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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Edo

  1. Save files are named in this way: Game.rxdata, Game_2.rxdata, Game_3.rxdata, .... Just name your saves in this fashion, then you can load them from 'other save files'. Before switching between saves you should exit the game, though, cause after soft resets it crashes the game for some reason
  2. I think in Reborn I hit a limit at Lvl 8, even after three wins it wouldn't advance. But I didn't get that far in Rejuv yet so I can't say.
  3. would be really nice to have that, so we'd have more reason to play Voltorb flip
  4. Totally Damn it, ink, ninja'd and outdone
  5. Did you rename your original save game as well or delete it? Maybe your PC changed the names automatically to Game(1).rxdata. Or, if this is your second save file, you need to name it Game_2.rxdata, Game.rxdata would just change your first one
  6. @LisiaImai Please don't be so quick to judge someone, since it can be easily misunderstood on the internet what the intention of someone is. We're trying to keep a pleasant atmosphere on the forums so everyone can be comfortable here. As long as you're polite your comments are welcome. It's just a drawing, no need to get so worked up about it. Also, saying a kid is cute is the same as saying a kitten is cute, unfortunately nowadays everyone has become really sensitive about this topic. I think it was obvious you meant it in a harmless way @The Fangame Connoisseur, so don't worry.
  7. congrats on beating the gauntlet, well done
  8. Wow those look fantastic! Especially Sharon
  9. Yeah, every Surge ability is available for non-Legendaries in gen8. But the thing is, while the other Surge mons can be placed late in the game, Rillaboom is a starter, so you can get it super early which is kinda broken.
  10. You can get alolan muk in the Corrupted Cave. Unfortunately I don't remember exactly when in the story you reach it, my guess is after the 7th gym. For the future, you can look up where to find a mon in the V12 locations guide: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/47694-rejuvenation-v12-pok%C3%A9mon-location-guide/?tab=comments#comment-865318
  11. What about the modular modpack? Wasn't there a mod that increases the IV by one when you reach 252 EVs, or is that only for Reborn?
  12. I was just saying it's a possibility. I remember someone asking this because the badges look so similar, but it wasn't denied by the devs. As for story length, Rejuvenation already caught up with Reborn, it might even already be longer, and there are still more updates planned than for Reborn. And it's not like Jan has to stick to the tradition of battling every Gym leader on their own, Actually, I recall him mentioning that he would remove the concept of Gyms from Rejuvenation if he had to do the whole thing again.
  13. Are you talking about V11, or Normal mode? She starts with a Rotom in Intense mode on V12, which doesn't have Hypnosis. Ribombee can take care of everything besides Chandelure, where I switched in Lycanroc. I used Draining Kiss as well to heal up, not just Dazzling Gleam. Mismagius can be problematic since Mystical Fire gets boosted on both fields, so it has to be either one-shotted (which should be possible if you use a Metronome and the field is already the Holy field), or it has to be weakened. Since she sends it in right after Chandelure when I had Lycanroc out, it lost half HP already. And Mimikyu can also easily be dealt with, since she uses her Z-move to turn the field haunted again, but which isn't effective, and then uses Shadow Claw to get it boosted, but the field can easily be cleansed before she attacks, so it does little damage again. By the way, I'm not trying to criticize your strategy or anything like that, just trying to tell OP that they don't need to train up so many new pokemon for this gym battle. Using Normal types that way sounds interesting. When I once tried using Flash on Normal mode it didn't work out, because I wasn't using Normal types, so I kept taking damage while Flash didn't do anything.
  14. That's a lot of pokemon, just Ribombee with Dazzling Gleam is actually enough, at least it was for me. And I suppose it's important to have a very fast Normal type, cause else this strategy won't work out so well if you get hit with a supereffective Ghost move before you can use Flash.
  15. Golden items aren't even necessary, they're just for comfort/convenience, so it's unlikely to be changed. And frankly I see no need to change that. Also iirc more achievements and therefore more points will be available in the future, so it will become even easier to farm for points. We might even get more rewards to buy with AP, who knows. And it's implied that the Dark and Fairy gym leaders are fought together, so they'll probably both appear in V14, so V13 would only add Saki's gym making it 15 gyms total.
  16. Some of your mons can be evolved, like fletchinder just needs one level up, vanillite and prinplup 2 (though I wouldn't advise wasting a rare candy on priplup here), eevee could be evolved as well already (if you're waiting for another evolution, I suggest training up another mon instead and use that until you can actually evolve Eevee, cause an Eevee is useless against those strong pokemon you have to face). Also Charjabug isn't exactly good either until you evolve it, which will have to wait until you are on Terajuma.
  17. What if the ones behind the Silver Surfers are actually Jan and Zumi?
  18. I think Bennett explains in the Glass Workstation to Laura how they kidnapped and hypnotized her so she'd write the resignation herself, hence why she doesn't remember any of it.
  19. trading isn't possible in rejuv at all. But you can find the mossy rock after the 5th badge, so not too late
  20. Aevis / Aevia / Axel / Ariana / Alain / Aero -> definitely Arceus with human names And everything is just dreamt by Maria, hence why we saw her in the prologue.
  21. Well, the game isn't that long, so you might as well replay it. If you do, here's a guide that lists all requirements for the true ending in detail. https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/34308-spoilers-the-completionists-guide-to-where-love-lies/
  22. I had that happen in Reborn as well, it's a bug.
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