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  1. yes!!!!! Glaceon is one of my favorite Pokemon!!! the rest are all great suggestions and i've been considering them all tbh!!!
  2. thanks for all the great suggestions!!
  3. true! tbf I find like. so many mons cute. I've never used them but have been meaning to try Masquerain Sylveon is definitely a good one! I looooooove that lil bee... an angel
  4. hello hello I want to make a new team for a new playthrough! I'm really bad at it, however, so I figured I'd get the guts to ask you guys for help. I'm a fan of cute, whimsical and... mystical??? pokemon, and would love to keep that sort of theme going this time, with some power. what 'mons do you all think would fit my specifications (cute/pretty, powerful, and balanced)??
  5. i'm really feeling this about the starter evos, too, tbh. I saw so many cool fanarts and got my hopes up for something similar, or even better.. I mean, I'm still excited for the games because there are so many other Galar mons I really like, and Scorbunny's final evo is starting to grow on me a bit so that's the direction I'll probably go in. Sobble is still my favourite of the three, though, and I really wish they would've gone a different route with its evos.
  6. oh big mood, I have terrible luck with rng's jkshskdf i think i also quit for a while bc of one of the gym leaders lmao Espurr is baby!!!!! and thank you so much, I will!! no I do not
  7. that's a rlly good point and I didn't think of that!! I've been playing on and off for about a year!!! what about you??
  8. i've been seeing quite a few people say the Sobble final evo is fake, so.... don't know what to do with that information!!
  9. I really like the foxes! they're cute!! and the elephant!! have to say, not a huge fan of the final evos, myself, but that's just my preferences shining through. i feel like Sobble's will grow on me eventually though.
  10. hi there~ you can call me Fawn!!! I've been into Pokemon my entire life, and fell in love with Reborn almost instantly!! I've been too shy to be active in the forums but I figured I'd at least give it a try. I like cute Pokemon and sleep. that me!! it's nice to meet you!!!
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