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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Edo

  1. That's what I also thought, Madame X being Maria/Marianette/Melia, assuming those three are somehow connected due to parallel timelines, maybe even the same person through reincarnation. Since Madame X tries to hide her face from everyone at the pyramid when her mask gets broken, and because Cosmia stops the quiz guy from telling us her name, we can probably already deduce her real identity. Now, in the apocalyptic future at the end, Madame X mentions her mother sacrificed herself to save her, but talks really coldly about her, calling her weak. The only mothers that died in the story so far were Nancy and Anathea (excluding Taelia, since Nora's dead and Aelita wasn't even alive to be protected). Seeing how the MC can have different looks or genders, it doesn't make sense for them to be her, so the only one left would be Maria/Marianette. Also, Indriad seems to have a connection to Yveltal, since his cult outfit's design is based on Yveltal (as we could see in Zumi's artwork), and the fact that the man and woman from Nymiera's story definitely are her and Indriad: We know that Nymiera has a Xerneas statue in her castle on Blacksteeple, even in her home in Hiyoshi city, so it's likely she has Xerneas, consequently Indriad having Yveltal makes sense. But we know that currently, Madame X has Yveltal, and mentions a 'Father' when defeated, which likely refers to Indriad. Also the secret Xen lab's diary, in which Yveltal is mentioned, mentions that "He" knows and sees through Yveltal, probably also referring to Indriad. If this all fits, then Lord Xenadin would actually be Indriad too (seeing how there's Team Xen banners everywhere in the underground lab in Wispy tower, which was built secretly by Indriad/Sirius and sealed off since the fire and only recently opened by Geara to get Giratina, so Team Xen couldn't have put those up as they arrived there only moments before the MC). What's weird though is that in the bad future, Madame X seemed clearly suprised by this world, but knew about Melanie being Melia's parallel self even before meeting her, like she could "feel a connection to her", or was already there once. Since the only ones beside Madame X who remember this world are the MC and Melia, this could imply that she knew beforehand because she remembered being there as Melia. Also, in this future, the one who has Yveltal is Melanie, the one who is actually Melia, yet another connection between them. Another point would be, in the prologue, why was Madame X in Maria's house in the first place, if not because of a connection to Maria and Indriad? Why is she pitying Maria when she asks when will they stop to put her through all this, when she usually is so cold to everyone else, calling everyone weak so it's their own fault if they can't protect themselves and suffer?
  2. Yeah you're right, that strategy is pretty neat as well. But is it possible to catch a mon that learns those moves when you're stuck at the circus? Also not sure if Wide Guard would be obtainable at that point, and if you skipped the gang quest Rain dance isn't available, either. From those, Trick Room might be the only consistently available strat for everyone.
  3. best strats against her would be - Rain Dance - Wide Guard - Trick Room
  4. Ancient power evos are a good idea. Yanmega also seems to be based on a prehistoric dragonfly so it fits pretty well too.
  5. Edo

    Terra Battle

    Since Garchomp's SpDef is higher than the SpAtt, the SpDef value is used for damage calculation. This means that the SpAtt drops are completely inconsequential, it won't take more damage. But as you said, forcing Quagsire/Pallossand to switch is the best way to deal with them.
  6. Don't remember all anymore, but my starter was Infernape (since it's based on an ancient story), Sigilyph and Golurk (from ruins), Crustle (this one's a little farfetched, but the idea was that the sediment layers from its shell look like the sediments from different eras) and Carracosta as fossil mon, forgot the sixth one. I remember pondering to choose Venusaur since it's partly based on a dinosaur or Tangrowth since it's an Ancient Power evo. And I might've had Xatu for a while before I replaced it with Sigilyph.
  7. Leave the mountain from the main entrance, then go in from Crawli's gym again.
  8. Well, not all pokemon which learn that move have a prehistoric look. Take Togekiss for example. So if you want the theme to make sense you might wanna make some exceptions as to which pokemon are okay. I once did this exact theme run when playing Pokemon Gaia and allowed everything that looked like from ancient times. So dinosaurs/dragons as well as pokemon from ruins, like Sygilyph.
  9. In the original games, Own tempo is not a normal or hidden ability, but event exclusive iirc. It's basically the same in Rejuv, which is why you can't get it the normal way.
  10. Lol you misunderstood the sentence in such a funny way. They didn't kill her for clothes. The NPC just says that Team Xen puts a 'X' as decoration on their Team's uniforms. As for which Team Xen killed her, as long as we don't get more specific infos we can't really tell. Irvin is pretty old already, so both are possible. And since Madame X can time travel her age might not be relevant.
  11. I don't remember one being in Venam's gym, maybe you're using an old version's guide. The earliest would be Melia's suitcase in Goldenwood forest, by using her normal code instead of the one she tells you to use. But even then, the Dusk evolution in Rejuv doesn't work the same way as in Reborn. You need to get it with Own Tempo, ability capsules won't work, breeding won't work either, and the daytime is probably irrelevant. There's only two possibilities to get it: Trade with the woman on Oceana Pier, or catch a Dusk Lycanroc in the wild (which you can after the 3rd badge).
  12. Bruh... OP literally said not to tell them. (Although it is kinda difficult to find that out on your own, with the additional item restriction.) Edit: I think this event can be bugged, last time I tried it didn't work at all. Other than Natu, I believe you can miss Whismur and Azurill (if you didn't pick up the Sea incense). Both can only be gotten pre-restoration
  13. you can later buy Blast Powder, with which you can mine rocks a second time. They'll vanish afterwards, meaning you can get what's behind
  14. Works fine for me. The Game.ini is not your save file, there's a file called Game.rxdata in the same folder where the backups are located. You have to delete/rename it first, then rename the backup to Game.rxdata and leave that file in that folder. If your game still crashes, try redownloading the game.
  15. Why would you start the whole game anew just because of one fight?? You can catch and train some other mons if you want to try a different team, you're torturing yourself for no reason. Also which abilities do your mons have? That's important information beside the moves when asking for tips. Because you might want to change an ability in certain cases if they're not optimal. (e.g. give Blaziken Speed Boost or Myghtiena Moxie). I don't remember if you can go back to Terajuma after arriving in Kristilline before defeating Angie, but if not: There are wild ice pokemon in the tower to catch, they could abuse the field just as well as Angie's pokemon. You should probably replace Shiinotic and Drifblim just for this fight since they don't seem very helpful. If you can't return to Teila Resort and don't find the catchable mons in Kristilline helpful, you could also load an older save file from just before going to Kristilline so you can go get some other mons from other places, but then you'd have to do the whole story in Kristilline again, though that's still much better than starting from zero. Day/Dusk Lycanroc is really fast and wrecks Angie with Rock Slide. The Safari Zone has Torkoal with Drought to stop the Hail, or even better would be an Gigalith with Sand stream which would go really well with Lycanroc (especially Day form with Sand Rush).
  16. Underwater encounters don't show in the dex in general I believe, but Chinchou is definitely findable underwater by Aquamarine cave.
  17. You could load an older backup save from before you left, if you haven't progressed much since then. Otherwise you could post your save file here, then someone could use debug to get you back.
  18. Also the Goomink quest located in Honec woods, which is a pretty long and funny one. It's available after doing all the Neo Gearen Help quests. On Yui's Ranch there's another quest involving a farmer boy. This might also be a prerequisite for the Goomink quest. In Amethyst Cave is a short side quest, you should do this one before the Narcissa quest.
  19. Rejuv follows USUM movesets, 47 is for the "Let's go" games
  20. I can use the bike while diving. Sprites don't change, but the moving speed becomes the same as with the bike and the biking music starts playing. Correction: Only happens in Route 6.
  21. I think the same, it is heavily hinted at that this is how it's going to be. There might be someone who'll fill the counterpart, so that the four goods and four evils will fight each other.
  22. There is a 'SetWeather mod' in the SWM modpack that can change the weather
  23. When raiding the underground place in the past Hiyoshi city, Nymiera or someone else says that the maids "disperse"/"vanish" after being killed, since they're given form by Garufan magic. So they're definitely not androids, the term 'doll' describes them pretty accurately. Also the machine in Amethyst cave only produces armor, not a whole body, which it says when you interact with the armor that came out of the machine.
  24. It's in the south-eastern part of the Route, just stay at the bottom when surfing from Akuwa town to the east
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