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Evi Crystal

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Evi Crystal last won the day on June 30 2024

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497 Altruist

About Evi Crystal

  • Birthday 08/07/2001

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  • Location
    Somewhere in a distant place far, far away...
  • Interests
    Pokemon (Fangames), Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Sonic & Mario, Drawing, Rambling about my OCs, Sleeping

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    Evi Crystal#8276
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  1. Welp, guess school duty is calling me from this week and I have tons of work to do. And with all online due to the quarantine and my class will be going back on June📚📖📝


    So I'll be absent due to that, but I'll working on my Chronicverse project, so don't worry😊

    1. Just A Cool Fella

      Just A Cool Fella

      well good luck for that, lots of homework isn't fun. I really enjoyed your fanfiction, you're quite the talented writer. Hope everything goes well for you

    2. Aphelli


      Yes, homework can put quite an abrupt stop to activities like fanfiction writing. Good luck with that! (and we’re not worried for the fanfic: Reborn E19 is probably going to take six months at least and everyone is hyped, so we can wait for a week!) 

      I’m in a similar situation (my homework being “only” a master’s thesis), but I have to reboot my computer each time I switch, so that damages my will to write during the week. 

    3. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Really? Six months? Okay, I'll understand this, so I don't need to be worry about it😁

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