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Cyrus last won the day on August 24 2014

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About Cyrus

  • Birthday 01/16/1997

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    Trap House

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  1. daddy

    1. Cyrus
    2. Pocky


      wow queen.. ur beautiful 


    3. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas

      this needs an upvote

  2. fuck you scarlet you suck you cuck
  3. rip pro league

  4. that feel when koreans ruined pro league and westerns will never care about it this much again. dead
  5. tfw Niels is possibly top 2 ADC in the world. tfw his team is so bad at communicating/jungle/top that he is just #done with this tfw riot has made like 6 champs super fuck broken for competitive that Pick and ban is sort of lame. This worlds is weird, it's more hype at the start but once everyone went to shit and KR came in. It became lame. Snowball competitve sport is fun.
  6. RIP my real homie 3PAC

  7. This run last night led to this. I'm getting my plat.
  8. I division hopped. I'm hitting plat this week baby.
  9. Cyrus


    lol no Ambrose is getting fed momentum-wise to Bray. Having 20 million pointless street fights to point where Dean is injured and can't compete with Roman. They make Dean and Seth weak while making Roman the next big thing. Roman is getting a bigger push since there is only 1 world title now unlike Sheamus and Del Rio's pushes. Roman is over right now but won't be come January. Then again maybe he will still be popped. Ambrose momentum stopped due to no reaction Bray. Bray only got a reaction because the fuckawesome Shield match and feuding with Cena which can make a face more than it makes a heel which Vince doesn't realize since CENAWINSLOL. Ziggler isn't believable, like he is an entertainer who can main event easily. But Ziggler shouldn't take Brock out. Bryan, Reigns, Cena, and Ambrose are the four that legit can make it believable. Ziggler just takes moves and oversells them so people go WOW SO GOOD SO ENTERTAINING. Ascension will grab them and do fuckall with them. Mizdow beats Miz at Mania and goes back to midcard hell as well.
  10. Cyrus


    John Cena is going over Bork at the Rumble. lmoa
  12. IllegalCyrus IGN pref: ADC Very High jungle high
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