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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cyrus

  1. Wow, ranked is actually going good for once!

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Be careful..everytime I say that something along the lines of losing 50 matches can happen at any given time

  2. ITT: Wrong Taste we need some good taste up in here. fuck yeah.
  4. Why is Caitlyn so perfect? Also lol duo ADC bot lane.
  5. Jungle Vi with Tank/Trinity is fucking amazing. Me and Singed carried hard.
  6. Drew mine and the character description, be warned I'm not the greatest artist. So do excuse the bad drawings.
  7. Draven would of been fucking perfect, specially with Character Battle domination. Hero of Time Draven when. pls do it Riot. But yeah, this skin looks pretty bad tbh. Will not buy it.
  8. Who wants to play some Carl on Duty Black Cops Dos this weekend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dana


      I have it on Xbox but I still need to finish fixing my room.

    3. Cyrus


      ;_; I meant on steam. I'm not touching the console version due to 9001 kiddies.

    4. Neo


      ;_; Enjoy solo play

  9. How to do good in ranked by Cyrus: 1. Mute teammates 2. Blast Wu-Tang Clan 3. Swag your way to victory. You'll be in Plastic soon!
  10. I see pure enjoyment in that picture. Like you couldn't contain yourself, Mael.
  11. So much good Cait. Fucking beautiful.
  12. I really should get some runes. But Wukong looks so cool.

  13. Ryan, I was watching that poll the entire day. It was fucking beautiful.
  14. Holy fuck, Peter Piper Pizza. All the ones that I went to have closed down so if I want to go eat at one. I would have to go to Tempe and eat at one there. Getting bunch of nostalgia too, man.
  15. Free Moeney is the greatest. I guess I'll sign up.
  16. http://www.gamefaqs.com/poll/5253 watch and laugh, Reborn. watch and laugh...
  17. I am the god of VC

  18. So I've been wanting to try Dota 2 for a while. I've heard it's quite better than League of Legends. I want to know some opinions from Rebornians on how is Dota 2 and how it compares to League of Legends. Thanks~
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