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Everything posted by Awsuman

  1. Alright, I've made an account using the same name as my profile, "Awsuman". I'm ready to trade when you are.
  2. It's alright, I kinda forgot about this thread, so... And I can trade at just about any time, though again I'm still not sure how trading works with this game.
  3. I'd be okay with that, though I'm not sure how trading works in this game. Also, if we do trade, are there any Pokémon that you'd want/are looking for?
  4. You'd think that, but somehow I was able to sell it for about 15000 pokedollars. So while it's not a complete loss, I still would've preferred the Piplup. I think they made it sellable because otherwise it'd be useless for the people who had Piplup as their starter.
  5. I have just started shiny hunting the litwick in Subseven Sanctum as well. Ideally it'll have a special attack boosting nature, with either the moves Flame Burst/Flamethrower, Hex, Will-o-wisp, and Calm Mind, or the moves Flame Burts/thrower, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, and Calm Mind. And an addendum to my no spoiler thing: you may tell me if there's a certain Pokémon in my near future that might be good for my team, and how I can go about getting it, but please try to keep story spoilers to an absolute minimum.
  6. I need help making changes to my team. I've just beat Luna, and am about to go to Agate City, so I'd like for my team to be pretty well-balanced, since it seems like I won't be able to go back to previous areas after I leave with Cain. My current part consists of: Za Warudo (Torterra)(Shiny) Lv. 60 Nature: Impish Ability: Shell Armor -Wood Hammer -Earthquake -Strength -Curse Corrina (Toxicroak) Lv. 67 Nature: Adamant Ability: Poison Touch -Poison Jab -Drain Punch -Sucker Punch -Rock Smash These two are the permanent team members. Za Warudo was my starter, and Corrina is basically the MVP of my team (if you've ever seen Ttar's playthrough of Reborn, she's basically my Tiki button) The rest of my team: Spike (Sandslash-Alola) Lv. 58 Nature: Adamant Ability: Slush Rush -Iron Head -Icicle Spear -Hail -Swords Dance A very good and fairy reliable pokemon, but at the same time I'm not as attached to it as the two above. Squishy (Jellicent-F) Lv. 56 Nature- Hardy Ability-Cursed Body -Brine -Hex -Hydro Pump -Rain Dance Really only good at being a wall, and I mostly keep it around because I have yet to find any better water-type alternatives. CutieBat (Swoobat) Lv. 62 Nature- Calm Ability- Simple -Psychic -Air Slash -Charge Beam -Calm Mind After she got Calm Mind and Psychic she was able to sweep whole teams, but now she isn't really doing that anymore. And since she has the Defense stat of a wet paper bag, it makes setting up dangerous. Blasphemy (Silvally-Dark)(Shiny) Lv. 53 Nature-Adamant Ability- RKS System -Multi-Attack (Dark) -Shadow Claw -X-Scissor -Fire Fang The newest addition to my team. Has yet to prove itself. Two pokemon I have in rotation are: Maxine (Camerupt) Lv. 57 Nature-Brave Ability- Solid Rock -Lava Plume -Earthquake -Rock Slide -Strength A long-time team member, recently replaced due to overlapping types and my need for something that handles Psychic types. Chivalry (Escavalier) Lv. 59 Nature- Naughty Ability- Shell Armor -X-Scissor -Iron Head -Swords Dance -Reversal Instrumental in defeating Radomus, but was a one-time use. I replaced him with Spike because I needed a pokemon that could deal with flying types. The rest of the Pokémon I'm willing to train/use: (The Egg is a Shroomish Egg) (Sharpedo is the only other water type I have, and as far as I can tell it only get is Aqua Jet.) (The Espurr is female) Please tell me what suggestions you have for my team, or if there are any Pokémon you think I should try to get before going with Cain to Agate. I'm aware of the Pokémon being sold at 7th Street, but I'm not sure which to get since I don't want to waste my shards. And please, no spoilers for the rest of the game.
  7. I sold the "rare candy" from behind that mining rock near the entrance to Elias' cult on 7th street before I knew I could use it to get Piplup. Is there any way I could get another one, or is that it?
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