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Everything posted by Falirion

  1. Fairy/Dark is interessting offensivly speaking, Stab from both would hit anything except Steel/Fairy atleast neutral, but Mime feels like it's suppossed to be more off a wall, and well 3 Weaknesses, and only 2 resists and 2 immunitys (but Immune to Prankster ) Steel/Fairy on the other hand has tons of defensive utility, with 9 resists and 2 immunitys (that's steel for you i guess) earplugs, would prevent perishsong cheese, but could still be destiny bonded (which dark also wouldn't protect from the only prankster destiny bonder is mega Banette) i guess, it really is not worth worrying about all possible cheese. Unless it really is part Steel i don't see it, Factory doesn't really give anything to Mime that i could find, and strengthens at least one weakness of it no matter which of it's orignal types it keeps (doubt it will change both types) Factory boosts steel a fair bit (issue if it remains fairy), and can be easily changed into short curcuit which would boost Ghost and some Dark (which would be bad for psychic) I feel the theory's circled Mirror Field specifically so far because it boosts Screens (which seems to be PMMs main function what with the wall around Labradorra), makes thematic sense (Mime in a glass box), and could be provided by PMM itself (it can make screens, so why not make those mirrors), though mainly the first point. Other fields that could possibly benefit a Mr./Mrs. Mime, that i can think of would be: Ashen Beach, Misty Terrain, Glitch Field and Psychic Terrain. Glitch Field would likely give it some actually high offense on basis of it's special defense. Ashen Beach seems really unlikely. Well, i guess yeah Water Surface in this case would be relatively easy to explain, should have really been able to think of that myself. I brought up Life Orb specifically in conjunction with Sheer Force, because due to the weird way Sheer Force operates, any move affected by it also doesn't incur Life Orb damage (while stil getting the damage boost form the Orb), as both move's extra effects and life orb recoil is done in the same calculation phase, which sheer force skips entirely on moves that get that boost, so it's a case of "you might as well". outside of that i don't think it's a great idea to give that to an AI boss mon, it can and will kill itself with it, unless it has some form of recovery (and probably even then), though on that note: Water Surface boosts the recovery of aqua ring (ele seed also gives aqua ring, but that only mattes if you want it for it's own sake) I guess i could make a mock set for Clawitzer on Water Surface and see what we can do from there: PULSE Clawitzer (on Water Surface) Water/Steel (or Water/Dragon) Mega Launcher (Origin Pulse) Dragon Pulse (Thunderbolt) ??? elemental seed or assault vest I really wish i knew what to do with the other move slot, i tried sticking to Clawitzers normal movepool outside of Origin Pulse, and didn't find much of anything in there, (Thunderbolt isn't normaly in Clawitzers movepool hence it's in brackets) if we just take any move nasty plot is an obvious idea. although probably overkill. as for what's there, water/steel would make it effectivly only weak to electric, as water Surface cancels ground moves completly, while Water/Dragon would only have it weak against fairy and dragon, while also providing stab to dragon pulse, which pairs well with Origin Pulse, as it hits everything that would resist Origin Pulse and is also boosted by Mega Launcher, speaking of Origin Pulse itself, this thing hits stupidly hard, especially if this thing has good spatk, with an effective power of 371 after Mega launcher, Field boost and STAB. Elemental seed would give it aqua ring, assault vest would give it more defenses, as i don't think it's going to be fast, although the field would help with that halving the speed of anything not water or flying which is the reason for Thunderbolt vs the waters (vs. flying Origin Pulse is still better unless 4x or resists water)
  2. Gonna but the answer in Spoilertag, just to be save but the TLDR is: as soon as you can reach the Location for all but 2 cases
  3. Fair points, all in all, i had it in my mind beeing Psychic/Dark already, mainly because the Prankster stuff further up, but, signal beam would destroy that on mirror, and thinking on it further i am not sure if it's typing even would be changed, the only PULSE that had a type change only got a type added, from beeing single type'd (Abra, Swalot, and the unfought Hypno). as for double screens, if the fight is on mirror one might as well give it aurora veil instead to open up a move slot, as that is active on the field, but that runs in the issue again that it's set stops working if one removes the field. Water surface would be helpful for the Clawitzer while boring, not sure how that could be made sense of how thats there, the PULSE just sitting in a pool, for reasons?
  4. While i hate to be contrarian with this, the idea is smart, i didn't think of that, but that's pretty much putting all it's eggs in one Basket, if the Field drops after it did a psycho Boost or 2 it will hit like a wet noodle, and mirror arena, as much as I hate the thing, is one of the easier to remove fields, even if we ignore Electric Terrain etc. namely via EQ, among other things, which is a really common move at this stage in the game. Making the set play with it's field is one thing (and let's face it a Mime on a Mirror field is to perfect to not do, unless you really want to curveball it) but with Psycho Boost and relying on garantied crits it would have easy way to disable itself. And i might be misremebering but the EQ doesn't even need to hit (misses the opponent but not the field). On the postive side, phazing is actually not that much of an issue, as Magic Bounce would reflect those as well, outside of Moldbreaker, Dragon Tail and Red Card, if it has a team to fall back on. So i don't spend this entire boost shooting down things, PULSE Clawitzer, i like the Characterisation in the OP it would certainly fit, not sure about the Ability the 2 propossed ones both sound fun, Mega Launcher has a very limited movepool, but on the Topic of unusual moves Origin Pulse is affected by Mega Launcher, soo that's fun. on the other hand Sheer Force + Live Orb is pretty much a tool of destruction, hard choice, i tried thinking of another ability, but feel like something used as artillery would have something offensive, but not really sweppy (so i don't think Beast boost) Long Reach might be a fitting ability flavour wise, but i don't see that one doing anything, special moves tend to be not contact already. Not sure if there is going to be a relevant field, it's positioning in a town would likely just give it factory if anything, it might have Flash Cannon, and the seed on that field wouldn't be terrible. and Short Curcuit could play into a Mega Launcher Dark Pulse, not sure. I guess will stop here and maybe think of something coherent.
  5. I believe the Idea for Magic Guard was that it prevents any and all chip damage, including weather, which magic bounce wouldn't. (although maybe Magic bounce with Safety Googles) And thanks for finding the post, thats exactly the one i was thinking of
  6. Hmm i love seeing people theorize like this. although i am generaly not as imaginative about ability + movesets as other people are so i will leave that to others, but just to help out with that, i do remember a manic/diabolic post by Ame a while ago involving the ability to give PULSE mons held items (as they usually have a special PULSE held item, kinda like a megastone) ,so held items might be a consideration here, to make it worse, say maybe safety googles with the wonder guard idea to cut some ways of chipping past the guard (can still be poisoned though) or life orb for the magic guard to give some pressure to the wall, so one doesn't set up in it's face. As for Prankster PS and other cheese strats (FEAR, destiny bond etc.) if people want to apply copious amounts of Gouda to a boss mon like that then they are going to, i don't think there is a way to block out all of them at the same time, so probably why bother although something might be part dark-type to cut of all angles that rely on prankster, but then it would need to be fast too, so it doesn't get normally outsped. in fact lets try: Modifying this way + Dark type, would still be kinda open to fear strats, but anything prankster would be out, Fear still exists, kinda, the mirror field plus some evasion from maybe seed or bright powder (on mirror) would give atleast good chance for the fear attacks to miss...i feel like i am forgetting cheese strats, but sounds annoyingly hard to take down already. and finally yeah i kinda agree with OP that whole new abilitys probably won't show up (except maybe ARC-pulse as it's called in-game), Rejuv may do it, but if Reborn was going to do that i feel like it would have already happend
  7. Not directly no, but during her Introduction Charlotte wants to say something about Anna, after she lists the Gym Leader/ Elite 4 Status of the People Present and Laura down, which Anna interrupts. Also there is a Gossip Gardevoir interview, which strongly implies that she is something. Also Meta reasoning, Anna was a Psychic Leader in the Online League (and will as such be battled in some form) and is pretty much the only Online League Leader left, whose position in Game isn't confirmed, she is basicaly the only one left that could possibly be the 4th original Elite 4 (saying original because of the Bennet & Laura stuff) as for on topic post: Pretty sure their postgame rematches don't need to be on the same field that was used in their Gym battle (would almost hope so in Serra's case that field is a crime against fun, and no i am not saying that because it's difficult, it really isn't just annoying) so probably either thematic to the character and/or what makes a good battle in general should probably main considerations that beeing said i don't really see anything out of place with your picks at all, i kinda feel Articuno could fit Ciel well, but I honestly couldn't tell you why XD
  8. I think i the ingame cause is the fact that Saphira kills the 2 doorguards at Tanzan if she isn't kidnapped, the 3 extra battles are with the same 2 people (Demian and Antoine), so they are probably there when saphira is kidnapped because they survive in this route, and don't in the others Certainly possible that other Story Splits have relevant minor changes like that, the Ruby Ring split specifically as far as i know though only flips you AI partners section of the climb, (Cal first, then Shelly if you don't hand it over, other way around if you do), and moves Aster between appearing at Ametrine or Glasswork Station, Also Heather gets a Convo with Blake halfway up the Mountain if you hand the ring over but i think she gets an equally long one with Cal and Shelly if you keep it at the same spot From what I know what difference this Story Split makes so far, I don't think losing to Chomp would help at all, It knocking out your team would be slower for Chomp itself, same with boxing part of the team to make that faster and picking them up after. and on Fiore Gauntlet, i think losing to Chomp shortens the Scene after the Fern & Blake Battle, but with speed up and all, i don't think thats a relevant amount of time, and Florinia Vs. Solaris & Oderly John, is honestly just plain worse than Julia, Team as well as AI, i think it's commonly agreed that Florinia in that fight just sucks, to put it bluntly, Florinia's Team according to PBS files if you are curious: Yes they are not EV'd aka 85 all stats even
  9. Okay this run is super impressive, speedruns are always fun. I did notice something, that may or may not help cut maybe a minute or so, that is I don't think commonly known, especially since that section seems under consideration anyway. You mention that you go for the Story split where Saphira is the one kidnapped, because it cuts a battle in Tanzan Mountain's Base, that is true, but as a result of my sideproject of keeping track of the Meteor Grunts (there is a lot of attention to Detail here, might have to make a post about that at some point) i noticed that this specific story split also adds 3 extra Battles much later in the Game (95% confidence here, haven't got around to double checking it, but am pretty sure based on other runs), namely: -1 Multibattle on Route 3 (step 404 in your Route Doc from your older thread) -1 Multibattle on Ametrine Mountain (step 444, the battle on the screen where Cal remarks that "they are coming out of the Woodworks") -1 Battle in Agate City before Solaris (step 619, the single Female Meteor Ace) not sure if it helps (might mess up the exp routing and all, but I thought I mention it anyway)
  10. So small collection of things i found: 1.Music: Nastasia's appearance on the SS Oceania, technically still tries to play "Stupid Yo" despite that track not beeing in the downloaded version sind V11, Same thing with Magma Drifting and "Feeling - Hotheaded", both result in complete silence, Nastasia's Scene can get away with it, but it's wierd for the Magma Drifting (if one manually adds these BGMs to the folder they play obviously) 2.Dialogue Logic: On the Trainride to GDC Venam and Melia have a talk about when Melia is going to get a 6. member for her team, this contradicts the fact that as of this Version (older) Melia has a total of 7 Pokemon (Togekiss, Zoruark, Gardevoir, Snorlax, Hydreigon, Meganium and Doublade) before this point, oversight after the reworks i guess. Also when Venam follows Lavender in GDC, Venam claims to have seen her trough her Window, when she saw Lavender from the Roofterrase (or what ever you call it), that 2nd one probably is just me beeing nitpicky though 3. Invisible Erin: As seen in the Screenshot Erin disappears for a few dialouge Boxes when confronting Bladestar's Dugtrio Mech (probably just so taken aback by the sheer ridiculousness of the thing )
  11. Okay First of this run is a hilarious read, and shows Aevium's Insanity pretty well. Seriously what is in the water there? and can someone keep me supplied with seperate drinking water so i don't catch what they have? (still not over the freaking "infinite Nuggets") As for the Garbodor, yeah that one is hard to remember, it's probably a little easier now after 2 changes to that section since this run started, and shows it a bit more near Rift Gyarados, I guess the implication is suppossed to be that you fight the thing from inside while Garbodor and Melia (nevermind she has only her useless Togepi on her then) from outside. As for Rift Garbo itself, i definetly found that one the first instance of the Game ramping up the challenge on the Rifts. (To be fair Gyarados and Volcanion are weaker than their normal forms and Carnivine is... still a Carnivine, it's add's a scarier than it is) The thing is just sooo tanky Okay sorry, but from that line i got the picture of you beeing Melia's overprotective somewhat Psychotic Dad XD
  12. I will admit i haven't been paying too close attention to the reveals, but i kinda figured that alcremie was going to be an evolution of slurpuff (or a branch i guess), although considering slurpuff is a trade evo itself would make that odd. But considering how thematicaly similiar the 2 are (and both having the same base ability) there is probably some connection.
  13. I recently started a Dark-Mono, and noticed that Zorua is avaiable way earlier than listed, namely before Shelly, a fake Corey spawns on an accessible rooftop in Beryl Ward and the Event progresses from there until it reaches an Empty House near the Nightclub. And you can catch the lvl.30 Zorua there. Pretty sure the Event is Weather reliant, sadly don't quite recall which though (i wanna say windy and at night). I can confirm that the earliest that A. Rattata is found is after Corey, specifically in Lapis' Alleyway, pretty sure there are none in earlier Places (specifically the Grass outside Grand Hall still has normal Rattata at Night, so must be a Restoration thing) I'd also like to say how useful this Guide is. thx for doing this!
  14. Hi, first of thanks for the hard work in putting all this together, it's super helpful. I think i found a Zygarde Cell that isn't listed in the Guide, it's on Route 7 south of the Ranch, right next to the Slash and Burn TM and probably Night Time only
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