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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Nadhira

  1. I installed this a few days ago and it's working great, I love how the game looks now
  2. My timezone is GMT+7 and I'll be on again about 12 hours from now or a similar time tomorrow.
  3. Yes, that'd be great! I know the gender ratio is skewed but I'd really appreciate a female since I don't have a ditto yet.
  4. Nice, what would you like in return? EDIT: my online ID is syndomatic
  5. hello, i really want a togekiss and chandelure on my party and i want one to get me started on breeding, a shiny stone for togetic would be highly appreciated as well. nature, ivs and ability/moves don't matter as much as long as they're female since i plan to breed. i can trade back a heartscale, pp up, or 4-6iv eevee, cleffa, cutiefly, swirlix, misdreavus, ralts, larvesta, nidoran and others, most have egg moves and/or decent natures. thank you!
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