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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Whales

  1. username is 440 im online now
  2. bold pachi and impish litten would be great, thanks for your help
  3. Hello all, I am in need of a parting shot fake out litten with intimidate and a follow me fake tears pachirisu with volt absorb for my under 440 BST locke. If you can help out it would be much appreciated!
  4. Hi all, I am looking to start making a pokemon game and was wondering where the essentials downloads are, I can't seem to find them. Thanks!
  5. Sorry I am back, any of them are fine. Thank you! LMK when you are ready to trade friend I am fine now, just got one, thanks though
  6. Looking for a headbutt user for my steel mono run. Anything works. Thanks and Happy Holidays!
  7. In my opinion you are going to need to add a new member (sorry). The two main options that are suggested to beat charlotte are trick room or changing her field. If you are going for trick room approach, heatproof bronzong is the way to go and it can be partnered with the gigalith from 7th street to sweep. If you want to change the field, you can find numerous blizzard users in celestine mountain. Best of luck with charlotte, she is the toughest.
  8. Figured out a way to fix it. This issue only arrises if you lost to the second garbodor fight. In order to fix it, go back to a previous save (before you lost in the second garbodor fight) and rename it "Game", delete existing Game save. Re-do the battle BUT DONT LOSE!!! Then it should be fine.
  9. Having the rift garbodor glitch where i get stuck in the wall. Can anyone help me please?
  10. Hi, I am getting stuck in a wall after I defeated Rift Garbodor. Can someone please help me?
  11. Whales

    Dragon trade

    are you online atm? I can do it if @Starry Knight is busy
  12. Whales

    Mega Ampharos

    Mega ring quest starts after leaving the pokemon vendor in 7th street, talking to Arclight, buying every pokemon, and meeting Arclight post-reconstruction in the grand hall.
  13. you can do all of them to make it easier
  14. Thanks, gl on the dex
  15. yes i have one more egg
  16. yes ill keep trying, trades are buggy
  17. just requested the trade, sorry for the wait
  18. i can trade you a normal beldum and mudkip if you would like
  19. sure, just quote me if you are ready
  20. please take the shiny back friend i dont need it
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