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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Justintrainer21

  1. awesome jan! you are doing wonderous work and I love how you bounce back after such hardships and also glad to hear that gen 9 is coming in but that does make me wonder on the gym leaders and other trainers for their teams :)
  2. hey guys love the work and saw from what jan put on twitter that gen 9 will be added and it does make me curious, but could seem obvious, but will the teams of people we fight in rejuv be changed? like for instance some of the shadows change to gen 9 mons or even gym leaders get changes to their teams? I know you guys might not answer for obvious reasons but seeing changes like that when you guys updated the game had me hyped to keep replaying the game after each update but I can understand if you guys don't want to spoil anything :)
  3. I have no idea but I did see it when I tried and did beat madam X's yveltal and my swalot survived the move it uses to one hit ko my team but died after the turn was over so idk to be honest
  4. actually just figured it out so never mind but wonder what is in the room :)
  5. I agree this update is awesome and right now stuck on trying to figure out the music puzzle in her gym to get into the secret exit but idk how it works
  6. thanks for all the hard work jan and the whole team! but I am curious what password we can do in rejuv now
  7. I agree with you here and I have replayed through the game about 10 times now waiting for the update but it is better to wait for a masterpiece like this so I say keep up the good work Jan and I am very excited to see what comes from this. :)
  8. dang so excited I even got my gf and some of my friends on your games like reborn and this and I can wait but it is so hard to when your games are so good and idk but hope one day we can do passwords to make some interesting runs in rejuv like we are able to in reborn but Jan I know it takes time so take your time and enjoy making this fantastic game man. :)
  9. Jan I say waiting is worth it. Because yeah I want the next version soon because all the stuff I have seen and heard from you guys are great but I rather have it done right then rushed and you deserve to spend time in whatever you want because as you said it is just a fan game project and you need to look out for yourself in a lot of things. So I say Jan do whatever you need to do and take your time on rejuv as much as you need. :)
  10. hey jan I believe you did the right thing and I am trying to create my own game as well and I understand where your coming from. I hope you enjoy making the game as much as possible because you made me want to make my own to get the same experience and I wish I could be able to talk to you and your dev team one day because you guys do such a fantastic job at making a very fun pokemon game. :)
  11. it is fine just excited for it I just love this game and I am waiting for it just wanted to ask is all.
  12. do you know when the update will come out? I have beaten everything so far and want to see more pokemon and more of the adventure.
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