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Everything posted by Kimik

  1. It must be a glitch from you coming back to the mansion in v13 because I thought it was kinda hard to miss, but I restarted a new game with v13. from what I remember, when you point the 4 meloetta statues at each other successfully, you will get a announcement that a door opened. Go up the stars north of the entry, and enter that door witch will bring you to a hallway with three doors. the door on the left should have a green light on it. enter that door in there you get the indedee. That is how I remember it going down but someone can correct me if i am wrong.
  2. i didn't see pinchurin on the list is it available?
  3. so I just got to Narcissa in v13, ummm does anyone know if its possible to get that mismagius? even if its late game I just love its design.
  4. Poison/Fairy type Weak to: Ground, Psychic, Steel Resist: Grass, Fairy, Dark, Fighting(1/4) Bug(1/4) Immune: Dragon This mon is bulky and with toxic + merciless it can both stall and hit hard.
  5. Kimik


    you said it while I was typing this. in the trailer at the end I think the hand position is important. I know the hair color is wrong but I think it could be puppet master. As a master of deception something like hair color could be trivial to him (her/they, I don't really know). but notice how we don't get to see the face and the way the one laying there is in the same position as the puppet master.
  6. Sorry if this was asked before, I don't know a thing about coding and save files. I am getting a new computer soon and don't want to lose my progress in the game. Is there a way to transfer my data from one computer to another? Thanks for any help
  7. Internal testing is the first round of testing yes. also a little off topic (as this is suppose to be game discussion) but I am a math nerd so here is this.
  8. Alpha and Beta testing are named because they are the first and second letter of the Greek alphabet. They represent the numbers 1 and 2 respectively. That means Internal testing is number 0, but the Greeks didn't have zero, instead the Mayans invented it. The Mayan symbol for zero was a turtle shell. So by the naming logic Internal testing should be called "Turtle testing" or better yet Thank you for comming to my Ted talk
  9. I hope I am not going to make you repeat your self if someone already asked you this but can we stack the effects? If I am fighting Nim or Puppet Master could I overlay a misty terrain and hit a Moonblast that deals damage on biblical proportions? And other moves/abilities/seeds that activate from both terrains?
  10. Hi everyone, I used Florinia's quote in a school paper "I might wish you 'Good luck,' however 'luck' is merely an illusory essentialization of statistics, and is neither inherently good nor bad. " and my teacher loved the quote asked me to cite it. Who do I say its by, Florinia or Ame or Pokemon Reborn? its not my quote, I don't want to take credit for it so..... who wrote it? Pokemon reborn being a fan game is really what confuses me on how I have to cite the quote. Any thoughts? Thank you for any help you can give
  11. Wildfire Flareon (Happiness Sun), Sunlight Espeon (Sun Stone), Firecracker Sunkern, Sunflora (Flame Plate Evo/Breed, wild) Chili Petilil, Lilligant (Flame Plate Breed, wild) Magma Armor + Flame Plate = activates Extremely Harsh Sunlight for 2 turns on entry look at all these sun Pokemon I have already started a new game to play with this and all the other amazing features you added. Thank you so much for this
  12. Thanks for the welcomes and replay's everyone!
  13. Greetings fellow Pokemon players, I have been playing reborn for just about a year now and have finally ventured to the forums just recently. I was just wondering what all the dots above peoples profiles mean? Rebornevo is my first forum I have ever been on and I don't have readit or discord so I really am clueless on these kinds of things. Any help is much appreciated Thank you!
  14. Thank you. I can trade anytime today or tomorrow. I will keep the forum open so you can reply whenever fits you best. Also I have no good Pokemon to trade you for them is that still ok.
  15. Do you have a ralts or togepi, they are just so far away in the game. Thank you
  16. yeah, the problem with that is togepi and the corrupted pokeball quests are in neo-reborn. febas needs (waterfall needs I think) I am a Impatient person and want to spend most of the game with this team. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.
  17. I just got to Spinel town and want to make a misty terrain team. I got the Eevee for a Sylveon but now need some fairy types to add. If possible the ones I want most being ralts, togepi, and a febas (marvel scale Milotic yeah). but any good fairy type is greatly appreciated. Thank you! also I don't care about IVs that much just whatever is available.
  18. Thank You! I will find all of the quirks
  19. Thank you for the update. You put time and energy into creating quality content, and for free. I hope I can speak for everyone and say take the time you need to create your amazing work.
  20. I look forward to it. Take all the time that you need to create your amazing work.
  21. Hello There. I know you are busy and love all you have done with Alt forms, but I was wondering if you could make some alt forms that use the sun again. With Charizard getting levitate, Venusaur getting poison heal, and sun Salamance being removed there are no alt form that have sun based abilities. There are many form that have hail, sandstorm, and rain abilities making weather teams a new and fresh experience. I want the same fresh game play for my sun team. I know you are busy so thank you for reading this and I hope you consider my request but in the end just add content that you enjoy creating. thank you.
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