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5 Fledgling

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    Definitely not Canada (really I don't live there, but I wish :( )
  • Interests
    Pokemon (what did you expect), Fire Emblem, World of Warcraft and some other things. (but am not tellin ya :3)

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  1. Hmmm, I think I have a dilemma with Horsea. You see I cought a accidental shiny Horsea in the diving section with a amazing nature and pretty good IVs that I wanted to evolve and I also was thinking of getting a perfect IV Horsea to evolve into a Kingdra, but then I realised a problem in my line of thinking. There's only one Dragon Scale in the game, the item that allows Seadra to evolve. So what are your opinions on this, should I evolve the shiny one or the perfect IV one? To clarify, I haven't started on breeding perfect IV dragon pokemon and now I think about it more, what dragons should I breed to have perfect IVs and which of the original team members I should still use? Also here's a picture of the shiny Horsea.
  2. I actually have beaten the game today (well, the V12 of the game), though it did took a bit to defeat Ryland. Now I can complete some battles and sidequests, and most importantly, hatch a new team with perfect IVs, though I'm a bit sad to say goodbye to my old team, but it is what it is.
  3. Hmm, I am kinda debating whether I should give my Haxorus Outrage or Dragon Claw. Which one is the best one for this pokemon?
  4. Woohoo, I've defeated Rift Gardevoir! After giving my Sceptile a Magical seed, when activated, activates Trick Room, poisoning Gardevoir and my Tyrantrum being a g, I was able to defeat her. Now the hardest is gonna be in V13 with the return of Angie (WHY HAVE YOU RETURNED FROM WENCE YOU CAME).
  5. 1. I kinda can't grind, because I'm in the Badlands and the only Audino trainer I know in this part of the story is in the past, Hiyoshi City, the place where the Rift is. 2. Where is a move relearner in this part of the game? 3. Sky the Altaria has Natural Cure. 4. Leaf Blade is OP. If you are worried about Lime the Sceptile's moveset, you can give some helpful tips about a good moveset (if you have, of course). I actually don't know if my dragon team has a good moveset.
  6. Here is my team right now: And these are my pokemon in my PC: (can't use Silvally, because Dragon Memory doesn't exist)
  7. Hello, everyone, I am indeed still alive and I'm back. I have not been writing for quite a long while, because I was playing a new game and I was taking a break from Rejuvenation. Now I have come to ask for help on ,probably, the hardest battle for my mono team besides Angie, Rift Gardevoir. This thing is busted and it gave me a lot of trouble on my second playthrough of this game. So I have come for tips about how to defeat this Rift pokemon and what kind of members should I use against this battle. Also my only new member is an Axew, but I can't IV train it, because HM Fly is accessible after that battle. May you have a good day.
  8. It was refreshing to have a Ampharos on my team and now I am gonna catch Turtonator to have diversity in my team.
  10. 1. The seeds: I have one Telluric seed, two Elemental seeds and one Synthetic seed. 2. I don't have any fire type tm's that work on my pokemon, but I have Brick Break and Brutal Swing that could work against Angie I think.
  11. An Exeggcute (I still haven't evolved it into a Alolan Exeggutor), Noibat and Type: Null, but dragon memory still doesn't exist in the game yet. I am gonna somehow try to Monty Python my way to defeat. I will report if something happens.
  12. In EV's Sceptile: High physical attack and defense Noivern: High physical attack and speed Noivern: High physical attack and speed Noivern: High special attack and speed Dragalge: High physical attack and special defence Alteria: High speed and special attack Tried my best to have a good team.
  13. Good day, everyone. I'm back........again. I am now gonna face Angie, the ice type gym leader and the nightmare of my dragon mono playthrough. I really have no idea how to face her, because Turtonator isn't available yet and I *four* pokemon four times weak against ice. If you are still here, helpful tips will be very welcoming.
  14. Good day, everyone, I'm back. I'm now trying to look for a Exeggcute, because it evolves into Alolan Exeggutor, but for the life of me, I cannot find it. The pokemon location guide says it can be found on Terajuma Jungle or Terajuma Shore, but I ran around in the grass and never encountered one. Does it appear in day time or in the morning? Or is it just very rare to find? Edit: Nevermind, I have found the beans. They are encountered in day time.
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