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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by CorEagle

  1. Can I ask what, exactly, the trainers.dat file modifies? I'm a bit leery of using it.
  2. Regarding implementation of changing mons Terastal-types, wouldn't that just bloat the spritecount by, I don't know, eighteen times? Due to there being 18 types and each terastal type changing the sprite of the mon. Might be best that there's only certain mons that can terastalize
  3. Okay, I have noticed something. The music that is supposed to be for Titania Zekrom path is playing for Reshiram. Have you switched them?
  4. Might I suggest this? Just to make sure that other mods is compatible with this.
  5. Do you ever plan on including TMs acquired to the Retrain menu?
  6. Oh wow, found a really weird bug for AMD - Fabulous Transformation. -0-0-0-0- D:/Games/Reborn19WinFull/Pokémon Reborn/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_FabulousTransformation.rb:648:in `pbAbilitiesOnSwitchIn' PokeBattle_Battle:2824:in `block in pbOnActiveAll' PokeBattle_Battle:2822:in `each' PokeBattle_Battle:2822:in `pbOnActiveAll' PokeBattle_Battle:3431:in `pbStartBattleCore' PokeBattle_Battle:3220:in `pbStartBattle' PokemonField:1145:in `block (2 levels) in pbWildBattle' PokemonField:679:in `pbSceneStandby' PokemonField:1144:in `block in pbWildBattle' PokemonField:1013:in `pbBattleAnimation' PokemonField:1143:in `pbWildBattle' PokemonField:1613:in `pbBattleOnStepTaken' PokemonField:1634:in `pbOnStepTaken' Game_Player_:506:in `update' Walk_Run:99:in `update' Scene_Map:104:in `block in update' Scene_Map:101:in `loop' Scene_Map:101:in `update' Scene_Map:68:in `block in main' Scene_Map:65:in `loop' Scene_Map:65:in `main' Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug' Main:26:in `mainFunction' Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>' Main:80:in `loop' -0-0-0-0- Was in the Wasteland when a Munna's Forewarn anticipated my Lycanroc-Dusk's Stone Edge, and the game crashed after. Aironfaar, might want to look at this.
  7. Found a bug, I think. This is after tossing a rift fragment down the raid den in Route 4 that you can only get to through surf and then interacting with it errorlog.txt
  8. Finally checked this out after a year of inactivity. Hot damn. This went from that old Emboar Rock/Fire recolor to an actual Post-Game content mod. Might even become the Calamity to Reborn's Terraria. I'm looking forward to what you do. Although, there's no more link in the OP for the events and sidequests for this mod. Including all the new forms, movesets, and such. Where is it?
  9. So, it appears that the one you said about A button then bringing up a menu of the rods do not work? I am currently in deep terajuma, though, so that may be an issue,
  10. @alisekoroleva Quick question, have you tested pickupQOL on v13?
  11. I think what the guy was saying was that in the previous version, the modpack had a downloadable script which would replace the original script. This script had an added line which would enable mods. I'm assuming that the original Rejuv 13 doesn't have this line, as such, cannot enable these mods.
  12. Another question: Are you still updating the lists you have on the Alter Pokemon?
  13. Any plans on making an Alternate Form Pack for Rejuv now that it just got updated?
  14. Gonna give it a week or so for the public release bugs to be fixed, as well as let the Rejuvenation mods catch up. Anyone know of which mods that already work?
  15. Looks like there is another puzzle here. See those curly roots in the middle? They are suspiciously placed near stairs to other parts of the map. Interesting.
  16. Has it already been posted about the number 9 just after the hidden text? If you drag down, a seemingly empty box gets highlighted. If you open image in another tab... https://imgur.com/WO1wiqO
  17. @Anti-loser Loser, I feel that "the most important part of any new fanfiction" is largely subjective, since fanfic is mostly the original work with an infinite amount of possible modifications. I suppose the most important would be the characters. The main reason why I favor fanfiction is because of the characters the original work creates. Those interesting characters with such compelling and complex traits that make you think: "Huh, I wonder what this character would do in this situation?" These traits are mostly conveyed through dialogue, since that is the primary medium in showing interactions between two characters. Of course, we could also argue that the most important thing is the world itself and the mechanics it governs. Wanting to explore the vast lands of the world someone created, it appeals to writers with wanderlust. Introducing a new variable in the complex systems of equations that the world runs on and observing the unprecedented effects it would take; isn't that the height of writing? That's the reason why so many cross-overs exist; people loving both the characters and the worlds of different universes and creators. After all, who wouldn't want to see their work come to life?
  18. Good evening, everyone. By the time you are reading this, the time could be morning, in which case "Good morning." Failing that, if its high noon, I only have one thing to say: "RUN AND HIDE BEHIND THE BUILDINGS." I hope you get the reference. I digress, this is an introduction thread and therefore must have the appropriate content to match. My name could be seen on the left here, CorEagle. "Why CorEagle?", you may ask. There are multiple reasons why. First off, let me give a bit of a backstory. When I was first starting in creative writing, I had to create a pen name that I could use as an alias for my works. I created many, many names. Some of which are, despite my profession and hobby, decidedly 'un-creative'. However, I always forget these names were ever mine. An older classmate said, "You're picking names? Your name should be something that will be remembered easily." I tilted my head, confused. I can't even remember these names that I made up! "If you're having trouble, just think of it as something that represents you as a person." I thought long and hard. I want to emphasize my views. I want to condense my nature into a single word. Then, it struck me like a fastball. I will base it on my writings. I write because I want to. I write because I enjoy it. I write because I want to see, feel the endless desire of discovering new areas, exploring the world I created with my own two hands. I wanted to be free. Combining it with my love for animals, this naturally translated to "Eagle". At this point, I thought: "I need to add another. 'Eagle' doesn't seem particularly interesting." I thought of metals. Unbreakable metals, refusing to bend at the whims of others. Yet, even if it gets too hot and the pressure is unimaginable, the metal will survive and adapt to the circumstances. This lead to the moniker "Diamond Eagle". However, it felt too arrogant. As if I was declaring that I was the absolute BEST. That was not me. Fortunately, due to my background in science, I distinctively remember the rock that was one step below diamonds. Corundum. It was perfect. Corundum serves as a goal, and a reminder. I want to keep writing until I become one of the best in the field. Until everyone's thoughts are "Yeah, he's good." whenever they see the name. It also reminds me that no matter how good I am, there will always be someone better or greater than me. This was the birth of "Corundum Eagle". In short, "CorEagle". It might be obvious by now that I love writing. And also that I might like anime. Might. I think I was being fairly subtle. ...In any case, I am an author-in-training. As such, I am very verbose compared to other people. Yes, I am aware I speak very formally. And, because it's always the next question: No, I am not British. I could curse and shout swear words at the top of my lungs when I am feeling frustrated. I am human, which makes such things par for the course. Do not be surprised if you read posts of mine which contain lots of fucking words and walls of texts. ...Forgive my curse. I assure you all, despite my unwillingness to give my actual age, that I am >20 years old. I have been interested in Pokemon since I was 7 years old. At first, I was fascinated by these strange creatures and the numerous powers they have. Once I grew up, I learned to appreciate the lore behind each game. Present time, I learned to appreciate the goals and disposition of a competitive battler. As I learned more about science, the more I grew fascinated with Pokemon. "What are the mechanics of each attack each Pokemon uses?" This helped kickstart my interest in writing. Now, after recently finishing Reborn multiple times, having recently finished a story commissioned by my classmates, speedran the main games generations 1-5, I have achieved inspiration. Due to having probably encyclopediac knowledge about Reborn and the main games, I thought of multiple ways of creating a novelization of Pokemon Reborn. It would be a fanfic, of course, but I want to make it special. That's why I am playing again, one last time before episode 19, so that I could build my outline and notes well enough for the actual storytelling. After all, I want to pay homage this wonderful game, the amazing world and characters that was given life by our admins and coders, and the fanbase who continued to support this game. Once again, I am Corundum Eagle. Competitive battler and author-in-training. Let's record the chronicles of Reborn, one highlight at a time.
  19. Cresselia and Darkrai: Reborn City plunged into darkness as the moon and the sun, at that exact moment, seemed to collide in the sky. A phenomenon called eclipse, which on earth is such an awe-inspiring event which called everyone outside for pleasure viewing. This was not so in Reborn. A careless wish of a man with nothing left to lose and nothing to live for transformed this phenomenon into a living nightmare. Dreams seem to come alive in Reborn City as dead loved ones spontaneously appeared from thin air and horrible abominations roam the street. However, the moon seems...strange. Why does it keep flickering so? The Sacred Swords + Victini: Apophyll Gym's Sensei, Victoria, has taken upon herself the duty of protecting the students of Apophyll. Yet, she cannot erase the guilt she bore after witnessing the death of her beloved Sensei and longtime-friend Amethyst. Everyday was hollow, her movements were like a machine whose only purpose was 'to protect the legacy of Sensei Kiki'. One day, while meditating on the beach, she saw a majestic Pokemon with flowing red hair, blue scarf-like appendages, and a sharp horn. All the while, the remnants of Lin's tyranny planned their first target. The pillar which supported Reborn's workforce: Apophyll gym. Will Victoria be able to find her [RESOLUTION], achieve her own [VICTORY] with her own two hands? ("I will no longer look back! This I swear as your master, Keldeo." "Let our actions trample our enemies, and our spirits burn with glory and victory!") This is what I imagine what would happen with these legendaries. The "Sacred Swords" though, I really feel like Victoria would be the central point of them. Keldeo[Resolute] would probably Victoria's signature mon. Failing that, it would be Victini, considering that one of her strongest wishes is to achieve victories that actually mean something. She's tired of losing with great consequences and winning bitter victories.
  20. Hello there. So, I have been playing this mod for many weeks now (started August), and I still can't find the damn solution for the vanhanen castle's Mobius Strip puzzle. I can't find any pattern or logic here. It's driving me insane. Help pls?
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