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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Draconis

  1. Haxorus Crest: Gives Haxorus Steel-type and boosts Atk. It also changes all Normal-type moves into Steel-type.
  2. I wonder what other attractions Labradorra will hold?
  3. Holy moly, this is great!
  4. Well, most of Noel's Pokemon have a secondary type, so maybe you could go based on that?
  5. Wait, where are you guys getting Gyarados from?
  6. Now I'm picturing Trump doing the nuh-nuh-nuh thing
  7. So, what do you guys think we'll go into Axis High for?
  8. Honestly, I'm amazed at how much work you've been doing, cass. Your commitment is definitely something to be admired.
  9. I wonder what the Dreamyard is gonna be like
  10. A couple questions regarding TMs: 1. I noticed on the wiki that there's a TM104 Douse. What is that move and when will it be available, if at all? 2. How many TMs do you intend to put in the game by the final version? 3. Do you intend to make Breaking Swipe a TM? Sorry if these have been asked before.
  11. It just occurred to me, how will we evolve Koffing into G-Weezing? Will there be like a special item or something?
  12. Out of curiosity, will there be a way to get Magikarp at some point in the game? I know Jan said he doesn't like Magikarp, and I don't want to be a bother, but it's just been bothering me that there hasn't really been a straight answer to the question.
  13. To be honest, I'm really looking forward to the new battle backgrounds. The ones that were shown really knock the old ones outta the park! That said, I wonder if there's going to be a complete overhaul in battle backgrounds, or if they're going to leave some as is.
  14. omgomgomg my heart is beating out of my chest I'm so pumped
  15. Ah, if I may ask, will we be given an explanation as to what Kyogre and Groudon are doing in Aevium sometime soon?
  16. I wonder what the PULSE Camerupt and Hypno would have looked like.
  17. Oh thank god. I feel like whatever's on that top floor, I'm gonna need it.
  18. Hey quick question, will the last department store sticker be postgame or not?
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