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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Edo

  1. The fields folder is hidden, it does get extracted, you just can't see it. You need to activate that option in the settings. I don't remember how it's done, but you can find how to on google.
  2. this happens when you don't restart the game after losing to Garbodor, but instead proceed to play and win the next try. You need to load one of your backup save files from before your first try.
  3. well you can also change your PCs time in the settings to change the time in game when you need it
  4. Edo


    actually you can catch both on azurine island after funding its restoration
  5. Edo

    Aya Help

    Use Ampharos to paralyze her Toxapex, then proceed to only attack her other mon while leaving Toxapex alive until the end. Its attack is so weak that it cannot do much damage, and the paralysis will occasionally help. Using Reflect/Light Screen with Meowstic can help too.
  6. you could download the speedbreed mod to make things faster. This exact situation is what made me use it (8 boxes without shiny )
  7. no you are just unlucky. I can confirm that I got a shiny alola grimer with the shadow grimer as parent
  8. I'm pretty sure that all of them are actually good, you just need to get used to less popular mons. Dodrio for example has really good speed and attack stats, and also good coverage with just his level up moves (it even gets Swords Dance by level up). I used it once in Reborn and was very pleased with its performance. I used Venipede as my starter in Desolation, and it pretty much carried me at first. Defense Curl + Rollout + Speed Boost is such a strong combo that it easily swept all the hard fights by itself. And later it's still very viable. In my opinion, whoever from the Deso dev team chose those starters did a pretty good job at selecting balanced but not too strong pokemon.
  9. Soft sand was in hardened mountain. You could also steal one from wild Digletts
  10. Oh maybe you havent activated it yet. How does the cave look like? Could you send a screenshot? I'll just explain everything up to you getting Magmadrift, which is very soon after arriving in the volcano. Since this might be spoilers if you havent progressed that far yet, I'll hide it so you can decide if you just want a hint, or if you're ok with seeing the whole solution:
  11. ah you have to interact with the big stone pillars to create a path over the magma
  12. ugh sorry guess I was too tired that night to notice
  13. Edo

    Shiny fossils

    Gifted pokemons' attributes are decided at the point where they join your party/box. Since fossils are items nothing is determined yet.
  14. You should be fine here talking about that, since there are even mods showcased here from which some are for automation purposes (like breeding). Byxbysion should be the only place where headbutt trees are unaffected.
  15. interact with the stones in this order: center - top right - bottom left - bottom right - top left - top right - bottom left - bottom right - top left - center
  16. why headbutt encounters specifically? normal encounters are more frequent rodochrine jungle caves should still have mons at level 20 (grand stairway cave too, but there are geodude's with Sturdy, so not optimal)
  17. levelling ally, as in someone training for you? If you're short on time you could download debug or the sandbox mod to make leveling up easy
  18. in blackview city, you need 2 keys to open a door in a small house. unfortunately i don't remember where to get them, but i think it was the shiny key and dull key which you need
  19. you are not far enough in the story yet, you'll see when it will be doable
  20. hmm if you're that early, then go with Roselia for now, Onix has pretty low Attack and won't be of much help, while Roselia is decently strong. Lapis ward is accessible after your 3rd gym battle, so it's pretty soon. You can get Roserade between badge 4 and 5, also earlier than Steelix which is 6-7. And yes, let it hold the Metal coat while using the Link stone to evolve it. Also Tynamo is really weak and useless at first, i suggest leaving it in the daycare until you can evolve it. If you want more detailed guides there's several on this forum which are always up to date. Ep18 Item guide: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/41661-item-guide-v18-void-kissed/#comment-807677 Pokemon location guide: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/42836-void-kissed-pokemon-location-guide/ https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/43367-e18-pokemon-locations-spreadsheet-all-wild-and-event-pokemon-plus-more/ Walkthroughs (Video and text format, also sidequest list) https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/48337-v18-full-walkthrough-guide/
  21. you need to update your game, download the newer version
  22. Depends on how far you are in the game. Route 3 is after 10 badges, but you can actually get the Metal coat earlier, right before the 7th badge in Tanzan Depths (only accessible after the story events there are finished), so i would wait if you're already close to the 7th badge. If you have your Delphox evolved, you should've already been in Lapis. And it stays available even when you're in Spinel, until you get to Agate.
  23. To add to this, the music also changes to the Fox raid BGM when you load your save inside of the woods.
  24. Go to C:\Users\%userprofile%\Saved Games\Pokemon Rejuvenation There you have a list of your backup save files and your actual current saves. Your current saves are called Game.rxdata. Delete it or rename it first to anything else, then rename the latest backup file to Game.rxdata instead.
  25. 1. reload an older save 2. after entering the vulcano, leave from the front entrance 3. go back to crawli's gym and enter the volcano again. Cutscenes should now all work properly again
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