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Bunni Blair

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About Bunni Blair

  • Birthday August 8

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  1. Happy Birthday to our cheerful bunny, Bunni. Hope you have a great day with lots of cake and presents🥳🎂

    1. Bunni Blair

      Bunni Blair

      Thank you Evi! I'll try to have a good afternoon. 🤍

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  3. Happy birthday Evi!! I hope you have a wonderful day. 🎈💝

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Thank you Bunni😉💖

  4. Hello, I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas!


    I've posted my update on tumblr this time; https://bunni-blair.tumblr.com/post/671928126872436736/update-2

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Had a pleasant Christmas, Bunni. Thank you and likewise🤗


      I can understand with that issue, so there's no worry. Take your time with your fanfic work, because there is no need for rush

  5. I have v12.1. i still have it from when i made some edits to aevis's v13 sprites. I could send you a link over Messages, if you're still interested.
  6. I didn't know where else to post this. So... Here's some updated Aevis sprites! I made some edits to Aevis's v12 sprites so they would work for v13. I wanted to post them so other people could use them too. You can download them here: v12 Aevis Sprites (Please read the Readme file before using.) All art belongs to Zumi!
  7. Oh so you also had birthday as well? What a coindence, but here's my best wishes to you. Happy birthday and hope you had a great time🤗🎂🎁

    1. Bunni Blair

      Bunni Blair

      Yeah, it is. 😆 Well, thank you for the wishes.

    2. Evi Crystal
  8. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. Bunni Blair

      Bunni Blair

      Oh, thank you. I hope you have a great day too.

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome! And thanks a lot!

  9. Happy birthday, Bunni Blair. You're in a path of happiness and gifts.

    1. Bunni Blair

      Bunni Blair

      Thank you. Did you see my future?

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      You’re welcome. Even if I can’t predict the future, I’m sure you will be fine.

  10. Bunni Blair


    That trailer was so clean! The music gave me chills. (Also I never thought the SPU Guy was a character I'd actually get attached to.)
  11. I haven't finished V12 yet, so I don't mind having to restart when V13 comes out. I can't wait to see a revamped Aevium Region.
  12. Hello Lady Taria here! And I have some updates finally - about my Reborn fanfiction and username change.



    Username Change

    I don't know if anyone noticed but I changed my username twice. The first time I changed it, it was Starry Delight, and the second time was done recently. The reason why I kept changing my name was because I wanted to be original; Lady Taria was based on the Pokemon Altaria, as it was my favorite Pokemon at the time, and Starry Delight was based on my love of space. But it was taken by someone on tumblr already.


    I'm sorry if I confused anyone on here. 😓


    What Happened to My Fanfiction

    This is the reason I originally wanted to post this. But I got anxious and then never did. I didn't know now to word it because, at the time, it upset me. Well, to get to the point. My story got archived, and I didn't know what to do after that. Do I repost it? Or do I rewrite it?


    What I'm going to do with my fanfiction

    Well, I literally thought about this for months and now I finally know what I want to do; start over. I know this is going to take a long time to do. But I realized the original idea I had - for the story and the characters, didn't really work. Especially the MC; her personality and motives didn't fit the rest of the story. I also realized I didn't know the canon characters all that well. Thanks @Mindlack❤️


    (trust me, the last thing i want to do is miss characterize them.)


    Anyway, that's all I have for now. See you next time! ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bunni Blair

      Bunni Blair


      1. Yes the second change was recent. I changed it to what I have now.

      2. It wasn't something you said about my fanfiction itself. It was this reply that made me start thinking.

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      I changed mine, too. You know already.

    4. Candy


      I think old threads get archived if they don't see traffic, but I think you can ask the mods to unarchive it if you wanted to continue on the old thread (you've decided not to, though, so it's not relevant) :p Don't feel discouraged because it was archived, since it happens to any thread if they're old~ Happy writing!

  13. I haven't been here as long as some of the others, but I can't wait to restart my game! I hope everything else goes just as smoothly.
  14. But isn't it kind of hard not to look at this from an "outside" perspective? I mean, we're the player. We are on the outside. And I don't know about you - but I thought over almost every decision I made in this game. Because I wanted to make the best decision. (or at least what I thought was.) So it also makes since to think this over too. That being said; I don't know if any of these are good choices. (I'm sorry if this sounded harsh or cold hearted. I wasn't trying to be - this is just what I think personally.) If this poll is ever done again, I suggest adding more characters maybe? I mean there's still some in the shadow realm.
  15. I'm sorry. What...? Are you trying to ask them "How do you know if it needs to go up to 100%? It's not even part 2."? Yeah, it's not part 2. But when part 1 is done they're going to release it. And then when they're ready they will work on part 2. We shouldn't rush things.
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