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Evi Crystal

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Evi Crystal

  1. I mean "Alternative Story" with a different timeline Aus
  2. Okay then, but I'll be patient and not bother anymore. Thanks for that
  3. I also come here to join here and I'm saying... I'm very sorry, that I plagued you with endless questions etc. about the Ep19 and didn't know you were working on another fangame (though it was an anime or something). It's must be very tired and hard Also it's our fault as fans- like a few there said- we pressure you the development team instead of appreciate years of hard work. It's admirable Mainly it's because, that the hype is currently over 9000 on us and we cannot wait, what's going to happen next. The feeling, when you planned at one part, which will grow into more excitement but then suddenly, the part/chapter/episode ends at the most crucial point and then we have to wait like ages to get the finale- leaving us with lots of questions. But I'm still hoping, that perhaps it will release at this year or maybe at the beginning of 2021. Judging by this timeline But let's just advice the people and ourselves, to take a break from frequently asking the same issue and wait awhile till the time is round like a full moon
  4. Feeling the tension is coming up in the orphanage and I'm thinking Gabriel will pay the price again, because of how messed up things are. Also wonder, how is your universe's situation plot? Reading the story again, makes me think that Gabriel is a honest and trying to be more civil, but becoming an unwilling "accent" in the battle against Team Meteor and he's just trying to stay out from major trouble, but gets into more (like with the events in Beryl Ward).
  5. Kinda ask you one question: Which is better? Fangames or Canon ones?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Same a questionable comparison there😅

    3. Aphelli


      Then again, consider this: 😀

      Canon Pokemon games are pink and nice and have so much potentiality but are rather bland when it comes to it. They're clearly Mew.

      Fangames (at least most of those I know) are optimized for better battles, they are far darker and edgier... even though they're organically based on canon games. They're clearly Mewtwo. 

    4. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Thinking about it. The Mew Duo's characteristics are clearly representing that of the compasion you just made

  6. And here we go.... I really hate that part when this happened. So wonder, why Kenneth suppressed his emotions
  7. I really love Kenneth's backstory and all those cute memories, but it makes me what to kill Freya for her actions to him. Poor Kenneth, he deserved better. So Amber's and Venam's families
  8. After an eternity of absence here, I announced that I'll return for continuation of my blog, but I'll NO longer posting my fanfictions there, since sensitive content is strictly forbidden and mine works fit this category sadly. After that, a good friend of mine and Amethyst recommended me to continue my series in another forum, where it's acceptable and I followed there advice (special thanks again for Amethyst and Azzie). Also here are a few points, what will happen to my AU project series: Currently I write my Chronicverse stories in Ao3, where I made my account there. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25439866/chapters/61939936 For other stuff like character infos, OC's, a Chronicwikipedia (like info for Chronicverse) and other stuff will be posted there in my blog. Example Reborn's locations: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/52256-reborn-city-co-chronicverse/?tab=comments#comment-909324 Aside that, I'll post other stuff like Desolation and Full Moon topics, so I can help and improve those fangames with my artistic help. Help those games with their developments (shout out to Full Moon, who need support). Your fellow blogger Evi Crystal
  9. Nice touch! Similar to mine story and your protagonist seems to care, but sadly- as you put in- his actions aren't good. Also feel bad for him for getring involved in such circumstances. Hope he'll be okay. Also for my story, like you... I don't follow my schedule as well, due to doing lots of applications for jobs (my old one got closed down). Kudos for your story
  10. Jesus Christ! Flannery was pretty the savage one there.... It scared me, because Flannery would never do that in my opinion *shivers*
  11. The plot is decent, yet I'm getting goosebumps of whats coming next.
  12. Info Trainer Class: Observer/Gym Leader Gym: Starlight Gym Format: Double Battles Field: Psychic Terrain Pokemon Team Name: Gothictelle "Selene" Level: 89 Ability: Competitive Item: Leftovers Moveset: Future Sight, Dark Pulse, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt Name: Gardevoir "Hikari" Level: 89 Ability: Competitive Item: Gardevoirite Moveset: Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Psychic Name: Slowking "Asmodeus" Level: 92 Ability: Own Tempo Item: Light Clay Moveset: Reflect, Light Screen, Heal Pulse, Wonder Room Name: Beheeyem "Benedikt" Level: 92 Ability: Synchronize Item: Light Clay Moveset: Reflect, Light Screen, Calm Mind, Confusion Name: Metagross "Metalion" Level: 95 Ability: Clear Body Item: Leftovers Moveset: Meteor Mash, Giga Impact Calm Mind, Flash Cannon Name: Musharna "Shimmer" Level: 95 Ability: Synchronize Item: Choice Scarf Moveset: Moonblast, Calm Mind, Psychic, Moonlight Strategy: Her team varies in two parts in her doubles, aside being most special oriented: The defensive line with increasing their defenses; preparing for attack and the offensive line with using their attacks, boosted by her respective field. They paired up, so the defensive one supports it's offensive partner (for example: Slowking's Reflect + Light Screen, while Musharna's combination of 2× Calm Mind and Psychic/Moonblast). Additionally Future Sight might also be a threat to opponents due to the field and Calm Mind. Quotes Before the battle Greetings challenger, I'm Crystal- the Psychic Gym Leader of Starlight City. As the seer of Infinity and Beyond, I observe humanity's activities and it pains me to see such corruption and hste in this world. So many souls and life disappeared because of selfishness and cruelty. It just terrible, isn't it? All hopelessness and despair... However I can sense a strong light filled with hope and determination inside your soul and mind. Are you different from the creatures of corruption? Are you perhaps someone, that can make- even with smaller steps- changes? Then prove yourself in this trial of observation with the power of your mentally. After sending out last Pokémon Mental health is equal to physical health. You must always keep them on line for improvement or else your lose the balance. Being defeated Seems like you won this trial and proved yourself, but will it be same in the future? General afterword I see... You determination and strength were proven to my eyes in this battle. So according to the League rules, you shall receive the Sync Badge. The Sync Badge enables your Pokemon's royalty up to Level 100 maximum. Also here's another gift from me (hands out TM4 Calm Mind). This Psychic move raises both Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense of any Pokemon, that can use it. It helps to cease your worries, while you focus more on the same time. And with that, I congrat you for completing your Gym Challenge, <player>. However be aware of the Elite 4 and the Champion. They are in much higher position than us Gym Leaders. I wish you good luck for your next page and may your determination shine bright in this world.
  13. Amazing art as always, my friend Cassandra looks very different than her game overworld sprite... Just wow I really love Anju's design though, looking innocent and rather playful
  14. Anybody know how to delete content plz? Have 0 clues how to do that?🤔

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Really? That I'll do that, but who are the moderators again?😅

    3. Candy
    4. Gengar768


      wow i didnt think to do that🤔 tell me how it gose so i could see if they can delete a few stuff for me?

  15. Special thanks for Being Mafia buddies with them: @Newt @Dragoknight @LykosHand @LykosHand @Amine @Chickens @CrimsonDragon21 @Falirion For giving me inspiration for my works and loving theirs: @Ruby Red @J-Awesome_One @Q-Jei @Azzie For giving me the right to see my errors of what I did: @andracass @Hellscythe For being my biggest fan of Chornicverse: @Mindlack For creating Pokemon Reborn in 1st place, helping me loving it and allowing me to build Chronicverse: @Amethyst
  16. This gallery is screaming Perfection, Memes & Pure Cinnamon Rolls all over again
  17. Candy's VS Sprite Portrait looks gorgeous. Great job on that Also I didn't (or did maybe) expect Vanilla to lose against Candy, but I didn't though, that she didn't got her penalty... That's very strange- and kinda unfair for Victoria, Adrienn and Arclight
  18. Very help guides. Thank you so much
  19. So true with them. I was lucky enough to come across a shiny Alolan Graveler 3 times, but when I firstly weakened it.... it always self-destructs
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