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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TGuilerrr

  1. Hi, That is a good catch! Once you do the railnet renovation there actually is no location to get Shroodle nor Grafaiai. This is an oversight and will be amending in 3.0! Can't say I've ever seen anything remotely similar to this... possibly a debug issue? If you could explain what happened that led to this (any unsual pathing or choices) that would be great, thanks! It does not. I did not want to give Ice the Defense boost due to how strong it is, let alone the chip and Defense boost. It still does on a few fields and in the future I will probably shift it over to Snowscape fully... maybe.
  2. Hi! The gen 8 and gen 9 Pokémon with missing locations are due to them being Pokémon which will be obtainable in post-game which has not been edited yet. Post-game content is planned for 4.0! For the Gen 9 DLC, as Yang was created beforehand, all Teal Mask and Indigo Disk content is being added in 3.0 alongside the update to 19.5! So, currently they're unobtainable. Using the PC sharing mod packs, I have not personally tested nor seen anyone else try to move Pokémon from savefiles from different versions of the game. I know for definite an All Gen save will not work due to the Pokédex numbers being different, however, for a pre-19.5 I imagine there could be a possibility it would work, I would just keep a backup save in case! Hope this helps :) This sounds like a similar problem to something people experienced on v2.6 when catching wild Pokémon. If you are on v2.6, please update to v2.7. If you are already on v2.7, you should revert to a save before catching the Pokemon which are having errors or forcibly release them using debug! If this does not help your issue I'll get back to you asap!
  3. Good day to you both! This was quite a widespread issue in v2.6 and so I've now released a v2.7 to fix this, alongside a few other things. And, as a broader message to everyone I realise I said I probably wouldn't release v2.7 however I really wanted to get out something I whipped up literally in one night! A few friends of mine were playing through and, as I've heard many times from feedback, were finding it difficult to keep track of entrance effects changing types, abilities and such. So... I've implemented DemICE's Inspect feature (that you most likely know from Rejuv)! This is a pretty big feature in itself so I believed it deserved its own patch, but also stamping out some of the worse bugs in the process is always a bonus~! Enjoy<3! (I won't comment on the possibility of a v2.8 this time)
  4. Hi!! Battle Music Pack Extra Features.rb should be placed in the Mods folder within the Data folder. trainertypes.dat should be in the Data folder. trainertypes.txt is purely used as documentation/development so can be placed anywhere! Hope this helps!!!
  5. Hi! The latest version v2.6 is out and fixes all problems with 19.5.0 prompts! I'd also like to take this post as an opportunity to post here about what I said on Discord in regards to v3.0 and the future of Yang's development: I want to make a little announcement that v3.0 is indeed going to be the subsequent update in which Yang will be updated to 19.5. However, this not only will require huge amounts of work to get the 19.5 codebase up to Yang's (especially AI wise) but also lots of new content will be added with the Gen 9 DLC alongside a revamp of every Pokémon's moveset. So, I would not expect Yang 3.0 to release anytime soon, please be patient with me! Furthermore, I am currently working on Pokémon Azure and some other projects with other dev teams and so Yang is currently on the back burner. If anything urgent pops up in v2.6 I may release a v2.7 to make the game as stable as possible whilst I'm off working on other things! Thank you all for playing though :)) for my first ever coding project this has been more than I ever anticipated, and I've loved every second of it!!<3
  6. Hi! There currently isn't but I can add a section to the spreadsheet with this information. The most notable ones off the top of my head of these include Croagunk Silver Ring -> Dolomite Cave. Nincada Malchous MEgg -> Byxbysion Wasteland. Hawlucha Route 2 -> Ametrine City. Thank you for the kind words <33 This error is due to the PZ2 mod. This isn't the first conflict I've found with the mod so I'm going to remove it from the compatible mod section. If I can get permission from Pyrolusite I will likely make an edited, compatible version for the 19.5 version of Yang in the future. Hello! This is a very good catch and I've fixed it for the next update (v2.6)! Seems no one has tried to use a Dive Ball in Yang since its release nearly a year ago :o! I do not at this current time. v2.6 is already slightly behind schedule due to me starting university and so v3.0 (the 19.5 update) will take much longer too. I don't have much time each day to work on Yang as much as I used to :(. But, keep your eyes out in the Yang Thread in Discord because when I am making progress for it I will be posting there!
  7. Hi! 1. Currently gen 1-7 mons have USUM movepools for the most part, but some have added moves to their levelup sets to accommodate for the fact of gaining access to a new move or a move via mirror herb breeding for example. However, in v3.0 I am going to be redoing all of their movesets for the most part (pray for my sanity) to update to Gen 8/9 - depending on latest appearance - and to incorporate cut moves and past gen moves. 2. standardEVs is illegal for the challenge because it removes the EV cap and so means you have an advantage against the trainers who keep the EV cap up until level ~50! 3. New random encounters are very varied! Some encounters have a low percentage, or are at a specific time of day, similarly to All Gen. However, not all of them have this case - for example Nickit in one of the alleyways has a great encounter chance. Unfortunately, when you have ~900 Pokémon to fit in these maps there are some that are bound to be rarer than others, but the lowest possible probability is 2%, so it's not *too* bad. Furthermore, there are some new maps in Yang to allow for more encounter space for these Pokémon and so that helps keep the probabilities manageable!
  8. Hi, very sorry! This has been a known bug for a while now and it is fixed in v2.3 which should be out later today, unfortunately everyone uptil now who has encountered this thus far has been in the Discord so I have been able to give them a hotifx! Sorry for the problems, it'll be out later!
  9. Hi, this is a known bug that is running rampant in v2.1 D: I'm now in the process of uploading a fix to this, and numerous other bugs!
  10. Hi! There is a doc in the making for Monotype encounters and Trainer battles for Yang! One of the main goals for v3.0 is updating to 19.5, so I imagine that will happen sometime next year, once 19.5 is fully polished. Hope your Steel mono goes well! Feel free to join the thread in the discord: https://discord.com/channels/112443923003084800/1149014634980974732 and post updates on your run <3!
  11. This mod is now a separate Reborn Game on its own, before v2.0 there used to be two way of downloading - Patch ('mod mod') and Separate Reborn Download - but due to v19.5 changing a plethora of things, there is now only a separate download to avoid confusion from people trying to patch v19.5 with this mod, as it would crash. I can write some brief installation instructions if you believe that would help! :) TG
  12. This is a bug that occurs due to having EXP mods in your mod folder. The one that has been reported to cause this contains the words MonkeyPatched if memory serves. Hope this helps!
  13. 01/06/2024 Intense Mode Release! With intense mode's release, I challenge everyone to take on the Reborn league with power like noneother! With the AI Improvements, unique Entrance Effects and hugely improved teambuilding, test your skills and endurance - because there will be suffering (you all asked for it!!) - against the latest difficulty update for Reborn! Please create tierlists for the gym leaders using: https://tiermaker.com/create/pokemon-reborn---gym-leader-tierlist-559122! Everyone's opinion matters and will be used to help balance! Make note there is now an Entrance Effects.txt file in the PBS, which can be used to look through what Entrance Effects do. Some are less obvious than others - but will be remedied in the future when the Inspect Feature is added! Ultimately, good luck and have fun!
  14. Hi! Sounds like you've done it correctly! Take base Reborn PBS, copy paste the extra trainers from the bottom of Yang and then compile. It will work soundly~. However, in the next update, I will warn you, the trainer.txt has doubled in length due to Intense Mode, but if you stay on Normal mode you should have no errors with your current .dat file!
  15. Hiya! For this you need to ensure you have renovated the island. Once you have, you will be able to find two dive spots at the very south area of the island. Hope this helps :)
  16. Hi! You would just edit the PBS like you normally do in the main game, nothing changes apart from the fact that there are just more moves :)! Online is not supported within this mod due to it being Gen 8 + Gen 9. There are lots of Pokemon, items etc. that do not exist in the main game and thus cause a plethora of problems when attempting to connect. Hope this makes sense :)!
  17. These are all listed on the Information Document, but for your convenience, here is the details for Sliggoo-H: Sliggoo-Hisui: Evolve Goomy in Apophyll Cave or Pyrous Mountain I believe this is happening because the Electric Terrain field is up, which, as mentioned on the Information Document, nullifies the recoil of Kaboom. I am aware that not everyone reads the whole of the Document to see the specific field changes, so in v2.0 all the field notes have been updated, even with 3 new ones for the new fields. It was planned for the end of February however it is proving to be very hefty on the teambuilding side of things, especially with exams coming soon. I can confirm that every single "Boss Battle" has been completed, but general trainers and sidequest trainers are being worked on. I would anticipate playtesting to begin in the next couple weeks, meaning, to give myself enough time to polish everything, I would expect it in the latter half of the month of April at the latest. Touch wood. :P
  18. Hiya! In regards to these two posts, details on the moves, stats for megas, encounters etc. can be found in the Information Doc on my original post or pinned in the thread on Discord. To the first specifically, 2.0 is the Intense Mode patch. It has a plethora of bug fixes, some new encounters, lots of balancing, updated field effects and notes; and most importantly the Intense Mode with an upgraded AI based on Rejuv v13! Post-Game content is planned for 4.0 onwards. :) Thank you for the report! This is now fixed and added to 2.0
  19. Hi there! I've been unable to replicate this bug and I've asked around and found no one who has the same issue. The best I can do is advise to re-download the latest version, and at the very least it will definitely not be a bug present in v2.0 which is releasing in a few weeks. If the problem persists please reach out! :)
  20. Hi! Thank you for playing the mod :)! This bug is listed in the known bugs already (found in the Changelog spoiler) and will be fixed in the next patch!
  21. Thanks for this! This bug is already fixed ready for next patch. I'll be sure to add it to the known bug list!
  22. Hi! Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot :)! This is a known bug and is fixed in the next patch (v2.0). If you wish to use Dragapult with Dragon Darts, note it does function correctly in singles as the bug is only present for doubles. For this, you are just at the wrong part of the railnet! You need to travel to the dark part where the Arons are. This is accessible through the slums at first, and then you can pull a switch to access it through the normal railnet! Hope you enjoy the rest of the mod :)
  23. Hi! If you have downloaded Reborn Yang v1.1 in its entirety then the patch is not necessary. The patch is there for those who wish to update their game to a newer version, or to apply to a clean, vanilla Reborn folder to turn it into Reborn Yang. To install it, press the link and unzip it in your files. Then, take the contents and put it into your Reborn folder, ensuring to accept all prompts to replace files. A save file from Reborn being used in Reborn Yang should function just fine, however using that file back in vanilla Reborn will have a lot of errors. Although, I would be careful as some new variable checks (for example activating Charoite Grotto after Serra) may be missed if your save is too far through the game. Any more issues feel free to respond to this or DM me on discord @tguilerrr.
  24. Thank you for this feedback, all of the things mentioned here are fixed in the new patch! In addition, PBS is now attached too for anyone who wishes to access that!
  25. I'll include the PBS on the post in the next update! For now, if you would like them please DM me on Discord~
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