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Evi Crystal

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Evi Crystal

  1. This was truly a wild ride in E19 and postgame: So many twists and reveals, some I was right with my predictions and many not so in. It was truly a rollercoaster and my kudos to the dev team. I'm just proud for you guys, dev team
  2. Happy birthday, Angelkitsune!🥳🎁


    Hope you have a pleasant birthday with lots of presents😊🎁

    1. Angelkitsune


      haha thank you Evi, hope u will have a pleasant day too!

    2. Evi Crystal
  3. I'm the substitute for Dark Warrior and going to teach you all how to hock a Gyarados. Would SilverAngelus demonstrate us how?
  4. Nope, but it's me with Blue Moon Ice Cream. I beat Oscarus is also here as well.
  5. After watching a plethora of Ep19 content the last two days and now my brain has lots of ideas for my AU Rebornfic series😀💡


    Yet also with changes thanks to revamps in-game upon Ep19's release😑


    Noted: This changes a lot of Book 2 and Book 3 plot then. (Sign), time to rewrite them, I guess. Here we go🖊📝🗒🗒🗒

    1. Oscarus


      That plot overhaul has shown middle finger to us, right? 


      I mean... I could mix both old and new, with Oscar... being Oscar, to create something wholy unique. 


      It'll be hard - and VERY confusing - but I think it can pass the exams 

    2. Q-Jei


      I realized it too! By chance, it won't force me to change a lot of things to my initial plan as the last episode of my written run stopped right after the raid in Mosswater Factory! Freestyle will most likely remain the best way to keep this type of fictional work fresh. Concerning Flannery, I have no doubt she will have great times ahead. Plus, there is one thing that I've noticed when I went through the different folders of Pokemon Reborn and that motivates me even more for the next parts of my project!


      Do you want to know what I'm referring to?


      Charlotte's backsprite exists! 🔥


  6. So it begins, huh? Finally E19 is released after 4 years. I'm so happy, even if I'm unable to start the game though🙂


    Also Happy Easter Day and Holidays guys🐇🌺

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Legend
    3. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      @SilverAngelus @Dark WarriorYes, that's the reason why I cannot play it. Sorry, I couldn't respond faster but that's true what he said. 

      I can watch the Ep19 content on YouTube, until I get a new laptop to continue from Post-Ep18🙂


      Blame also my full time schedule and other stuff for his maybe


    4. SilverAngelus


      No problem, and I hope you get that new laptop soon!

  7. Let the hype beginn!!! Thank you for all your hard work of 10 years, dear dev team! I'm proud of you all^^
  8. Giving the facts, it's a yes from me. Especially with the horde of Alolan Vulpixs and her love for Popplio/Sylveon. I headcanoned that Ame's family has a strong affinity for Fairy and Dark- Types, so that's not a surprise to me It was a confirmed somewhere- if I remember clearly- that Amethyst did once a Buneary/Lopunny run on a gamethrough. And you find a Loppunite in her office, I bet it's a nice reference. Consider that I made Ame the former Fairy Gym Leader in my version, before becoming Champion and had two teams of her position.
  9. *Pops from the PokeBall and makes Evi noises* (Is it a Double Battles? Oh yah! Will Angelkitsune be my partner for this match?)
  10. Goddammit, why do you have to hurt my heart like this. The art looks great, but also heartbreaking I swear that's how I imagined myself when playing the route first.
  11. I cannot wait to start ep19, because the hype is real now^^ I'll start a second file after I'm done with my first one But I still don't have a laptop yet goddammit
  12. When I first played Reborn, it was around 2018 with some unfinished playthroughs before completing one in 2021 later. Before it was watching some videos on YouTube like MakuBeX, Leo and Dai Laughing. And first I felt a bit hesitant or skeptical, since back then I didn't like the fangames at first (like I abandoned my old play run in Rejuvenation in 2017), but the more I spent time with the Reborn topic... I grew very foundly of the fandom and the characters, which later manifested into a passion project of a AU Rebornfic It also served as a way to relief myself from stress and sort of escapism. And because of Reborn, I could try and watch other Pokemon fangames like Desolation and Rejuvenation V13. It had ups and downs along the way with me, but I felt joy regardless.
  13. My beloved husbando Your art is impressive as always and love the Growlithe adoption scene.
  14. And here I am! *pops out from a random box* And now Candy shall appear leading a horde of Taurous
  15. Street Fighters Mugen, but it's Pokemon
  16. Okay, this was a tense yet amusing chapter for me to read. Radomus really captivated me with his performance (like we knew where it was going), like being the calculated Chessmaster he is. But the punch was kinda unexpected to me, wow.
  17. Changed both profile-and background pics for a nice change

    1. Oscarus


      They're better, imo. 

      Lookin' good

  18. Aya looks so cute as a child and Skelp as well owo Love the background interpretation about how the Wasteland looked like before the whole trash mess
  19. Yikes... Can someone just listen to this poor guy already. I feel bad for Gabriel *hugs him* It was a nice chapter overall, expect for the constant back and worth trust. How is he sane after this and the whole Pyros business? I can feel his sanity sinking with every chapter
  20. To be fair, I like both your old and the new interpretation of yours for Ame's team, especially with the inclusion of Aevium Lapras (is a very good mon in Rejuvenation). Also the analysis was a good point and well made, given you must've be very good in competitive gaming
  21. Oh yeah, how did I forgot about these ones! It could be possible for grunts to use them as well, like Solaris did. Thanks for the reminder
  22. I have a small theory/prediction: What if Kenan got a Naganadel or Silvally like we have one? Or if he uses Fascade, Attract, Substitute or even Double Team? Or now they have the perfect natures for it? Or second: I might agree what Oscarus says here. Plus Karma's a meanie.
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