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12 Fledgling

About xSilas

  • Birthday 07/29/2002

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  1. Wow this is a really cool challenge, and also proof that you don't need to grind in this game lol.
  2. So I wanted to finish up all the quests before I go to the circus and when I got to the Beldum event the healing machine is no longer taking my data chip. I've got a data chip in my bag but talking to the healing machine in Byxbysion wasteland doesn't do anything. Was the Beldum event moved or am I doing something wrong?
  3. You probably shouldn't rename the file since the game probably uses the name as a check for what to look for
  4. Their is an egg early in the game in jasper ward that has a 5% chance to get larvesta. If you haven't gotten the egg yet you can reset for the larvesta
  5. I was breeding for a good Roselia and got 2 perfect ones in a single set. So if you want it just reply Look at that gorl. It also knows sleep powder and giga drain as egg moves. Just reply if you want it First come first serve
  6. I'm not to sure what the issue would be then. Try posting the error on the pokemon essentials forums
  7. So the reason it says wilditemrare is because it's the last possible data defined for the species the compiler went through and saw that nothing matched so it said that that's the error. I went through and looked at the formatting and nothing stuck out to me. If you've made changes to misdreavus I would undoing them and putting each one back in one by one so you know exactly which line is messed up. Make sure your commas and spaces are all correct as well that's a common mistake I make Oh and yes section 455 means 455 in the pokedex, something about misdreavus code is messed up
  8. I recently opened pokemon Reborn up and badda bing badda boom I have access to debug now and I have no idea what I did to gain access to that. I have the PBS files of Reborn on my other computer but not on this one so I don't know what triggered this. Does anyone have any ideas? Edit: I closed and reopened the game and debug is gone now I'm just extra confused
  9. So apparently I've been calling Ame candy this whole time. 16:46 is the time where he says the word. In the video he reviews people's Japanese and uses Ame as an example for a word that has different meaning based on the tonality of the word. Just thought this was interesting
  10. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA This man is so perfect just look at him--> Avery is so perfect in every way In all seriousness GameFreaks design team for the people has been making some absolutely stellar designs this gen. What is y'alls favorite human character/character design in pokemon? I think I made mine pretty clear. (I mean N is also hot too)
  11. Yeah I get that, making sure all my tilesets all work together with each other has been a pain in the ass due to the differences between tilesets downloaded online
  12. I'm not actually upset I just thought it was a funny oversight. I can tell you probably didn't use photoshop to make the tiles (oh and that's good to know about transparency)
  13. Woah thanks yeah I'll try that
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