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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Edo

  1. That's an interesting idea, like a dark version of Melia who doesn't have such a nice personality. But I feel like Crescent's powers are from Garufa magic, not from Arceus like Melia's. Remember that Garufans can use magic similar to their pokemon's powers, so she might have gotten psychic powers from her Gothitelle. Also, if they had the same power, wouldn't Crescent's hair be blond too?
  2. I don't think you need Garchomp to win, Noivern is really useful with its high Speed and Tailwind, you might actually be able to do it with your current team. But I think you should optimize your abilities and natures first, just the improving of stats can really help after all, especially proper EV distribution. Primarina is really slow, so Timid won't help much, better boost SpAtt or SpDef (Modest/Calm). And Liquid Voice without a voice move is useless, I would change it to Torrent or teach it Hyper Voice. How helpful is Aqua Jet to you? Primarina's base Att stat is low, so it probably does little damage. If you think you can replace it, then Icy Wind can prove very useful with its speed reduction. Or Reflect/Light Screen for team support. Calm on a physical Lucario is hindering you, better give it a Speed boosting nature. Usually that'd be Jolly, but if you wanna keep Aura Sphere go with Hasty or Naive. For Arcanine, Flash Fire is very situational and only boosts your Fire move. Justified would generally boost all physical moves so it might be better, but I'd go with Intimidate. It's always very useful against any physical attacker, especially against Titania who has 4 physical mons. Cincinno looks perfect, Ampharos is also ok, although you could replace Power Gem or Signal Beam with a status move like Light Screen or Cotton Guard. Lax for Noivern isn't helping it, better go for Modest. And before important battles, you might wanna replace Fly with a special move like Flamethrower, or teach it Tailwind as another team support move.
  3. Oh, didn't think about that. How was it handled before in Rejuvenation, or Reborn, when a new gen was added? Were they incompatible as well?
  4. Don't worry, you can continue your save file, it will be compatible with both versions.
  5. The Move reminder becomes available after Aya, so catching a new one is your only way to get Fake out. Couldn't you just try and wait until the rain is over and then burn the field?
  6. Actually a good question. While it was confirmed that DLC content won't be included, the Gigantamax forms could still be included visually since they're all gonna be custom Megas.
  7. Also Venoshock will always do double damage on corrosive field, and Merciless also activates. Both regardless of not being poisoned. As Node15 said, Psychic types like Swoobat are good. For me, Chimecho worked really good as well.
  8. Edo

    El or Radomus

    You fight Arceus in both choices, but for El you don't need to win in order to proceed with the story. This is probably what they were trying to say. Also, although it looks like a big deal who you choose, this option doesn't really have an impact on the story, so it actually doesn't really matter, just pick who you want.
  9. Nice so far. But oof, downgrading two mons to lvl 8 seems harsh. Maybe leveling down one mon for Sand Attack with Quick Claw would've been enough for Solaris?
  10. Reborn Wikia has lots of information on the game. On top of having all trainers in Grand Hall listed (although Duskfang's list is already pretty detailed)), you can always use it to look up other stuff as well. https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Hall
  11. Wait, is that a thing, letting the fans make the shiny sprites? That would be really fun. I think it would work the same as the Rift forms, so they should be used to it. But I'm also interested in how, or even if, Gmax moves will be introduced for them in some form.
  12. Unfortunately trading is not possible in Rejuvenation, so you have to do it yourself. You could Debug for the IVs, and EV training should only take like 10 mins.
  13. Well, terrain moves are always helpful in Reborn, you should consider using one. Every opponent will lose their advantage from their field, and seeds won't work most of the time.
  14. You have to go through the forest. The path changes while you're in there, but there's always a single path that you just have to follow until you reach the town. The entrance to Spinel Town is located in the northeast of the forest.
  15. Edo

    18.2 Beldum event

    yeah I believe it was moved post-restoration
  16. I doubt it. It was probably just meant to increase difficulty for players, giving us the possibility to max all EVs would be broken.
  17. No, both can be done before Hardy. The woman only appears after you drive Team Meteor out of Agate City, so right before Hardy. Though you can already solve the puzzle in Charlotte's gym and donate for the restoration of the path way before that. But Gastly should be catchable as soon as you get there, so right after Amaria and even before Glass Factory. I don't know of any prerequisites for that. Did you connect the severed cable on the ground?
  18. It's updated accordingly to the progress, they started at 0% after all. Approx. 35 % is where they're currently at.
  19. I remember someone encountering this bug before, but I don't think there's a fix for this. Seems like you could progress normally except your level cap being stuck at 75, so you could theoretically keep playing, though it might eventually corrupt your save file. And I think you missed some pretty important parts of the story. If you can't go back to complete the missing parts, it would probably be better to load an older save file and start from where you stopped before Souta and before taking the train to the stadium.
  20. Edo

    LF Abra

    Don't wanna be rude to Starry because she already offered to help, but since she said she's kinda busy, I could help you instead since I'm currently free and can trade anytime. Got an Abra with Psychic terrain as well if you'd like.
  21. Look at page 1, it shows the progress in detail
  22. https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/44558-spiritomb/ You might have to speak exactly 30 times to someone, no more no less, not sure if this is true, though.
  23. Isn't that kinda new though? I'd rather expect others that have been around for longer to be adapted, like Moonlight Sculptor perhaps?
  24. From my experience, Tentacruel is a nightmare for teams that synergize with Water Surface/Underwater field. I've used one in Rejuv only though, didn't try it against Amaria, but it will very likely work really good against her as well. And if you have other mons in rotation, I'd suggest not using mons that rely on speed and are grounded, since anything that's not water type loses half its speed on her field.
  25. Yeah, already thought so. I can totally understand that. Either way, I'm not against self made rebalances, was just curious, so I'm still looking forward to playing this Regional forms are actually already included:
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