, it would be interesting Terrain moves and surge abilities overwriting field effects? hard no, and not because "but it would make things easier" or "it's so cheesy" (i still think the latter, couldn't really care less about the former) From a design perspective terrain overwriting fields unconditionally is frankly speaking bad, it basically ruins the field system as a whole. some will say that reborn has it that way and it's fine, but i don't like reborn having it that way either AND reborn doesn't have early terrain surges, they have tapus in late postgame. But other field changes exist, so what is the difference? well with the built in field changes to a field, there is actual counterplay to be had (from both sides) usually anyway. With terrains overwriting fields it's just someone (usually the player) clicking a button (and sometimes not even that, with a terrain surge) to ignore the entirety of the field system, you will never fight on a different field than your chosen terrain again if you bring a terrain surge (and grookey is a starter). It's honestly to a point that one might aswell not even have fields at all. From a design perspective Terrains outright overwriting fields just breaks the entire mechanic. If people don't want to play with field effects, i'd suggest having a password that disables fields entirely (outside of terrain overlays so those moves and abilities still do something), it essentially does the same thing without making the player bring specific mons. Additionally the terrain overlays make it so that terrain moves are usable in general play for their effects without feeling like you just completly cheesed whatever you were battling. That's just my 2 cents though
  10. On danger of this post being a bit controversial i do have a few things to say: first the positives, of the shown field changes i am pretty much in favor, "balanced woods" did get its moniker for a reason and some toning down is definetly acceptable. Sky fields seed was frankly always a bit of a sore point as it essentially forced a counter seed of your own against souta or just fight at a much bigger disadvantage, which while i may take that challenge at times probably shouldn't be the standard, over the new effect can be argued ig but automatic tailwind is scary business, not only on souta either, so also welcomed. i am a little ??? on some of the (frozen) dimensional changes but rather see it in action than complain about them now, as it's not too egrious chandelure not being legitimate for that level is an odd thing to say about a stone evolution, but ig i can see the reasoning otherwise, i am not entirely sure how drifblim getting a burn from the seed is relevant last i checked normal mode drifblim was aftermath.... but once again not the end of the world. Crawli on swamp should be interesting, swamp is a field that doesn't usually get much spotlight so i am all for it really, even if I question how well the general audience will like it, swamp is a bit hit or miss in the likability of it. okay well that was less of the good and more a commentary on the changes, but mostly positive now to my beef: I really am not a fan of some of the charaterization that has cropped up lately. from zumi's post not the only ones but some of these feel like wanting a challenge is an unaccepted playstyle now, now granted i assume zumi is just done due to direct messages from more unsavory complainers, so i am just gonne give the benefit of the doubt here. now i will say this i disagree and am mildly insulted at the insinuation that all people that play (played) and liked intense mode are "birds of a feather" if you will, so no, i do not feel intense mode players as a whole have to apologize for anything, the people that were hounding jan, zumi and other devs have to apologize or realize they are not wanted, and i refuse to have intense players be put into the same box with them thank you very much. I feel sorry for jan and zumi having to deal with these people, but those have precious little to do with the whole of intense mode players I said it when the post about cutting intense mode was posted and i will say it now, making Intense mode a scapegoat for the bad behaviour of certain individuals helps no one at all. I have noticed a trend that feels like people that liked having more of a challenge being pushed away from the community whether they were elitist or not. and while with the former, they need to get their head on straight, the latter are as valid as players of this game as anyone else. And liking the challenge and liking the story is not mutually exclusive as some people might imply. that would be all, thank you.
  11. i don't think this is quite the right place for this as this isn't a bug the mirage tower first appears after visiting 3 oasis mirages, and then after that after visiting 4 (so it appears after visiting 3 then 7 then 11 and so forth) it being 4 after the first round has to do with how the counter works, but you can always make it reappear
  12. can confirm it working fine on windows OS i can't guarantee linux but like.... i can't guarantee the game itself running on linux properly so that would not be a surprise i think the patch link is marked as "for MAC users" presumably because they know the updater won't work for MAC and assumed windows and linux people can just... run the updater (and didn't expect people like us running ancient windows 7 that can't run the python version the updater runs on )
  13. in the main download post, you know this thing: near the bottom of the post
  14. yeah i have the same issue and if you run windows 7 you can probably just give up trying to make the updater work, the issue here is that it needs python 3.10 stuff, python 3.10 only supports windows 8.1 or newer (windows 7 is just too old to put in the work to support it) and if the updater needs functions from that well yeah, no dice then while a updater is convient i second that it would be reasonable for a manual download option to exist which thankfully there is but it's not all that obvious under the MAC users section is a DL-link for the current patch, while it says mac users that download also works for anyone else that may have issues with the updater.exe just download that unpack it and move the contents into your gamefolder and replace everything it asks you to
  15. Now i will have to say i am saddened by this decision, as intense mode did hit a certain "right" amount of difficulty that worked for me. putting aside some hickups in difficulty scaling that could be fixed. But ultimately if jan does feel that it warps what he wants out of the game then it's his right and he absolutely should to do what he thinks is best for his own project. I will note about the argument of toxicity over the difficulty, and people can feel free to disagree with me on this, that intense mode is a bit of a scapegoat here. People that that want to be elitist, that want to make themselves look better by judging people how well they do at a videogame (if this sounds silly, that's because it is) will always find other ways to make themselves look "better" than others, other things to judge over so i do think in terms of elitism and gatekeeping, this more like treating a symptom and not the disease. so I personally don't agree with this part of the reasoning. And i say this as someone that has seen people judge people for playing "not intense" or using certain mons or what have you, this is not really a case of what they are judging for and almost always a case of who is doing the judging, these same people will just find other things to judge for.
  16. And today we are doing an installment of "fun with transformations": In canon games most Form changing abilities do not work if obtained with transform/imposter (so stance change, power construct etc.) now this is a little sad but i think i realize now why. In this game stance change etc. do "work" after gaining them with transform/imposter, in a certain definition of "work", the ditto (or other transform user, say eevee) will turn into the mon, and when it triggers an ability, using stance change as an example, it will transform, but it will basically revert to being ditto (or whatever mon it was before using transform) but with the moves of the transformed mon, so transform into aegislash shield, click an attack, transforms into ditto (presumably form 1) with "stance change" and the aegislash's moves. TLDR: Transform janks up completely when it transforms into a mon with a form changing ability
  17. - Z moves seem to bypass sashes and similar items (say rampardos crest) - Endure's priority bracket isn't up to date with current mechanics, it should be +4 (as of gen V) it currently is +3 (essentials default i am guessing?) - Zoom lens has no script at all, it doesn't do anything - Silvally doesn't turn Dark type on blessed field or ???-type on glitch field, there is no scriptline that even attempts to do so
  18. Okay i am here with some fun ones this time: 1. Status applications caused by T-spikes, yawn or synchronize cause an error message due to an undefined value. when they are blocked by abilities or field interactions (basically anything that causes a message). this seems to be because these messages have an "if showMessage" attached, which in the status application functions for synchronize, yawn and t-spikes isn't an argument given to the function (for most cases in yawn "if showMessage" is already commented out, so ig this issue came up before, but wasn't fully fixed for every case it can happen in) 2. Normal moves converted by aerilate can't hit through shedninja's wonder guard, it seems to consider them still normal typed for that purpose 3. For the Incinerate TM there is no learn list no mon actually learns the move via TM as far as i can tell ( the move doesn't seem to be in the TM PBS at all) 4. this one is about AI behaviour, unlike for other screens, user of arenite wall will happily use arenite wall repeatedly when faced with brick break/Psychic fangs, if the brick breaker is slower than the arenite wall setter this can get the AI stuck in an endless loop of setting wall and getting hit by brick break (disregard this one, i accidentally had the game on 12.1 for that, on 12.2 this doesn't happen)
  19. so funny thing: i reported a while ago that desert's mark's chip damage bypasses magic guard, well this is true, but apparently this issue affects all trapping moves (fire spin, whirlpool ect) magic guard doesn't protect against the field damage from volcanic field (and dragon's den with volcanic as base field) Edit: Secret Power on Bewitched woods causes an error message if the additional effect selected is poison because the poison function is missing an argument.
  20. Julia managed to make this into a big ol camping trip and i love it. also julia is all like "BE FRIENDS!! smushes archer and vanilla together" as for the D&D alignement, Lawful vs chaotic is always a little bit tricky to explain. the way i understand it is that (seeing as alignements are personal in nature) is that whats important is to what the character holds themselves more than anything. breaking Laws doesn't automatically make you chaotic, (otherwise some poor paladin could walk into some distopia, where you get publically executed for wishing someone a nice day, or something and lose their fancy powers for not staying lawful). a character that breaks laws because they oppose the very system that made these laws (like vanilla) wouldn't really be indicative either way, if she were to break these laws just because she can, that would be chaotic. but as corso noted her own "code" matters aswell, lawful character would be someone who when the make a promise they will absolutely keep it, no matter what. while a chaotic person could go "you know, i just said that, i didn't really mean it". Lawful characters are ones that stick strongly to their word and oftentimes have their own personal "code of conduct" that they stick to, who would only go against a standing law if they have a reason for it. While chaotics are more freespirited, laws are kinda there and might sometimes be broken for the hell of it, but don't influence them either way, and they just kinda act according to what the feel is right in the moment, if asked about their beliefs/their moral code they probably wouldn't have a set view on complex topics but would have a view if certain things are right or wrong in their eyes that kinda got rambly.... sorry
  21. - Dazzling and Queenly Majesty don't protect their double Battle allies from priority, as they should - Strength Sap on bewitched woods (field number 42) doesn't lower special attack as noted, the effect is attached to corrupted cave (field number 41) EDIT: because imagine double posting - Rage Powder is +3 priority when as of gen 6 it should be +2, and more importantly currently ghost type pokemon are wrongfully immune to rage powder, and grass types are not (when they should be)
  22. - all mons on snowy mountain do x1.5 more damage due to the long reach field interactions conditions not being put into parenthesis properly (currently it reads long reach and mountain or snowy mountain) - same applies to fairy tale field due to the queenly majesty interaction not having parenthesis - refering to a previous report about partner AI in multibattles not having their items, same applies to opponents in multibattles, most notable in the valor mountain battle against geara & Zetta, zetta's silvally does not have the silvally crests effects - mist & misty terrain do not change the dragon's den field to fairy tale, like the field manual claims, they actually just do their normal effects of creating misty terrain
  23. Sooo leaving aside for a second my own problems of using the right tone when writting this post for which i do apologize, to be more precise in what my contentions with the arguments were. Greninja: i wasn't intending to cast aside the whole issue of Greninja, but it should be noted that Ice beam may have been a poor example, and being a protean user it's movepool is what makes or breaks the mon, to which i personally believe in rejuvenation specifically Greninja is being overvalued, since it takes quite a long time to come to the movepool that makes it the threat it is, and even as of the current endgame it just still missing some of these options. Is Greninja a powerful pokemon? absolutely no question. Would i argue it being a single mon that cleaves the game wide open? not really, when it comes to starters we have blaziken for that, and rillaboom as you noted rillaboom, being so gamebreaking they are reworking how grassy terrain (and other canon terrains) interact with the field system. Mega Lucario: While yes V13 is going to make the mega ring accessable to the player, i would actually be quite surprised if the lucarionite were the be avaiable, i am not questioning lucario's strengths in any way, my point here was more to the lines of making your argument of how other options are just as strong as gyarados if not stronger, these comparisions should not use mons that are just as unavaiable as gyarados is, to make the point of how gyarados is okay to have at this point. Lilligant: i will admit, that Lilligant can quite heavily use sleep moves combined with one of the most powerful setup moves in the game quite well, i personally would not put it on the same tier as gyarados, but i to be perfectly honest don't feel like digging a punch of calcs to make a prove for it, as this was neither my intention nor, nor am i in the mood for it. Volcarona: this is a fearsome beast that is avaiable, it's even in the mystery egg so even have a chance to be avaiable quite early, (with the downside that it only evolves very late as gen 5 mons do), now what was i trying to say with "it would not be able to do this" simple i do not believe volcarona to be able to do the same type of run, anyone who feels strongly enough about this, and has the freetime to do so can prove me wrong, start it as a level 5 volcarona for all i care, but that was all i was meaning to say with this, not that volcarona was worse than gyarados or whatever (same as you not saying that gyarados was a weak mon, i got that just fine) that being said volcarona's avaiability is definetly an argument to be made, when looking at other mons that are unavaiable. all of that aside, i truly didn't wish to make this seem as an attempt to "prove you wrong" or just disparaging the post. I just wanted to note what ultimately lead to me doing this run and used the wrong tone (i have since slightly changed the intro, anyone that wants to read what it said before myrrh has it quoted), and ultimately i just wanted to present this run (at the suggestion of someone else even, i was initially not even gonna make a post about it), if you think it impressive or not, fine with me, i certainly didn't intend to as a war of some description. The avaiability of mons, items and TMs in this game and any other can certainly be argued over, i know i have my own opinions about things that are avaiable too late, or even too early (too early is a dangerous argument to be made, but some things do deserve that distinction) I personally believe (especially after doing this run) that gyarados, is something that has perfectly good reason to not be accessable quite yet, (i do disaggre with the notion that it should be almost at the league late, that would be entirely to late, V14 maybe? seems fine)
  24. Come one, come all, and hear the legend of the most fearsome beast, the legend of greg, the mighty gyarados....... i am not going to do this whole thread in this style. So the title should already tell you this is about a recent run i did, a run in which i only used a gyarados (+a 2nd one for doubles, hence "solo", i could call it a duo run, but that is kinda not correct either, since i only uses 1 gyarados for most the battles). This was something that was started by mainly. me being the type of person that takes some statements as a challenge, in this case several forum user thinking gyarados is fine and should be avaiable already, in particular zumi once showed a specific forum post (by the user myrrh) in discord talking about how gyarados is fine enough to have in the game now, since other things are more broken, you may read the post yourself, i personally disagreed as a number of the examples given were mons that are also unavaible or with moves that are not accessable yet, while also based on competitive (which in a purely single player game, felt besides the point), that being said for kudos trying to make their point as extensively as they did. At which point i remembered the user and rejuv dev Azery to have done a solo run of gyarados in reborn, succesfully. and i decided to do the same. for intense Rejuv, at the time "as far as it will go", which turns out is all the way through the game. So let's talk about the run. sry @MattL stealing the formating THE RULES THE POKEMON THE MOVEPOOL HELD ITEMS THE BATTLES CONLUSION - Thanks to Matt, Pyuku, Marten, SG, Citrine & more for listening to me ramble about this so long and give their own suggestions on some of the more diffcult parts - Also thanks all the Rejuvenation devs, for this beatiful game that i can't help but replay with even the most ridicolous challenges
  25. All right this one is juicy, since it relates to Silvally crest and (more importantly) the AI just fucking kill me already Okay first off: AI partner trainers don't have their usable items (potions, silvally crest etc.) at all seems like their "inventory" (aka the @item array) isn't getting initialized, so for example the several instances where ren is a partner and has silvally that silvally isn't crested despite the PBS having a silvcrest as an item for him. then we have the Silvally crest itself and how AI interacts with it: 1. the AI seems to apply the silvally crests Stab boost to itself for selecting the moves (causing wildly different behaviour between the player having a silvally crest and them not having one) if the player has a silvally crest in their bag, no matter if the mon is silvally or not. example of this would be for instance this: The 2nd battle of the bladestar grunt gauntlet in the pyramid has reina as the players partner, she leads her ribombee, this ribombee usually always clicks sticky web. turn1 (i have literally never seen it use something else) now if they player has a silvally crest in their bag ribombee suddenly decides that it should bugbuzz the meowstic turn 1, every time, which doesn't kill (it does about 80%) without fail and this continues and affects opponents aswell, if the player has a silvally crest the AI heavily favors hitting things with their stab this is a message i hooked into the AIs stab check, it played about 20ish times per turn, even without a player on the field (the sableye is ren) it just to confirm that the AI just assumes silvally crest stab if the player has silvally crest in their bag, on any mon, no matter what 2. and on the reverse the AI does not seem to know it's stab is boosted if it uses silvally crest itself (without the player having a silvally crest anyway) now this i am less sure of but i am still think to this be the case, in the process of testing point 1 i hooked a message to the AIs stab modifier check, now battling zetta (Zetta,208: the valor mountain team) this message never came up, not even with silvally on the field, which makes me think that the AI if it has a silvally crest does not in fact know about the STAB boost, (pretty confident it knows about the abilities, normal vally definetly decided clicking return on ghosts was a worthwhile thing before, which with the crest it is) also: gogoat's sprite has an empty pixel in it's eye, the screenshot above should kinda show it, the dark green pixel in gogoat's eye
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