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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Draconis

  1. There's also the possibility Madame X could be an entirely new character, though it's unlikely.
  2. Well, everyone, I did it. I beat the main game, and I'm well into the postgame already. What a ride.
  3. Gonna leave this last comment before the lock. When E19 was first announced, I was still in high school. Now I'm making my way through college, and honestly? Every last minute of the wait was worth it. It's been a very eventful 4.5 years, and I'm honored to get to be here to see the ending. To Amethyst, the devs, and everyone else here: you're amazing and awesome; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The hype's been a blast, everyone. See you all on the other side. It's been an honor and a pleasure.
  4. Just cleared out my schedule for the week, should be mostly free
  6. Yeah, I was gonna wait for the public release, but I think maybe I'll just get community, I don't think I can take more waiting lol
  7. Well, whichever way you look at it, I'd say we're in the very final hours.
  8. The open beta releases Saturday, if I'm not mistaken. 1 day from now, where I am.
  9. Lmao I may have a decent grasp on competitive play, but no way am I cut out for Insane mode.
  10. Wow, I'm really liking this new fix for the Itemfinder, and OML AEVIAN GASTRODON IS SO PRECIOUS HNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH
  11. On the subject of a potential battle against Amethyst, to me, although it feels unlikely, I think it wouldn't hurt to be prepared. After a bit of poking around, I think I've drawn a few conclusions about her possible team. We already know her ace is A-Ninetales, and I recount a source saying her favorite Pokemon is Sylveon. Additionally, if memory serves, during the starter egg quest, it's mentioned that Amethyst likes Popplio, so I believe she could have a Primarina. The fact that we receive an Absol belonging to her tells me she won't use only Fairy types, which makes sense. My theory is that her team is a mix of Fairy and Dark, though I could be wrong.
  12. That reminds me, will there be any Mega Stones in the postgame or will they all be available before the Elite 4?
  13. Really looking forward to finishing this game. It's been one hell of an awesome ride.
  14. Yep. I'm gonna miss checking on here daily lol
  15. The first time I played Reborn was around the time shortly before Episode 18 came out. I had seen videos of it on YouTube and grew interested. Playing through was quite the struggle, but as I progressed, I learned all kinds of things, from battling strategies to even some pretty good advice. I may have started very late, but I'm happy... happy to have been able to enjoy this experience with the rest of you.
  16. Well, that battlefield is either for Anna or the final boss. Calling it now.
  17. The beta testing has officially begun. This is it, everyone.
  18. So this is it... the moment I, and so many other people, have waited years for, is finally close at hand. It's finally time for the finale. Ame, Cass, all the rest of the devs, your game has truly amazed me. Reborn is one of the games which best helped me better understand and experiment with competitive strategies. And your work also inspired me to learn game making to try my own hand at a fangame, at some point in the future. Thank you for everything. Sorry if that came off as weird or anything, just wanted to say it
  19. I hope we get to steal Lin's Pokemon once we beat her lol
  20. Ngl, Lin talkin mad shit for someone who refuses to fight us herself
  21. So, something I was wondering about I'm a little curious why the TMX8 Flash was so well-hidden. Was it that the move isn't that good, so they put it somewhere you wouldn't find unless you went out of your way to or something? Again, just curious.
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