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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Edo

  1. Did they put Seeds on their pokemon to hold? iirc Seeds can set the Trick Room effect on Dimensional fields, so you might not have noticed that Trick Room was active if the dialogue was quickly clicked through and I guess it's unlikely that the Ribombee was holding a Lagging Tail, or using a low priority move (doubt it even learns one)
  2. You can challenge specific trainers with Debug, even the different difficulty versions. Unfortunately the field won't be the one from the original fights, but from the area you are in, so you have to travel to a place with the original field if you want the "real" fight. That's probably the closest to what you are looking for.
  3. save slot 2 means it's Game_2.rxdata, Game.rxdata would be slot 1 also you don't have to do anything to your save files when you reinstall the game, since they are in seperate folders nothing will happen to the save files you don't even need to delete your old game folder, just extract the game in a differently named folder and try starting the game from there before you do anything to your old files I'm not that knowledgeable on what the error messages mean, but it might be that your save file got corrupted. Try removing Game.rxdata from your save file folder and then start the game and try to switch the save slot
  4. 1) Psychic, Normal and Fairy types are really good on her field. Go to Amethyst Cave. There are several helpful pokemon you can catch there, like Natu or Solrock/Lunatone, and especially in the Amethyst Grotto, the place where you fought against Spirit Keta, like Jigglypuff and Girafarig. There is also Cutiefly in that yellow meadows part in Amethyst Cave, the part that is blocked by Rock Smash boulders and Cut trees. 2) Get the TM Psych Up. Marianette likes to set up Cosmic Power, so copying her stats in one go can be really helpful. The TM can be found during the Hidden Library Quest 2 (Sheridan Help Center). Or catch Lunatone/Solrock in Amethyst Cave, since they both also learn Cosmic Power.
  5. Edo

    shiny type null

    no there is no easier way, if you have the shiny charm then you already have the highest possible chance. You just have to be patient and keep trying
  6. it changes form depending on where you send it into battle. For Trash Cloak you need to fight inside a building
  7. I like Sceptile in combination of its Unburden ability with the Field Seeds you can find lying around as hidden items, Both Speed and other stats get boosted. And all Grass starters in general can learn Nature Power. You get the TM as reward for beating the 2nd gym, and it can make use of the Reborn fields to become many different moves which are additionally boosted by the field, giving you a variety of good coverage moves (except for gym fights, where it usually becomes the same type as the leader's type, unless you are fighting the Ice leader who gets destroyed by Nature Power)
  8. if you mean the lag of a few seconds every time before a move is used, then that's "normal" in the current version, it's gonna be fixed for the next update. The link below has a download for a modified version of the current episode, which is pretty much without any lag and runs much smoother.
  9. change the weather - that will deactivate her field for as long as the weather change is active (try using one of the Rock items which prolong weather as well) I think TMs for weather can be bought in the pokecenters in the Cellia districts
  10. if you want all the info on the fight: (this is for Intense, but still very useful for any difficulty) https://pokepast.es/40d41064f670dc41 There are lots of ways to beat this. Very easy ways would be Destiny Bond, Perish Song, Endeavor, Curse or Toxic. But other things can be very helpful too, like - Leech Seed on the Gardevoir to heal tons of HP. - The Sweet Veil ability so your team cannot fall asleep (Ribombee for example, which I believe can be caught in town or nearby). - Imposter Ditto (can also be caught in Hiyoshi City, but very rare). - Terrain moves to prevent sleep or get a general advantage, or a Seed for Trick Room as already mentioned. - Teach your mons Sleep Talk to make use of the sleep, for physical mons you could even teach Facade for double damage. - Magic Bounce/Magic Coat to reflect the status moves back.
  11. RMs are TMs from older generations, and I think those weren't updated in Rejuv to reflect the gen 7 learnable moves, which is why Alolan Sandslash, a gen7 mon, doesn't learn Hone Claws through RM, since it was a TM in gen 5 iirc. (So any pokemon introduced in a later gen than when the TM existed can't learn that RM). If you want to see which mons can learn a specific RM, you need to look up in which gen that RM was a TM (bulbapedia, serebii, etc.), and a list of the pokemon that learn it in said gen.
  12. you could teach Rain Dance to weaken her Fire moves, and stop her from burning the field another option, since you have Avalugg, is to relearn Wide guard at the circus, which helps with blocking her Eruption and Heat Wave attacks
  13. you can breed eggs of the mons you need and hatch them in 7th street, then they should be acceptable for the quest
  14. Look in your game folder, Graphics / Battlers, there you can view all shinies and look for one that you like
  15. You can load a backup save from before you entered the house to get out without losing progress. Search your PC for the file 'Game.rxdata'. The folder it's in also contains recent backup save files. You just have to rename the Game.rxdata file to something else, then rename the most recent backup file to 'Game.rxdata' instead, then load the game. Also I'd recommend not to keep weak moves like Cut or Rock Smash on your team, especially for major fights like these. And keep in mind your pokemons' attack stats: Not every move is useful. Rhyperior will barely do any damage at all with Surf, because it's a special move, but Rhyperior's special attack sucks.
  16. hitting both opponents with Discharge+EQ is of course a good strategy, just saying paralyzing one mon and fighting only one of the trainers is what I usually do. If you get to fight 3 with no or barely any losses you can keep using that strat. The problem i can think of is that Rotom's forms aren't that fast, so until you get Discharge off you will probably get hit, but again, worth a try. For the Weavile, if you go and get the TM WilloWisp from Mirage Tower, you can teach it to Rotom and burn the Weavile immediately.
  17. Okay, so for the way the healing works, after the first battle your team is completely healed as you already noticed, but after the second fight only the pokemon alive get healed, those that are fainted won't be revived, so try to keep as many alive as possible in the second fight. Then, if you don't mind doing this, it is possible to quick save inbetween battles, so you won't have to redo a fight after winning anymore. As for the doubles, I usually go about it by paralyzing the weaker opponent and then don't attack them. I take care of the other trainer first, so that it ends up as a 2vs1 in my favor, making the rest much easier. You could try using your Rotom to paralyze, then focus on the other mon. For the third battle, I would choose to paralyze the Clefable and then leave it alone since it's one of the weakest mons you will have to deal with during that fight. (On a side note, Frost Rotom doesn't have the best defensive typing, so if you want a more beneficial typing I'd go with Wash Rotom) And since that Clefable likes to use Thunder Wave, having Rotom and so many Ground types will be useful actually. The thing is though that it knows Blizzard, so keep that in mind and hope it gets paralyzed and misses several times. But since it's not STAB it definitely won't hit as hard as the Ninetales. If you still have trouble, it might be worth to level up your Larvesta. Heat Wave is a very helpful move for the Glass gauntlet, since half or more of the mons are weak to Fire. If you bring a sun setter like Ninetales on top of that it would help out a ton.
  18. since you already have Excadrill I would recommend using that. With a Sand streamer like Hippowdon you can easily let Excadrill sweep and you could use that chance to bring in Flygon and set up Ddance while excadrill hits both opponents with Earthquake but I would advise also getting Rock slide on Flygon and Excadrill, maybe even Swampert (primarily for Shelly, but also useful later)
  19. I doubt the AI was made to be easier. While using a weak move out of nowhere does indeed look like the AI is being dumb in that moment, it does it when you are at low health to conserve PP of its stronger attacks. But it only does that if it calculates that it can beat you with that attack. The problem is that damage has random deviations, so a low roll can lead to you still surviving. I guess the AI doesn't presently consider that. As for the constant switching until the AI loses, this only happened to me when my mon was faster and had attack boosts high enough to oneshot every of the AI's mons, so basically when I would have won either way. The switching might be to try and switch into an attack with a mon that resists or something like that, since the AI has no other alternative. No idea if it's really due to this though. The daily trainers would have probably done the same things if the same conditions were present as in the fights where the AI messed up. Again, not 100% sure on this, just my observations so far.
  20. Wormadam is amazing early game, as it learns Quiver Dance as early as Lvl 20, and it's useful for at least halfway of the game then you can get a Budew during clear weather in Peridot Ward (north, next to train rails) if you got the Rose Incense (hidden next to a female trainer standing on a patch of grass, also next to train rails, in Lower Peridot Ward). Roselia is a really good mon for being available so early and as already mentioned, Moxie Myghtiena and Lightningrod Goldeen are also great against Julia
  21. You can't trade in Rejuvenation. I'd advice teaching Psych Up to a mon so you can copy her Cosmic Power boosts. If you don't have the TM, you can find it during a Hidden Library quest iirc. Psychic and Fairy types are boosted on her field, and Xatu (Amethyst Cave) with Ominous Wind can change it into Haunted Field so she loses her advantage.
  22. alright, did some improvements and you should be able to beat ZEL now, I sent you your save file with some advice in your DMs
  23. I can take care of it if you post your save file here It's called Game.rxdata either search for it in your PC, or go to C:/Users/%userprofile%/Saved Games/Pokemon Reborn
  24. remove your mods, then try going in
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