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12 Fledgling

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  1. If anything, i think it is the good ending again, since you see into Garrett's past and learn why he he hates the foxes as strongly as he does. Furthermore, you also seemingly resist the serum when Reeve eventually tests you, so I'm pretty sure it triggers the good ending. Also while you pick up the serum, dont forget to read the 5 books to trigger "Your knowledge of mystery grows", with the two other books that have the same prompt being available during ryders sidequest.
  2. I think it's on wispy path, but only available at night. Wispy path is the route just right of goldenleaf town, before goldenleaf woods and before the radio tower. It's like a 2% encounter rate.
  3. Here's the ones that i think you might've missed: -gearen city, in Chrisola hotel with the old lady and the minccino. - The Mosely side quest, where you retrieve medicine after Maman collapses - The Challengers: Inside the cave in goldenwood forest, in the building in Gearen, One when diving past the uxie statue in the water-cave (forgot name) in terajuma, one in Zone Zero (there might be one last one but idk) - Spiritomb (talking to 40 people in Darchlight woods) - Gastly from getting badges/The Griselda flashback after going to all the doors (also there is a vespiquen quest) - Kyogre event with Venam (side option but gives relationship points) That's all i can think of rn, but i'm sure there's still loads and loads of sidequests that havent been mentioned
  4. Honestly, it wouldn't be too crazy to hypothesis that Nim is the reincarnation/rebirth of Nymeria or something resembling a servant to her through the power of storm 9. We've seen Nymeria have the power to create things using Garufan magic, and given the fact that the spell was weakened due to Vivian's sacrifice, Nymeria could have sacrificed her life in order to save Storm-9 and created/reincarnated into Nim due to her ties with Garufa. Plus, Alexandria i'm pretty sure had a vision in Sashila Village telling her to protect Nim.
  5. There's one thing that's been lingering at the back of my mind since the end of V13. In the diamond route, after you beat Cera and Angie, a soul comes out of Angie, and it's said that it is actually Vitus Theolia from before Storm-9. With further information from Vitus' Gardevoir after Vivian sacrafices herself to protect the future, she said that Vivian shouldn't mess up what Vitus gift to humanity. I'm pretty sure this is STORM-9. (Or i hope it is, or else this theory wouldn't make sense). If it was indeed storm-9, I'm wondering about a couple of things. 1: The Nihilego It's not necessarily their second form, but rather them coming from ultra wormholes, similar to that of Kieran and Clear. If that's the case, i'm wondering if either Vitus knew about the existence of these wormholes and had the power to manipulate them, or if they came from a second source not controlled by Vitus. Either way, it shows that there was ultra beast/ultra wormhole activity, which is something i'm curious about. 2: The Motive With the future of the world being in complete disarray in the future caused by Vitus' actions, whether or not it was Storm-9 or not, I'm wondering about the intent behind it. There's no real One-dimensional villain in Rejuvenation, so i'm still having trouble establishing a motive beyond "He was evil". Part of it could be the intent to rule over Aevium, and subsequently the world, but that could have probably been obtained through Garufan means. It's a little puzzling, and if there's anything to that hints or explains it that I missed because I'm a dumbass, please tell me. 3: Vitus Theolia's Identity This is the most puzzling. He's not just an ordinary man. This is probably the most farfetch'd. He was or is the descendant of the man involved in the story about Arceus splitting in 3. Honestly i don't have too much reliable information bar 2 things. 1: it's shown that he has the some knowledge on Garufan spells through Kanon's memory, when he is revealed to be his creator alongside Nymeria. Nymeria knows about it because she's very versed in that aspect of humanity, and could even be the woman in the story or a descendant of the woman in the story (this is a big stretch), but there would be no other reason as to why Vitus knows about it, especially since he's been doing it before him and anathea got married. 2: His association with Arceus and having a cult of maids which continued into Angie. When in Angie, similar to that of him in the prologue with Maria, he is shown to sacrifice maids and other people to Arceus on a similar table, which has a yellow circle with a pentagram-esk shape in the middle. I feel like since the man in the story is vehemently asking arceus about problems and was seriously devoted to him, this level of devotion could be through multiple generations of lineage/if he the same person. If he is, then maybe his soul can travel across death and be reborn. (Honestly, the identity is a bit of a stretch and is super clumsy, but ah well, i still quite like the first 2 and they seem to be somewhat coherent)
  6. You need to complete the Inkay Sidequest beforehand at the Ranch in route 9. After you complete the mission, when you go back to the castle of goomidra, ben will meet you outside and the guards will let you in.
  7. I think it's found in the grass, any background without toxic waste in the background. Have fun, because i certainly did after 10 minutes.
  8. It's in inner caratos mountain, in the toxic area at a 1% chance. I am not kidding. Good luck.
  9. Sandile has been relegated to sand stream cave, and cannot be found anywhere else You can't catch cottonee, but you can catch Whimsicott in route 2. It replaced the flabebe that were there in V12 Klink is a 2% encounter in east gearen city on the right side, but you can get klang at like 20% in west gearen, and then just breed with ditto Pawniard is in Castle Goomidra, after a cutscene after the reveal of the Goomelda's royal secret and after a fight, along with solosis i think? To get deino is a tricky process, but to do so: Obtain Gible in Zone zero (guide) 1: Go to floor 6 (or 5, might get my numbrs wrong, maybe even 7) and approach the scary woman and show her gible 2: You receive the dark piece 3: Go to Kristiline town 4: Go to Isle of Angels (North) 5: Go to one of the islands (on one of them is an altar) 6: SAVE THE GAME 7: Interact with the altar 8: catch Idk if drilbur can be obtained through mystery egg, but even still double battles become super easy with sand rush swords dance
  10. Garchomp has more synergy in sand compared to Zygarde. The advantages zygarde-10% has over garchomp is access to earthquake and having a higher speed stat. Garchomp has better bulk, attack, about equal movepool and dig still works in ground fields. Sand Veil also tops it off, with an extra 20% evasion boost, meaning it has more of a synergy compared to that of zygarde. Other pokemon that synergise in sand include: Exadrill (mentioned earlier) Stoutland (sand rush) Dracovish/Dracozolt (unavailable unless debug) any rock type Bastiodon is also good without sand, since with it's sturdy, it's pretty much guaranteed an OHKO with it's ability + metal burst.
  11. It's in the Judicial District of grand dream city. It has to be stormy weather, and you can do that for $575 by interacting with the orange TV monitor in the district. They would then appear on the light poles.
  12. It doesn't override the terrains in place, but goes underneath them, so pokemon still heal on the field and grass type moves are still boosted, it's like 2 terrains are active at once.
  13. Has stats of all the aevium forms + abilities (includes parasect after transforming)
  14. you can choose the nature you want with the guy in the underground
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