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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Draconis

  1. Er... So, how about those cards? Any ideas what they might be for?
  2. That's... actually a really good point. Although, I think that Eclipse has established that people do want to break away, but can't due to Sirius. Honestly, it's a bit too ambiguous for me to decide yet, though I will still take great pleasure in taking down Lin.
  3. Much as I enjoy the story, I'm mainly here for the challenge. Personally, I'm kinda in between on Titania.
  4. OMG these are amazing! I was dying to see art of my boi Kreiss!
  5. Maybe combine the Steelix idea with the picture we saw; we could ride it around to get keys to treasure chests and fight trainers.
  6. So in conclusion, you're saying they are beneficial, but not mandatory. Makes sense to me.
  7. So, judging by the picture of Labradorra Gym we saw, any thoughts on how the gym will play out? Personally, I kind of want to see the Meteors try to stop us from getting the last badge. It'd be a great way of portraying their desperation.
  8. I mean that's kind of a given at this point lol
  9. Yes, and besides, I'd rather the game doesn't end going full edgy mode.
  10. Ooo, I see. Well, guess we'll know once we get there lol
  11. I'm guessing Aevian Snorunt evolves into A-Glalie via level up, and A-Froslass if it's female and a Leaf Stone is used on it.
  12. Same, though I'm keeping my Decidueye and Ampharos.
  13. Mm, I think I'm gonna need to rework my team a bit. Idk if Sharpedo or Camerupt will be able to do much, so I'll probably bring in a stronger Water type and Fire type. Blaziken sounds good, but I still need a Water member. I'm thinking Samurott, I've always wanted to try using it.
  14. If I'm being completely honest, I feel like El will definitely use his Ditto in battle.
  15. Maybe the real bug was the friends we made along the way
  16. I'd like to point out that Corey's death was shown in the gym, which was a callback, not foreshadowing. Now, remember what Shade said: "For forsooth, *from foreshadowed,* only 2 will be taken." I believe this means there is still a chance Lin will die somehow. Not saying it's fact, but I feel it is a very plausible theory, especially given how Shade is. Just a thought.
  17. Wait, that could be it! Either this, or my own theory stands.
  18. I meant rescuing them. I just don't think the game is going to end on a note with a bunch of casualties. Deaths may make the story more deep, but too many deaths and it comes off as edgy, which I highly doubt they plan on doing.
  19. Honestly I feel like the deaths should just stick to what we saw at Shade's gym. Just my opinion tho.
  20. Man, so many things I don't remember seeing, I think I'm gonna go nuts trying to piece it all together.
  21. I'm sorry, where did we get gold and ivory keys from?
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