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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Edo

  1. It's not mentioned in game, but the Yveltal is holding it during the battle at Blacksteeple. Since it's not mentioned yet we don't know why though.
  2. Edo

    devon train

    your sentence got cut off so I've got no idea what you are asking, but you don't need that train for anything after using it to get to Chrysolia.
  3. there's a mod that can stop the exp gain when you reach the lvl cap
  4. I think you get relationship points with Melia if you lose since you "saw through the illusion", so it's likely better to lose.
  5. yes it's the right location. iirc it's in a barrel on the left side of the biggest room.
  6. Interesting, this might have to do with the picture Jan posted about V13 where we see Keta trapped in something. Since it implies that Keta didn't actually die, this file might imply that Madelis brought him to the Hospital to get treated after Mewto attacked him. Considering the omitted information it is likely that Isha was told to keep Keta's treatment a secret. Damn Magus was faster xD
  7. Go to Crawli's gym, in the backroom of the arena you fought against him. After that, there should be some dialogue with Venam when you enter Valor mountain, but if that doesn't happen you need to leave the mountain and enter from crawli's gym again or you won't be able to start a certain event.
  8. There is one in Phasial Cave, or you can get one from mining
  9. This mod is even compatible with Rejuvenation, nice! By the way, are IV spreads always set to max IVs? When I try setting one stat to some other value it still gives me 31. Also there's a bug which causes every stat that has EVs invested into to have 0 IVs. Seems like it's caused when both shiny status and IV spread are specified together, removing either one solved the problem.
  10. Wow this sounds really cool, but before I try it out, where do the imported pokemon appear? Do they overwrite the current party, or will they be deposited in the PC? By the way, the text got cut off here:
  11. Yeah I did leave and come back every time I changed weathers, while not having any doll. But it's not a big deal. I'm already finished with the story so no Citae Astreae, but I could just trade one over from another save.
  12. Well I just tried finding a Natu since I'm missing one myself, but it didn't appear no matter what weather I changed to, both day and night, and I used up all my dolls before. Maybe it's a bug? And the rotation with dolls only works for the other 3 mons, definitely not Natu, just as you said. The only other mons I could find were Nuzleafs for rain, blizzard and windy weather, and a Tropius at sunny weather.
  13. actually I'm not that sure, but I think that I've read this somewhere? But you can find one or two dolls even before 7th street, so maybe you had one?
  14. you have to buy more dolls in 7th street, the totem has like 4 different mons that appear every time in rotation, just keep using dolls on it until you get natu
  15. oops sorry, just checked and there are actually 5
  16. it opens when you activate all those big tubes that are scattered outside (the same ones as in Corey's gym), there should be 4 iirc
  17. Edo

    EV training rooms?

    You can buy them in the Department store in Obsidia. The Everstone in the 3rd floor, Power items and Destiny knot are in the 4th floor. The power items are a little expensive, but you can get money relatively easy by sellin vitamins you find, through selling the stuff you get from Pickup mons or by training against the Grand hall trainers. If you need stickers to reach 4th floor, this guide might help you:
  18. I don't think it's edgy, just mature content. In my opinion these people are just phrasing it a little wrong. I think the same way as you, but it's a relative opinion that's comparing Reborn to the main games and other fan games. So instead of saying "Reborn is edgy" it would be more accurate to say "Reborn is edgier than other games".
  19. Edo

    EV training rooms?

    at least you get the Power items and Destiny knot very early so breeding is easier than in rejuv, and with power items EV training is still quickly done
  20. It's somewhere in the game, I remember also reading this but forgot where
  21. Do you also think 'he' is referring to the "Father" Madame X mentions?
  22. Lunatone can hold three different items, you could soft reset until you get it. But you've probably progressed too far already. The next Moon stone should be in Phasial cave (Route 3), you can already go there right? The event only gives you one of the three stones, although I'm not sure if this one could've been changed by resetting. Next Shiny stone is pretty late, after the 5th or 6th badge. But you could get one earlier by mining if you use the MiningOverhaul mod (after 4th badge). The mod is part of the Rejuvenation Modular Modpack.
  23. It's probably because you loaded the game in a map that was changed between versions. You should load from your previous version first, save in a pokemon center, then load from V9 again. If that doesn't work than maybe V9 and V12 are already too incompatible?
  24. Thanks, the Status thread kept getting swamped with so many theories and other irrelevant topics to the point where you might overlook the actually important stuff. What I'd like to address are the already existing theories about Freya's identity. While there were several ideas, with Risa being the most popular because of her Tuffpuff's similarities to Naganadel, I think that's not possible. Because when we find Saki in Aquamarine Cave after she got catapulted off the ship, she mentions that a red haired girl found her and brought her to the cave, then left. A little while later she returned in a different outfit and saved her from a blue whale (Kyogre), and Saki said her name was something like Frie.., Fried.. (well, Freya obviously). What I'm trying to say is that Saki saw her in two different outfits; she saw her wearing different clothes than her usual uniform, so she very likely saw her face. If she were Risa then Saki would've recognized her. I remember someone on the Status thread saying that Freya could be Risa without anyone recognizing her because Beheeyem's illusions change her looks, like her hair color. But this seems farfetched because it sounds too tedious to keep up all the time, and we know that she creates illusions by meddling with the target's brain. If someone approaches her unnoticed they would see her true appearance, so that doesn't make much sense. So I believe that Freya is simply Freya, not someone we know in disguise.
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